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Non emo rant :D


XBOXLive: BettySwallaux
So to start, im not gonna get all emo on ya, but im gonna tell you my story, pretty depressing, but not emo :D ..

So about 2 and a half years ago i start coughing up blood, feeling tired all the time and losing a lot of weight. I had been in a job for 7 years at this point and with my future wife for 3 years already and life was about to take a turn for the worse..

I woke up and went to work, scared to tell anyone that i had been coughing blood and feeling exhausted all the time i tried to power through the days, but it just got to much and i went to the doctors. She made me temporarily quit my job cos she was concerened due to me being a smoker. I had a blood test which came back PERFECT, so i went for a chest/lung xray, that also showed nothing (although they said there was alot of wheezing around my lungs). The fatigue i felt kept me from going back to work, it got so bad that i actually started to faint if i didnt sit down soon. Then came the pain, my dog would crawl up onto my lap and as her paws dug into my musle i felt extreme pain.. I was back and for to the hospital for blood tests, then my mental health took a turn for the worst, I was put on medication for depression and anxiety. Me and my wife decided to get married but soon my illness took a toll on that to, seeing me ill and depressed all the time pushed her away from me, and she blamed herself. She ended it and i went to stay with my sister, finally after years of testing my condition was given a name "fibromyalgia" but they couldnt answer why i was bleeding from coughing... as well as other areas (ill leave that to your imagination). I play mortal kombat now and meet great people online cos of this game, and this great community, and i talk to alot of other players that have problems themselves and its great to know im not alone in the world, so thanks tym for existing, you never know just how much you help a person out.
God, that sounds awful. I'm sorry to hear about that man :( Are you still having troubles?

and wow, I feel the same way about TYM. People in the MK community are seriously fucking great.


XBOXLive: BettySwallaux
God, that sounds awful. I'm sorry to hear about that man :( Are you still having troubles?

and wow, I feel the same way about TYM. People in the MK community are seriously fucking great.
Yeah health wise im still the same unfortunately. Mentally im a lot more chilled out though now (still need to go beg the doctor to tell me im not dying on occations) lol. And yeah its the best community ever! less negativity more positivity man :D


End Of Humanity
damn :( I have obsession with cancer ..... after my dad died a year ago :c I smoke too .... I cant imagine what you must felt if you were coughing blood : /


XBOXLive: BettySwallaux
yes but I have become obsessed with cancer;/ Every symptom I experience I feel is some cancer ....;/
Man I know that feeling so much, cause i get so many unexplained symptoms from day to day i often go for blood tests for full blood counts etc.. its terrifying, but dont worry man you'll be ok you just have to learn to deal with your anxieties about it ...


End Of Humanity
Man I know that feeling so much, cause i get so many unexplained symptoms from day to day i often go for blood tests for full blood counts etc.. its terrifying, but dont worry man you'll be ok you just have to learn to deal with your anxieties about it ...
thx man ... :) When I dont think about it its ok but..... if I start im so depressed , im thinking about what if i really got cancer , will i die ? and all this stuff related to it ;/


XBOXLive: BettySwallaux
thx man ... :) When I dont think about it its ok but..... if I start im so depressed , im thinking about what if i really got cancer , will i die ? and all this stuff related to it ;/
I know dude im exactly the same, its hard convince yourself otherwise when your in that state of mind

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
So to start, im not gonna get all emo on ya, but im gonna tell you my story, pretty depressing, but not emo :D ..

So about 2 and a half years ago i start coughing up blood, feeling tired all the time and losing a lot of weight. I had been in a job for 7 years at this point and with my future wife for 3 years already and life was about to take a turn for the worse..

I woke up and went to work, scared to tell anyone that i had been coughing blood and feeling exhausted all the time i tried to power through the days, but it just got to much and i went to the doctors. She made me temporarily quit my job cos she was concerened due to me being a smoker. I had a blood test which came back PERFECT, so i went for a chest/lung xray, that also showed nothing (although they said there was alot of wheezing around my lungs). The fatigue i felt kept me from going back to work, it got so bad that i actually started to faint if i didnt sit down soon. Then came the pain, my dog would crawl up onto my lap and as her paws dug into my musle i felt extreme pain.. I was back and for to the hospital for blood tests, then my mental health took a turn for the worst, I was put on medication for depression and anxiety. Me and my wife decided to get married but soon my illness took a toll on that to, seeing me ill and depressed all the time pushed her away from me, and she blamed herself. She ended it and i went to stay with my sister, finally after years of testing my condition was given a name "fibromyalgia" but they couldnt answer why i was bleeding from coughing... as well as other areas (ill leave that to your imagination). I play mortal kombat now and meet great people online cos of this game, and this great community, and i talk to alot of other players that have problems themselves and its great to know im not alone in the world, so thanks tym for existing, you never know just how much you help a person out.
Gee that's strangely ironic we both have identical medical problems, but I don't have fibromyalgia......nor have they diagnosed me with anything.

Strange your symptoms are the identical ones I mentioned to a select few over the past few years as well.....


XBOXLive: BettySwallaux
Gee that's strangely ironic we both have identical medical problems, but I don't have fibromyalgia......nor have they diagnosed me with anything.
That is strange, you might have it but just not diagnosed, its extremely hard to diagnose and also its extremely rare in men :\


XBOXLive: BettySwallaux
yeah but there is always the possibility that it can really be cancer .... and its worst : /
Well i cant say to not worry cause id be a hypocrite, but you really have to learn to deal with it, or it will waste your life away bro
I have a chronic (no cure at the moment) illness, but after surgery I been doing awesome for past 3-4 years. Got diagnosed in 06.

So I guess I'm in remission, knock on wood. There are rare crappy days though.

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
I think the scale of women to men that get it is 9:1.. do you cough up blood etc aswell or? cause that is apparently nothing to do with my fibro, the docs still dunno why that happens to me :(
Yup...every single symptom you mentioned....nothing more, nothing less. I stopped coughing up blood (as well as having it comes out of "other places") when i switched back to non-menthol and stopped eating ibuprofen on a daily basis. From what i gather , Fibromyalgia can be caused by ticks or mosquitoes transmitting Lyme Disease.....and The Gods know I spent enough time in backwater swamps and tick/mosquito infested places

Eh SnOwY

Doctors didnt find a reason for the blood coughing? :O weird. but that was quite sad to read, hope you get alright! :)
Yup...every single symptom you mentioned....nothing more, nothing less. I stopped coughing up blood (as well as having it comes out of "other places") when i switched back to non-menthol and stopped eating ibuprofen on a daily basis. From what i gather , Fibromyalgia can be caused by ticks or mosquitoes transmitting Lyme Disease.....and The Gods know I spent enough time in backwater swamps and tick/mosquito infested places
They told me I need meds for the rest of my life, I don't take em, I feel fine, plus it's bad to be on meds unnecessarily IMO.


End Of Humanity
Well i cant say to not worry cause id be a hypocrite, but you really have to learn to deal with it, or it will waste your life away bro
yeah but you know how it is .....

Im visiting the psychologist once per week and talk about it ... but it does not help :/ Im starting to think that I got cancerophobia .