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MK9 will not die due to new glitch - ignore the trolls


You guys can give yourself an 'ole big pat on the back each time you beat one of these pseudo-top level" Kabals. Just know that by doing this, you are limiting the character's true potential. All other MK games I've played in my time (MK:A, MKDC, UMK:3, etc.) had nothing banned when played at the highest level in tournament or money matches. Now all of a sudden we have to strap on a bunch of silly rules to keep the game period-friendly. I'm absolutely disgusted.
AND THE AWARD GOES TO REO, for most stupid post in 2012 by a pro... I really cant believe you actually want this stupid glitch to be usable, this will seriously kill the game if its allowed to use in competitive play, no character in the game needs to be immortal, and NRS needs to patch this game 1 more time.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
its not impossible that they would come out with another patch for this game there just busy with injustice. Lets wait for them to finish up with that game first and then ask them if they have the time to patch this 1


honestly there aren't many game changing bugs in any other games besides this. TAC infinites Aren't practical in many cases. The infinite off of VJ is not easy too do. I see your point though. honestly, just ban it, let it rock or have NRS fix it which will not happen.


NRS just did what other companies do like Capcom. Release a game early with a small amount of effort = more profit because the less you do to make a game the less it costs and when they fix bugs they just put more bugs into the game like idiots. NRS Honestly doesn't know what should be in a fighting and what shouldn't. They should get someone who knows a lot about the game to test it out consistently and to tell them what to fix. They just listened random players and broke their own game. Did anyone ever say that dashing was stupid? no, but they nerfed it.


The Netherrealm beckons
I honestly don't know who's trolling and who isn't anymore.

Regardless: lol. This community has a real problem with crying doomsday when something like this happens. Breaking news, MK9 isn't the only competitive fighting game with stupid shit like this. B-BUT THE FGC WILL THINK MK IS A JOKE A-AND WON'T BE AT ANYMORE MAJORS A-AND MLG WILL DROP IT. Who fucking cares? We'll just hold our own tournaments and have a blast like we always have.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: MK9 will only die if we as a community decide that it's dead and stop playing. I won't stop playing MK9 until MK10 comes out no matter what glitches are found now until then.

And to all you fair-weather fans who are going to drop MK9 completely because of this glitch: see you when MK10 comes out, bitches!


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
im tired of hearing how NRS won't patch anything. they're busy with Injustice. Let em finish up with that first. Then lets see what they say. gawd. I'm not giving up on mk9 either, but if u perform that glitch on me i'm gonna leave, lol simple as that.


Thou shalt be slain!
Regardless: lol. This community has a real problem with crying doomsday when something like this happens. Breaking news, MK9 isn't the only competitive fighting game with stupid shit like this.
other games have an easily executable bug that ensures invincibility throughout an entire round and secures P1 a win every time? :s


Cock Master!!
I can only pray that some day they'll patch this game one final time. Each character etc etc. I know it'll ever happen but I can dream.

Thank goodness tekken tag 2 is out.

Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk


they didn't patch this game before they even started on injustice. Its like going into art class and going on too a new drawing before you even finish the first one.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
we'll someone said they didn't have the money to do it, they said they want to do it tho...so i guess we'll just have to wait :/


Dojo Trainee
that this is even debatable is a sad commentary on this community. a glitch, by its very definition, is something that shouldn't be, wasn't meant to be, and mustn't be allowed. this is not just some cheap exploit or poorly-conceived tool for a character, it is an unintended programming error and using it is cheating on a shamefully egregious level. yes, the game will survive, but its already-burdened reputation will be in tatters if ANYONE ever uses this in a competitive environment. it should be absolutely banned along with any players who use or attempt to use it.


The Netherrealm beckons
other games have an easily executable bug that ensures invincibility throughout an entire round and secures P1 a win every time? :s
The point is that this glitch is not only entirely avoidable, but that the only way this will "kill" the game is if the community lets it.

I'm not saying we shouldn't hold NRS's feet to the fire for this, because we most certainly should. I'm not saying this should be allowed at tournaments, because it most certainly should not. But honestly, besides blowing up Paulo's twitter about this and yell at him to fix something that is completely out of his power, what more can we do besides ban the glitch at tournaments and play forward?

As for online players, you have 2 options: deal with it, or play another game. Personally, I'm just going to deal with it because, due to my insane ping from living in Japan, I can only play with a close-knit group of Japanese friends anyway who I know won't pull this garbage. I suggest you do the same.


Too little, too late...
bloodsport I have a saved conversations on facebook, basically what I discovered in 2011 was that one could tighten block before starting the second round. This happened to me at the end of 2011 with liu kang vs Kabal in the yard, (in a casuals vs DarkZane in PS3) All this time I thought that only happened on ps3 and could not prove this because I have a xbox360. I eventually forget, just recently I have another joystick two weeks ago and I remembered the bug. I have other things that I will release soon, I've never uploaded.
You guys can give yourself an 'ole big pat on the back each time you beat one of these pseudo-top level" Kabals. Just know that by doing this, you are limiting the character's true potential. All other MK games I've played in my time (MK:A, MKDC, UMK:3, etc.) had nothing banned when played at the highest level in tournament or money matches. Now all of a sudden we have to strap on a bunch of silly rules to keep the game period-friendly. I'm absolutely disgusted.
yeah, but this is supposed to be a tournament worthy game.
Because those arent serious problems

Need concrete evidence?

Cyrax Resets - has never netted him a major
Jax exploits - was never the reason he won a major and only 1 Jax has won a major
Quan Chi Rune Traps - has never gotten him into a top 8 at a major
I never understood why it should be allowed just because it doesnt make you win majors. Ofcourse these things shouldnt be banned but they should have been patched from the beginning, but its too late for that.
This might be a horrible metaphor but just because getting stabbed in the foot doesnt kill u, it doesnt mean it is allowed to do so.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I never understood why it should be allowed just because it doesnt make you win majors. Ofcourse these things shouldnt be banned but they should have been patched from the beginning, but its too late for that.
This might be a horrible metaphor but just because getting stabbed in the foot doesnt kill u, it doesnt mean it is allowed to do so.
What i meant was at the biggest stage it hasnt been a huge factor

Its the best example at the time rather than quoting locals or online series

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I can only pray that some day they'll patch this game one final time. Each character etc etc. I know it'll ever happen but I can dream.

Thank goodness tekken tag 2 is out.

Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk
off topic but i left our tekken matches cause

*prepare for the understatement of the year*

I had no clue what was going on and have no idea how to play that game. I need 1v1 training in atl before i touch it again


Nightwolf wannabe
Pig, why don't you also ban Cyrax Resets, Jax exploits, Quan Chi Rune Traps and so on?

The amount of deception i'm getting everytime the community finds a problem in this game, and how NRS doesn't want to patch it , makes me step away from injustice honestly.
I completely agree with this. NRS wants their game/games to be taken seriously then why in Gods name would they sweep this and other glitches/problems under the rug and continue with injustice like MK doesnt matter anymore. the game is with MLG for goodness sake. How can they expect injustice to be taken seriously if they can't even support/patch MK anymore especially considering its being accepted or at least trying to be accepted by more people every day because of MLG. Are they really so jaded that they think this isn't gonna hurt MK for one, and mainly Injustice and MK10. Why would I go invest in something that im not even that interested in like a DC fight game if they cant keep MK respectable in the eyes of the mainstream fg scene. I'm at a loss to what their business model is but not patching a game that is being played at MLG that has noticeable problems/glitches and is scorned by many because of those problems is just bad for reputation. I dont know if they think its okay for people to just play around the problems, but its not. anyway I will still play MK cuz i love the franchise but this seriously hampers me buying injustice cuz i could care less about a dc fg and if they cant fix their mistakes then good riddance. I mean it just tells me they're gonna do the same thing with injustice so why bother. obviously it seems they dont care about the fgc much only about raking in tons of bucks at the average joe that doesn't pay attention to these things expense.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
off topic but i left our tekken matches cause

*prepare for the understatement of the year*

I had no clue what was going on and have no idea how to play that game. I need 1v1 training in atl before i touch it again
welcome to the US of A my friend.
I don't either... and its obvious half the people who play don't either. KOREAN BACKDASH? no sir.