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Can you still play other games?


MK Mad Decent
Ok, So since MK9's release it has been like a gift and a curse to me. I was once an avid gamer of RPG's, Shooters, Plat Formers you name it and now I literally CANNOT play anything else without getting bored of it sometimes within a matter of minutes, it actually even seems to make my head hurt. Below is a list of games I've tried since MK9 and how long I lasted playing them.

Mass Effect 2 - 1 hour.
Assassins Creed 2 - 30 minutes.
Skyrim - 5 days.
Saints Row 2 - 10 minutes.
Deus Ex - 1 hour.
Halo:CE - 1 day.
Borderlands 2 - 2 days.

All of these lead back to MK9. I was curious if anyone else has experienced this.


King of the Jobbers 2015
Yeah it happened to me but I wouldn't blame MK, I just don't have enough time to sit for hours to finish a game now, and MK can be played while doing other stuff.


kung lao swag walker
Nah the sims 3 is the game that takes up the most of my time ironically. I will not have a unsuccessful sim


I've beaten MGS1-3, Resident Evil 1-4 numerous times, all while still playing MK9.

I also play AE once in a while.
I honestly can't even play any game for a long period of time, Lol, to be real, Gears of War 1 is like the only game I played religiously. I played 2 often too, but not as much as G1, G3 I didn't play much at all about 2 months since release.

Oh, and World of Warcraft, that's what replaced Gears for me for a while until I just got bored just because I had everything in that game I wanted, but I was super good at it, best Mage on my server.

But when I did play Gears 1, I didn't play much other games, only game that I did play was Bioshock, and before I got Gears I played Oblivion, and on occasion I would play MP games just because friends wanted to.

It's just probably because you're "good" at playing MK online, and you just like the satisfaction of winning and shit and feeling all good about yourself for winning online, SP games don't do that, and you're probably not great at other MP games as you're with MK online on Xbox Live.

I've had Skyrim for about 2 weeks in my house, it didn't even go in my disc tray, I got XBL today, I got off after 10 mins, I stopped halfway through ME2, but I played the shit out of ME1.

Only games I've really enjoyed and completed this generation are Dead Space, Oblivion, Bioshock and L.A. Noire, L4D, H3 , (only because of friends wanting to play Co-Op), I own all CoDs and haven't even touched the SP, same with Halo Reach, games in general are boring, I'd rather do other things, maybe because I'm older now and there's more to life I find interesting to pass my time with, Ionno.


MK Mad Decent
It's just probably because you're "good" at playing MK online, and you just like the satisfaction of winning and shit and feeling all good about yourself for winning online, SP games don't do that, and you're probably not great at other MP games as you're with MK online on Xbox Live.
Jesus man talk about a back handed compliment. And that's not true about other MP games. I was ranked #1 in the world at a FPS called Chaser in December 2005 and won a 2v2 tournament in Halo 2 at WSVG in 2007. So hold that.
Jesus man talk about a back handed compliment. And that's not true about other MP games. I was ranked #1 in the world at a FPS called Chaser in December 2005 and won a 2v2 tournament in Halo 2 at WSVG in 2007. So hold that.

It's 2012 dude, do I still play Gears 1, No.
I agree man totally. I don't boast about it. I'm just saying. I can be good at anything I apply myself to. It's just MK9 has nearly ruined the gaming experience for me. I can't play anything else.

It's because you're good at it! That's why, I played the hell out of Gears 1, because I was super good, my team was good, and for the first seasons on GB my team was top page, I played Gears 2 because I was good at it, I played WoW because I learned and got good, I liked the fuzzy feeling of being top DPS and Mage in WoW, or just boding people in Gears in ranked, Clans and tournaments.

I don't play Gears 3 much, because none of my friends play it, I lost interest in gaming, and the game was designed for scrubs, but I still go HAM in it if I want to, it's like riding a bike.


Up the Irons!!!
Since MK9 came out:

Between 120-200 hours into skyrim
6 or 7 prestiges (think around 9 days total time) into MW3
and probably around 60-80 hours into rb3

those are the only games I've put significant time into but I really wanna go back and play through dark souls


I feel they laced the MK discs with crack, real talk.

Honestly it has been like this for a while with me, I put a lot of games on hold for MK.

I'm going to stop doing that though because there are too many great games that I've left unfinished. MK has been fun, but I need to finish MGS4, P4A etc.


Online Scrub Lord
I can relate to this too. It's kind of getting to the point where I think I've just lost my love for video games or it could just be games aren't what they used to be. I'm slowly losing my love for this game as well playing it less and less and time goes on, but I'm hoping Injustice rekindles my excitement for games again.


I've got around 1800+ hours in my steam games alone but I can only play single player these days. Multiplayer in recent games has just been absolute snoozefests. I haven't actually bought a new game since November of last year though (Dark Souls). Nothing really piques my interest anymore.
I'm too loyal to my Kratos, Noob Saibot and Liu Kang and to drop MK9 for longer than a week. But I am going for another playthrough on Heavy Rain, and starting my first playthrough on Killzone 2. I hope I can finish HR and Killzone 2 before October ends.

It's because you're good at it! That's why, I played the hell out of Gears 1, because I was super good, my team was good, and for the first seasons on GB my team was top page, I played Gears 2 because I was good at it, I played WoW because I learned and got good, I liked the fuzzy feeling of being top DPS and Mage in WoW, or just boding people in Gears in ranked, Clans and tournaments.
You know what? That's likely the reason I'm still playing MK9 even after purchasing it on the midnight of its release. Yay, satisfaction!


Just some bees, please.
I feel they laced the MK discs with crack, real talk.

Honestly it has been like this for a while with me, I put a lot of games on hold for MK.

I'm going to stop doing that though because there are too many great games that I've left unfinished. MK has been fun, but I need to finish MGS4, P4A etc.
We haven't even freakin' got P4A yet! So unfair, can't even import it as it's the first PS3 region locked game like ever! Is the online region locked like MK? Surely not, must be like BB? It would be awesome to get to play you in at least some fighter if we can't play MK. Really want P4A to come out now so I can try escape this curse of mainly spending my gaming time playing (most of the time) shit players on MK online. Every now and then you run into a randomer who is really good and it was all worth sifting through the bad players, but erg, I really do love and hate MK9. Still got MGS3 HD to finish and platinum and MGS3 is one of my fave games ever, but for some reason I just always stick MK in instead.


I only play sports games (FIFA/NBA 2k) etc when my friends are around since they don't play fighting games. Otherwise it's between TTT2 and MK9 for me. I thought as soon as TTT2 came out I'd abandon MK9 but I always end up coming back (and playing on shitty online lol).


Dojo Trainee
Ok, So since MK9's release it has been like a gift and a curse to me. I was once an avid gamer of RPG's, Shooters, Plat Formers you name it and now I literally CANNOT play anything else without getting bored of it sometimes within a matter of minutes, it actually even seems to make my head hurt. Below is a list of games I've tried since MK9 and how long I lasted playing them.

Mass Effect 2 - 1 hour.
Assassins Creed 2 - 30 minutes.
Skyrim - 5 days.
Saints Row 2 - 10 minutes.
Deus Ex - 1 hour.
Halo:CE - 1 day.
Borderlands 2 - 2 days.

All of these lead back to MK9. I was curious if anyone else has experienced this.
there ARE no other games besides mortal kombat. MK's got its hooks in you deep bruh. and i can relate. i can't play other games for very long at all...doesn't feel right. for all its flaws, MK ruined all other games by being so fucking fun...no other game delivers a proper fix now. you're a lifer dude. join the club.