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Do you get upset with losing close matches?


I don't play Runescape
I've seen it go either way on the former. People happy because it was a close match, even if they lost, and it was a great challenge, or people pissed because they made that one mistake that cost them that last 2% they were hanging onto.

Which is it for you, or is it something completely different


Warlock Nerd
it kinda depends on who im playing against. if im playing a superior player and its real close, 9 times out of 10 i got a smile on my face at the end of the match. if im playing someone using tactics i feel are inferior or cheap and im just too stupid and free to adapt fast enough, well, i may react in a manner that has caused the current predicament im in now. i cant play at all because something tragic happened to my only controller. apparently it was the victim of a salty rampage :mad:


My blades will find your heart
My last tournament both of my losses were last round, practically last hit losses. It makes me extremely salty, I cant help it. You just have to take it and move on.


Dojo Trainee
It depends why I lose.

If its because of stupid shit out of my control, like the input bug turning my uppercut into a standing 2 after landing a spear on someone that has like 10% health left, or an equally retarded "NRS" situation, I get really annoyed.

If I just got outplayed or was due to my own error, I don't get bothered much by it. If it's in a tournament I'll be pissed at myself though. I still have nightmares thinking about all the easy shit I dropped repeatedly at Final Round. Like super easy shit like a simple vortex string that I dropped 3x in a row in my first match, which was on stream making me look like a retard.

Nothing is more aggravating though than losing a close match online due to a horrendous lag spike hitting at the worst possible time, and then getting hate mail about how much I suck and how invincible the other guy is, even if he got babied the last 10 matches. Though this is just as funny as it is aggravating.
I love third rounders. Last hit really pulls the clutch out of you. If I just happen to start lucky combo, I end up yelling stuff like "OH SHIT THIS IS ABOUT TO GET REAL!" if I lose though, I'm not really upset at all. Just means I should have done something different.


Ayy Lmao
Depends on who I'm playing. If it's some random guy jump kicking around and all that stuff, I tend to get salty if it was a close match. If it's someone who is on my skill level, or better than me, it tends to be way more fun, even if I lose the close match.


Invariably I blame myself your losing "next hit wins" matches. So yes, salt flats.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
It depends why I lose.

If its because of stupid shit out of my control, like the input bug turning my uppercut into a standing 2 after landing a spear on someone that has like 10% health left, or an equally retarded "NRS" situation, I get really annoyed.

If I just got outplayed or was due to my own error, I don't get bothered much by it. If it's in a tournament I'll be pissed at myself though. I still have nightmares thinking about all the easy shit I dropped repeatedly at Final Round. Like super easy shit like a simple vortex string that I dropped 3x in a row in my first match, which was on stream making me look like a retard.

Nothing is more aggravating though than losing a close match online due to a horrendous lag spike hitting at the worst possible time, and then getting hate mail about how much I suck and how invincible the other guy is, even if he got babied the last 10 matches. Though this is just as funny as it is aggravating.
As far as "dropping the vortex setup" goes, it's not as unfathomable as you might think as I discovered stuff in the lab that fortifies that this game's horrendous input detection goes far and beyond simply not recognizing the down button for a split second.

It's hard to summarize but here's an example:
do spear, cross over punch: F2,1, telepunch, back.
It's hard to do on purpose but when you do get it and see it, you'll shit bricks.


Dead Kings Rise
Depends. If it was a very close match, and I drop a fucking easy combo that would win me the game, I'm salty for a little bit, especially if lag has to do with it. I'm usually cool about my losses though.


Close matches make me happy, especially when we're going back and forth with each of us using our mains on top of that :).

I don't recall ever getting upset about losing a close match unless lag strats and other shenanigans were involved and I couldn't counter the tactics due to it being overly laggy.


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
Only little rage quitting cry babies get mad when they lose. I tip my hat and say gg.


Kitty Got Wet
Usually...yes. I always think about all the hard work I did to get to that position and it gets me mad when all my work goes down the drain after losing by him jabbing me. :(


Dojo Trainee
As far as "dropping the vortex setup" goes, it's not as unfathomable as you might think as I discovered stuff in the lab that fortifies that this game's horrendous input detection goes far and beyond simply not recognizing the down button for a split second.

It's hard to summarize but here's an example:
do spear, cross over punch: F2,1, telepunch, back.
It's hard to do on purpose but when you do get it and see it, you'll shit bricks.
I know what you mean, but having it happen 3x in a row due to the input bug would likely have astronomical odds.

I was dropping tons of easy stuff that day anyway, even stuff that had no down inputs to it.

I almost lost a match in a tournament yesterday because I went to finish someone with an uppercut after a spear and did a standing 2 instead. Luckily it still killed him but that doesn't make the situation less stupid. Well maybe a little less stupid.


Like when it comes down to one last poke and we're both frantically d4ing each other for it? Yea. I scream.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Like when it comes down to one last poke and we're both frantically d4ing each other for it? Yea. I scream.
But it's so fun when you both freak out and start scrambling to simultaneously attack without dying in the process. I'm usually laughing so hard during these moments that I will end up usually losing. (in a non competitive,setting of course).
Even with money on the line, I don't get pissed. I love the nailbiters, win or lose.

Sent from Cyberdyne Systems

London Lust

Lagleena Player
The most annoying piece of crap moment is when you're about to make an awesome comeback and both of you are at 0.0000000001% health and he barely wins.
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