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With TYM being down recently and all of the ship jumping and negativity going on lately, I just want to take a second to reflect and give props to certain people:

1. All of the admins and mods here at TYM. I moderate an unrelated forum and it is basically a thankless job. You have to do it for the love and the community and you guys do a great job. Thanks.

2. All of the people who stream great tournaments and casuals. It's the river we all drink from (see what I did there). Gamerblake90, Team Spooky others who take the time and effort to showcase high level play, Thanks.

3. All the people who post tech/guide vids. Also a generally thankless job, which demonstrates a great love of the game and community. Thanks.

4. The T.O's who continue to feature MK. This game is alive and vital for 1000's of players all around the world. If you build it, we will come. Thanks.

5. The users at TYM who have helped me improve by kicking my ass online and the friends and comrades I've gained who have allowed me to participate in this community. Thanks.

I don't want this community to die. I don't want it's greatest players and personalities to leave. You truly dont know what you have until its gone and its very easy to assume that this community exists by default and forget all of the hard work, dedication and sacrifice necessary to keep it alive.

If this community naturally migrates to TT2 and Injustice until MK 10 comes out, then so be it, but I'll still be here playing MK9 and I hope you will too.

Sent from my jailbroken iPhone using a pirated copy of Tapatalk


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
it was great first playing, adding you and then getting to chill with you on here bro. Here's to many more online fights and forum chats.


I don't think I would be playing MK if it wasn't for 16 Bit, Konqrr, and Mr. Mileena, so props to them.
Ya props to Mr. Mileena! Dude plays me KNOWING that he can't learn a damn thing from me. Just for the fun of it/to help me learn.

Sent from my jailbroken iPhone using a pirated copy of Tapatalk


Here is mine;
I have to thank KevoDaMan for fueling my motivation to become a better overall player as well as a Kabal main. Not to long after I picked him up he told me that I was never going to be a good kabal and called me a reo wannabe. After all of that happened, I made it my goal to become one of the best kabals. I dunno how my progress is going but I'm having fun so far. I still haven't stopped even though I thought about giving up from time to time.

More thanks to the people who helped me level up online. DanCock gets the most thanks from me. Those late night games we had kept my head in the game even though I got blown up. We haven't played in a while so I need to change that. If it wasn't for the guys I played online, I would be still lost and not know what to do with kabal. I owe it all to you guys.

Big thanks to Tom Brady and Blackula for helping me mentally with Kabal. Tom pushed me in the right direction when it came to playing kabal as a complete character. Blackula babied me so many times that it actually helped me. I'd rather lose 100 games in a row to figure out what I'm doing wrong than give up because I'm not getting anywhere. I'll be getting my car this week most likely so expect me to come down to sova often.

I'll be down to play.


The Janitor.
Great Thread 100% agree.
I think the real MK Community is ready to let go of the negativity those who aren't and still have petty problems with the game/community can gladly leave.

I love this game and the community it's time to put a happy face back into it and enjoy playing the damn game.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Pig Of The Hut
Mr. Mileena

If I could tag more, I would, but these are the immediately-come-to-mind Top 10 of people in MK that make me proud and hyped as fuck to be a part of this scene and community, and something as awesome and life-affirming as my journey in Kombat has been. I don't care how fucked up this community gets, or how many people come and go, I'llalways wear my colors with pride and ride this fucking crazy train out until it crashes into a mountain.


I'm a literal Sloth

But for real I appreciate it, even if it wasn't directed towards me specifically, i really just love the community and try to bring as much hype and fun as I can to every event I go to.

Plus I'm Canadian

Lt. Boxy Angelman


But for real I appreciate it, even if it wasn't directed towards me specifically, i really just love the community and try to bring as much hype and fun as I can to every event I go to.

Plus I'm Canadian
Beef fucking Jerky.

Soon, my friend...soon.

Also: Idk how the hell I forgot Blake, Phil, Hanks, and STORMS. All so delicious.



But for real I appreciate it, even if it wasn't directed towards me specifically, i really just love the community and try to bring as much hype and fun as I can to every event I go to.

Plus I'm Canadian
If Quebec and the rest of Canada can join hands on TYM, there's nothing we can't do!!

Sent from my jailbroken iPhone using a pirated copy of Tapatalk


Pig Of The Hut
Mr. Mileena

If I could tag more, I would, but these are the immediately-come-to-mind Top 10 of people in MK that make me proud and hyped as fuck to be a part of this scene and community, and something as awesome and life-affirming as my journey in Kombat has been. I don't care how fucked up this community gets, or how many people come and go, I'llalways wear my colors with pride and ride this fucking crazy train out until it crashes into a mountain.

thanks for the tag.
i dont really know what i have done to make your top 10 but i am happy to be there.
ive made a lot of peoples top 10s from what i hear when i speak to them =/

i love mortal kombat, definitely my favorite franchise, i love fighters and i love the community


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
What's happening on saturdays?

Mr. Mileena NOOOO :( I wanna meet you.
There's a PSN chat room that Spletty opened up (and that we try to carry on) called the TYM SALT room. It's where TYM members can go and play (help people level up, play for Lols etc) and avoid the online random retards (they never stay long). Friction Burn records some of them and posts them in the SALT VAULT. Good way to "debrief" and anaylze one's gameplay, as well as see other ppl play.....now, if I could actually get my ass to Foonzo's...