The Injustice tournament that took place just days ago in Moscow at Igromir, Russia's biggest video game exhibition, is over and we can now view some of this tournament footage thanks to Mr. Riddler aka "Aris" at Fighting.Ru. In the tournament video footage it's all about the Flash as all of the Top 4 were using him. We must keep in mind that this is an early build of the game and it for show purposes and it nowhere near the final product. Needless to say there were complaints about the Flash and his speed, but he's the Flash! The footage seems to display many of the Flash's moves that may or may not have been seen before.
Aris also gave a lengthy post about his opinion of the game, but keep in mind that this is a post made in Russian using Google Translate to translate it so it may not be completely accurate.
Source: Fighting.Ru
Aris also gave a lengthy post about his opinion of the game, but keep in mind that this is a post made in Russian using Google Translate to translate it so it may not be completely accurate.
On the first day of the test the game, I was certainly not used to. Management is quite different. Use will not in all MK 4 buttons - it blows, and three 1, 2, 3 (square, triangle, cross). Toe (4) - goes under the "Hero Trait".
Standing unit - Back button, the unit sitting - the button down. Accustomed principle and even me. But not yet familiar and profitable to block back to do or not.
I liked the arena, they are long enough extension to other arenas. Beat in charge for access to another arena, the way he lingers as Chardzhev Cage or Sub Zero is back + 3, and each character are different in animation. We Flesch - is swirling foot cyborg have hefty hand, the rest I do not remember. When selecting a new arena - I mean this entire period - lives removed enough, and 20% do not reach exactly demedzha. Combos demolished, piece of cake, half of the ruler. Dechy each character has their own, the Flesch very cool dash and really like the sergeant wrote krabtso - during desa characters are vulnerable, at Desh Flesch sharp But three times to get to spit in my vzglya here deshi more sweeping rather than in microns, where you can dash cancel in the block, and handle dzhaglit as Jax, Cage, Kung Lao, Wolf, Sonia, Tsung, well, you know. and here it is easy to make a dash and all failed ... Arena colorful graphics I liked a few minor characters in contrast to MK9. Sedentary not quit, and sedentary - automatically in the block. So don `t know why shots will be needed))), and take away both the MC = 11, 12%
The game starts from the MK9, but do not compare it to say "just like u" - not nearly as nichrome microns.
I noticed naprygi their lsozhno make to the end we do not understand. Edinsvennoe that make it simple to do and it is an absolute safe nabloke - it napryg Flesch from a distance! and not through perepryg behind as the MC - it napryg + Triangle. I have learned it to fall into the hot carcass in a hit even in the unit - guarantee of continued pressure =), but it is not linked, personally I have never received and I saw that the King too. Napryg + triangle does 3 hits, glowing legs Flash (animation).
Others we almost did not try. I know that Solomon Grundy is just mega medlyachy character which I have yet ... vstrechel Nightwing slow and it sucks when he jump an entire stick (toggle stick to separate two - toe (4)). Wonder WOMAN I did not take. Cyborg tried, good character but did not understand how to play yet, a lot of projectiles. many deficiencies on his part, does not extract as demedzh Flash in this build. Batman - try it, I know that the slide kick anseyf unfortunately, a good zoner, harpoon to a full screen. and also harpoon anseyf this build - Flash Easily punish. Ultra fast at all, the Batman - anblokabl ultra low and when there is an ultra animation if you are at this time on earth you will have time to simply push a block and ultra sblochitsya to cheer. Nikai armor here, no rekaveri rolls unfortunately, no binning, ie you can not rest up, and of course there is no wake-up attacks, which konencho missing. King of the opposite opinion - let it be an advantage at that who did knockdown. Wild demedzh chip, just pieces of life tears easily).
Veydzhem Krabtso wrote about everything as on the shelves. Advantage for the one who does not wager. And correspondingly this bet where you bet meter, bet some. For the use of wagering removed two scales. Hope to finalize it competently. so far as it is crooked, but with the idea to wager - great.
Linking beats speshaly same as in MC. Unfortunately there remains Negative Edge and it spoils a lot ... There is some discomfort for the flush: you're sitting in the lower block (button down) and you make purchasing. say, you can often go Chardzhev (down down) and you will be a time in disedventedzhe, there is a clear Panishev by 40%.
Pokey all persnazhey different, Batman and Superman imyuet uppercuts, Flash has other Pokey - has uppercut.
Choice of characters - a good idea, like all screensavers. Maine will in any case a flush. But I will find imbalu. And so will test both and wanted the Green Lantern and Scarecrow (if it will be). The rest is revered in post Belial.
I protest that blows with a meter - and they work. Spent meter by Sonic Pound (d f +3), Lightning Kick (d f +1) and the usability of our most beloved Lightning Charge (b f +1).
Lightning kick ekzovy is tough - demedzha approximately at 30% right! if not combo - this is imbalanced by God ... Ekzovy Sonic pound - is a combo, but launchit enough away from a flush. Lightning Chardzhev ekzovy launchit and leads into a combo of 55%. Animation seen on the video. I probably will write a separate post it with a combo.
When I said that the King can do Ekzovye version - and raced tests comb))). This case was on a Friday afternoon. A human when I was driving, I think Che meter will not spend, I think the dike will test - and bam demedzh hello!))). Also:
I protest and also are linked Pokey Pokey (except steps Flesch d +3) co speshalami. Flash while (d +1) fast. approximately 7 frames eye, animation Pokey like barracks d +3, the Sector 3 d, the scorpion fish d +3. She has a good hitbox, what jumps out hurt. King said - test, and found Infinite d +3 ~ Flying Uppercut Friday. Ie dick jump out. On Saturday, the test - jump out, he and I jumped in the resurrection - again not jump out))), shorter thoroughly never know, jump out or not. But I'm leaning closer to this: there must pridrochitsya to jump correctly, ie, yes, you can call it psevdno Infinite with krablom it will pass. Strangely I yuzal it in Freeplay. but Faile in the tournament (((.
We only Flesch accumulates meter with Chardzhev rack, others hurrying ever gets into power, the hit or just do on viff - not hoard meter. Ekzovy hurrying to get then!, When he got into a hit! If you did ekzovy hurrying into the block with the push buttons R2 - you have not spent the meter and you're in a good position ... These are real in Imbali 10000000000 times the MK9. Poor Kabal, he's not around at all costs.
I started to do now - hustling while hurrying. And found with King, that if hit until the hit with Flying uppercut - it's a combo on at least 40% of the sort, or 47%, can not remember ... and on the block - ala pseudo Infinite. You have it. It is impossible to carry out such Turik, definitely.
Source: Fighting.Ru
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