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Johnny Cage Guide Feedback

Tom Brady


because he is a character found in the demo lets go over the changes from demo to the final game.

1. :bp:fp no longer lock down for a block infinite.

2. :x juggle combo damage scaled down.

3. :bp:fp has a delay after it.

4. :fp:fk:bp knocks down on hit.

*:bp:fpHIT LEVEL:M,M - 2 mid jabs that are advantage on hit and safe on block. when blocked Cage is -2 on block.

*:bp:fp:r+:bpHIT LEVEL:M,M,M(overhead) - 3 hit string that launches. safe on block. last hit is an overhead so it must be blocked sanding.

*:r+:fkHIT LEVEL:M - safe mid knee.

*:r+:fk:fk:l+:fkHIT LEVEL:M,M,M(overhead) - safe 3 hit string that gives a safe jump on hit. last hit is an overhead so it must be blocked standing. safe on block.

*:l+:fkHIT LEVEL:M - mid kick launcher. punished by safe special on block.

*:r+:bkHIT LEVEL:M(overhead) - mid launcher. is an overhead so it must be blocked standing. +1 advantage on block.

*:fp:fp:bkHIT LEVEL:H,H,M - 3 hit string used ONLY inside combos.

*:bk:bkHIT LEVEL:M,M - 2 hit string used vs crouching opponents or in juggles. on hit vs standing opponents Cage gets a safe jump. safe on block.

*:fp:fk:bpHIT LEVEL:H,M,M - +1 advantage on hit.

*:l+:bkHIT LEVEL: L - sweep that is +1 on block.

*Split Punch:)l:d+:fp)HIT LEVEL:M - classic nut punch move. leaves Cage at advantage on hit. punished by full combos on block.

*Shadow Kick:)l:r:bk)HIT LEVEL:H - third fastest special in the game. unsafe on block or if crouched, punished by full combos.

*Shadow Flip Kick:)d:l+:fk)HIT LEVEL:M - Cage's best wake up move. on block is only punished by the fastest specials in the game, the fastest uppercuts, or characters with a fast :d+:fp.

*Low Force Ball:)d:r+:bp)HIT LEVEL:H in close, M from range - low arcing projectile.

*High Force Ball:)d:l+:bp)HIT LEVEL:H - high arcing projectile attack, mainly used vs players trying to jump over the low force ball or jump from range to close space.

:en MOVES:
*:en Split Punch:)l:d+:fp+:blk)HIT LEVEL:M - same advantage on hit and disadvantage on block as standard split punch only with invincible frames.

*:en Shadow Kick:)l:r:bk+:blk)HIT LEVEL:M - faster, mid, full screen version of standard shadow kick. punished by full combos on block.

*:en Shadow Flip Kick:)d:l+:fk+:blk)HIT LEVEL:M -flip kick into shadow uppercut. very VERY unsafe on block.

*:en Low Force Ball:)d:r+:bp+:blk)HIT LEVEL:H,M in close, M,M from range - 2 hits, low arcing projectile and straight projectile.

*:en High Force Ball:)d:l+:bp+:blk)HIT LEVEL:H,H - 2 hits, high arcing projectile and straight projectile.


*:bp:fp:r:bp String - :bp:fp leaves Cage at -2 on block but should the opponent try to interrupt your pressure after it you can finish the string for a safe launch.

*:r+:fk:fk:l+:bk String - if :r+:fk hits continue pressure or throw. when the knee hits you can also finish the :r+:fk string then and continue pressure. the :r+:fk is also good for another reason, after :r+:fk is blocked Cage is at +2 advantage.

Using :l+:fk and :bk:bk :
you can use :l+:fk to punish players trying to crouch without block or as an anti-air vs ranged jumpers. :bk:bk also works vs players trying to crouch without block and it has more range then :l+:fk and its safe.

Using :r+:bk in Open Space :
this is an overhead so even if someone is crouch blocking they will still get launched. on block this has +1 advantage. your :d+:fp or shadow flip kick is really all you can do to beat out faster attacks.

:d+:bp Uppercut:
Cage has one of the fastest uppercuts in the game. besides that, his uppercut range extends to cover over the top of his head and slightly behind him. from up close.. use it as anti air.. vs cross up jumps live it and breath it.

*the BIGGEST reason you zone with Cage.. METER. your :x is so good that the game changes when you have it.

*when :en low force ball is blocked standing at closer ranges both hits get blocked and Cage has advantage, if you shadow kick or dash shadow flip kick the opponent must block.. they cannot jump, crouch, strike. when this happens you can now use that advantage to dash in and pressure which can also not be interrupted but it can be jumped.

*if the first hit of :en low force ball is crouched and the second hit is blocked Cage is at less of an advantage but from mid to close range dash shadow flip kick still cannot be interrupted, crouched, or jumped.

Random :en Shadow Kicks:
as funny as it sounds, while risky, this can be good to keep your opponent in check and standing even from half screen.

:x Properties:
Cage's :x is a parry that will catch 99% of the moves in the game including up close projectiles. you can even parry other :x attacks. very VERY few :x attacks actually beat Cage's.

Wake Up Attack:
shadow flip kick will be your best and safest option.

Corner Pressure:
in the corner after blocking :r+:bk or :l+:bk sweep Cage has advantage and you cannot interrupt a shadow flip kick or :r+:fk. you can jump out of the :r+:fk but not the shadow flip kick. heres the best part, when the opponent blocks the :r+:fk follow up, Cage still has advantage and the shadow flip kick cant be interrupted or jumped. the only way to interrupt this is if your character has one of the fastest specials in the game.


1. :bp:fp:r+:bp, dash :bk:bk~shadow flip kick or :en shadow flip kick

2. :l+:fk, dash :bp:fp, dash :bp:fp, dash :bp:fp~split punch

3. :l+:fk, :bp:fp:r+:bp, dash :bk:bk~shadow flip kick or :en shadow flip kick

4. :r+:bk, dash :bp:fp:r+:bp, dash :bk:bk~shadow flip kick or :en shadow flip kick

5. (opponent in corner)any launcher, :bp, :bp, :bp, :bp, :bp, :fp:fp:bk~split punch

1. :x, dash :l+:fk, dash :bp:fp:r+:bp, dash :bk:bk~shadow flip kick

2. :x, dash :l+:fk,dash :l+:fk, dash :bp:fp~split punch

3. (opponent in corner):x, dash :l+:fk, :l+:fk, :bp, :bp, :bp, :bp~split punch


I have multiple complaints about the training mode, but before I add another one... is there any way to practice Cage's x-ray combo in training mode without another human player around? Please say something other than AI sparring, because that's really not an acceptable answer... >_>
I'm starting to think that Cage's EX moves shouldn't really be utilized. They only provide a small damage boost and don't really create any more of a screen advantage that the normal specials. I think his meter should just be saved the entire time for the X-Ray counter.

Thanks for the guide!


I'm starting to think that Cage's EX moves shouldn't really be utilized. They only provide a small damage boost and don't really create any more of a screen advantage that the normal specials. I think his meter should just be saved the entire time for the X-Ray counter.

Thanks for the guide!
I disagree. His EX shadow kick is great and his EX d,f+2 is really good against zoners that just want to duck your projectile, since the EX version of the ball goes low and has to be blocked. I've caught people many times with this and in close matches it can give you a win if used right.


I disagree. His EX shadow kick is great and his EX d,f+2 is really good against zoners that just want to duck your projectile, since the EX version of the ball goes low and has to be blocked. I've caught people many times with this and in close matches it can give you a win if used right.
EX Shadow Kick is good for full screen punishment, but against anyone good they really shouldn't be using anything that can be punished from full screen (at least not against Cage). However, even then, you don't get much damage from it and it's really not worth the threat of the x-ray.

EX projectile is kind of pointless. If the opponent is ducking under it, adjust your distance. You should be zoning from a distance where the projectile cannot be ducked.
Yea I said that before playing any real matches. EX Shadow Kick is a really good gap closer. Cage has serious problems against projectile zoners like Sub Zero. I'm sticking with Johnny as my main, but I'm going to learn Nightwolf or Smoke as a counter to Sub Zero and Ermac. His EX fireballs are also pretty good for gap closing, allowing you to dash in while the opponent is still blocking both balls, but depending on who you're doing it on, they could have fast block recovery and do something while you're trying to get in.

I still don't like to use the EX moves unless the extra damage is going to give me the win or give me a serious advantage. Breaker is too valuable in this game to be wasting bars.


How's my volume?
Great guide btw, and holy crap I'm terrible at doing :bk:bk in a combo, 80% of the time the second kick doesn't come out. Guess I'll have to stick with Smoke tomorrow then get back to practicing Johnny's stuff after.


Johnny doesnt really lose or have a hard time against zoners except for maybe shang tsung and MAYBE sub zero for the fact that you can trade hits with subby and he still get a full combo if he's close enough. Any other ranged fighter johnny can stand toe to toe, at the very LEAST johhny will trade hits with any other projectile in the game except for shang and MAYBE kano and stryker ( i havent tested these two, but both have pretty insane speed and recovery) . For those who trade, johnny is better when it comes to offense sense he can simply use a bar of EX to get on them since most characters only receive a stronger hitting projectile while johnny receives two. not to mention the frame advantage you get on it.
and dont get me started on how stupidly good nut cracker is (enhanced nut punch)


The game has just come out, and your comparing a full screen eclipse kick up against an x ray move which isnt really fair. From the looks of it what the guy was trying to do was legit though, hit kung lao from full screen for jumping backward which is understandable. If he had done ANY other move besides xray then kung lao would have been hit no questions asked. so yeah eclipse kick is still a good move. albeit a bit situational but still a good move.


Boob Titbot
Meh, it's okay. It knocks your opponent back pretty far, wastes one bar of meter, and spaces you far enough from the opponent to reset the situation (which you don't want, what you want is to get in on zoners not give them MORE space).

This is of course an example if used as a full screen punish. And yes, if someone can react to it fast enough then it's punishable and can cost you the match.


Your never going to be using eclipse kick on zoners anyway. unless your retarded or just like the way the move looks :7up:

double shadow ball is worth the meter if your fighting a zoner, because of the frame advantage you get with it even on block, letting you mount a close range offense. like i said earlier johnny can go toe to toe with zoners seeing as how he can be played like one as well. yet and still if the manage to get in you can choose to end a combo with shadow kick to get them right back to full screen or you can end it with flip kick to maintain close pressure. Any where on screen your opponent will be..... "Caged" :cool:


Boob Titbot
It's not exclusive to just zoners - that was only one example. It closes space quickly which Johnny must do in order to be effective against the rest of the cast.

And I am saying the ex version of the move is a waste. Read Tom's guide, or better yet here: "it's unsafe on block or if crouched, punished by full combos." It's not worth the risk and as ONE EXAMPLE I posted my video to show you how it could cost you the match.


ah okay i understand you now, but let's be real here what "Good" johnny player will EVER use eclipse kick?


i was saying that if someone jumps at all full screen and you got meter to burn then eclipse kick will get the job done as a full screen punish although a high force ball works better. Showing that an xray move beats eclipse kick isnt fair, was what i was also saying.


yeah, fireballs are usually best, but due to cage's inside speed, you can really just do a bunch of block strings if your ground game is good enough. but if you want to do it safely from afar then force ball is the way to go.


Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
corner combo using one meter -

f+4, backdash 3 xxEX Fireball, 2, 2, 2, 1,1, 1,1, 4,4xxShadow Kick 45%

also, for combo #4, you can add a 2 before the 2,1,f+2 for a bit more damage