as posted originally on TYM by Arez God of War:
Truly awesome event.....the fun-factor was off the charts, IMO....and being drunk was cool No one seemed too bothered by it, but regardless I'd just like to apologize to anyone who may have thought I was a bit drunken, belligerent or loud and, 8 beers and 8 shots of Tequila will do that to ya Ok, so where do I begin? The matches in MKA/MKD/MKDA were excellent and I had lots of fun, although I played much better before I smoked that blunt w/ Check and Jago ....but WHO else can say they smoked a blunt in Philly at NEC w/ Check and Jago besides Check, Jago and myself??? Right, so moving on - VGGS to everyone I played and hopefully next event I will get to play the people i didn't get to play.
Phil - You are a really good guy and a very kind-hearted person. You and your fiance appear to be so similar, almost 2 peas in a pod and i think/hope long years of happiness for you both together, it was an honor meeting both of you.....even your dogs are mild-mannered and well-behaved...LOL. I appreciate all your kind words, genuine concern, talking me into going and the phone call the next day to welcome me back (unfortunately I was in bed nursing a hang-over) a fellow animal-lover, you know that when they need to be tended to, it MUST be done promptly and that is why I couldn't return on Sunday ( I honestly didn't finish until Monday night ). VGGS in our SFA3 casuals, i wish we could have played more, but i understand how busy you guys were trying to run everything.
Dark Rob - I must admit, like I said I was expecting more of a tall thin Richard Attenborough-looking fella at 1st, but that was just who my brain pictured myself talking to all these years, idk why...maybe it's the way you have a great expansive knowledge on nearly everything. Regardless, you indeed proved yourself as one of the friendliest, generous and helpful people I had come to know....err, had already known and it was very cool to hang out w/ you and meet the person behind the PC. Most excellent H. Smoke , I see you have come a long way in a mere 6 short months or so in UMK3 and keep up the great work.
Check - Another person who was physically different than what I had pictured, but as I stated,...that is nothing more than the brain trying to create a perception w/out visuals. One of the coolest people I've met to date, it was very fun chillin w/ you guys in the hotel room and finally getting some games in, as well as seeing you and Bill beast-out in MKDCU and MKDA...VERY entertaining. That Jersey weed was bangin and I was sooooo lit after the 3 of us blazed up, I couldn't figure out if I was drunk or high until i started driving Thanks for being , was truly a pleasure.
Jago - Another very cool, quiet and laid-back individual, NOTHING like what I had percieved him as. I was always picturing some short little Japanese guy w/ a headband and a light-saber screaming "ENDOKUUUUUUKEN!!!".....and then smacking my grill w/ a fireball

Very impressive steez in MKA and I thoroughly enjoyed our MKD matches as well...that Sareena OWNS, dude. You reminded me so much of when I lived in the South and how very different everything is from place to place.....up North here, many of us are always in a rush and scrambling about like ants cuz there's so much to do and not enough time to accomplish it, which was my case. It was fun burning w/ you and Jay and sharing some customs and having in-depth conversation about some real shit. I look forward to hanging out w/ you again.
REO - the little brother I never had....LOLOLOL. Great to finally meet you, Joe ...shame we didn't get to play anything, I would have at least liked to get some UMK3/MKA in w/ you. You're a very quiet person, ftmp, but you chatted a good bit after awhile. Congratulations for placing high in both UMK3 and MKDCU, I can't help but think if everyone was on point and in-practice this epic event would have been even MORE epic. You are more than welcome to roll down here for casuals w/ Rob, Phil, Aure, Shock, AC1984 and the crew to my house and the local arcade when the occassion arises.
DC HUSTLE - Don't sweat the past , water under the bridge or water over the dam or however you'd like to put it...I don't hold grudges, let alone judge a person IRL by their online personality. I wasn't sure what to expect when I met you or how you would react to my presence, but I was impressed non-the-less and I am convinced you are a cool, mature and respectful person worthy of my friendship and you are also welcome here anytime you are in the area. I finally got to play your Jax and I must say that the rumors are true...the pressure game was insane and I had a hard time just moving about. Thanks for the advice and encouragement, I look forward to seeing you again be it at the next event or just some local casuals.
DanCock - Mr. Cock....COCK!!! I must say, you are also the same way offline as you are behind the PC...not much difference if any, very kind, funny, respectful and considerate. It was cool to finally play some 3-D MK w/ you, always love seeing a good Sindel. Thanks for having me in your hotel room, you are a generous host and a very real person as well. I am glad you guys found me comical and enjoyed the company and "entertainment" and I'm glad you talked about vagina-pussy but if you grab my ass again, i think i'm gonna get angry....LMAO j/k
THTB/Dontay - Another perfect example of why one should not judge a person IRL by their online persona. This is a dude I have had repeated issues ( mostly cuz I'm a stubborn knucklehead w/ anger problems lol) w/ and arguements (some heated), yet in person we clicked like remote controls and got along like we lived a block away from each other for years. I never pictured myself chilling in a room laughing and joking w/ you a year or a few years ago, but I must say it was rather enjoyable and you definitely rank up there as one of the cooler catz I have met before. Realness is seeing people for who they truly are, as well as giving 2nd chances for 1st impressions, and I'm glad we were able to do that, although I must admit, I didn't even think about the fact that I had previously had words w/ Hustle, REO and yourself until Monday when I was reading posts and whatnot...I was having way too much fun!! Great Reptile, you'd have collosal mirror matches w/ B- W1zZ and you don't miss a beat or make many mistakes. Vggs my friend. Let me know when you will be in the area next....I still have a living, beathing Arcade not 5 minutes from my house w/ UMK3, MvC2, SVC Chaos, SCII, MK2 and a handful of others and Shock, Simon and myself have made friends w/ the owners as well.
STORMS - You were so quiet and laid back I almost forgot you were THERE a few times!!! I wish we could have played but you seemed perfectly content recording matches and working on the website. Super-nice guy in person, i just wish I could have had more time to get to chat w/ you. You are also relatively local and also welcome to head up this way for casuals anytime you can make it. Us PA.-boyz stick together...haha. Can't wait to see all those 3-D MK matches you recorded!!! Thanks for all the work you've dedicated to the community and I look forward to seeing you next time I'm gathered w/ Simon, Shock and whomever else.
Tom Brady - Very nice meeting you...I SWEAR you were on that damn cell phone as much as you were actually playing games....LOLOL!!! Congratulations on taking the MKDCU Tourney, I had heard alot about you, but now it is proven facts. A very nice guy in person, who appeared open-minded and outgoing...i admit I was expecting someone a little more angry considering how much shit the online community has given you, but I see you take it all in stride, as knowing is better than assuming....and don't let these online-heros get under your skin, man...we have all seen 1st-hand what you can do. Bravo.
Juggernaut/Tyler - Glad you made it, man...I was looking forward to meeting you in person and playing you but I don't think we got to play even ONE offline match and you're also a very quiet and laid back dude, so I didn't get to really get into an intellectually stimulating conversation w/ you like I was looking forward to (not like I was sober enough to have one LOL), but none-the-less it was very cool to hang w/ you and hang out. I'm happy to have seen so many people make it from out-of-state, let alone crossing such great distances to get there (some nearly 1,000 miles)...that is EXACTLY the type of example to set for the rest of the community and get them involved. Give me a holla if u'r ever in the area again, Bro
Riu48 - I wish I could say more, but you are another person who was pretty damn quiet and just kinda chilled and played games w/out really talking a whole lot. I had a brief conversation w/ you and you seem like a very smart character with a good brain on your shoulders, as well as very friendly and respectful. Great games in MKA, and I think we played some MKD as well. I hope you join us for casuals in my area next time we meet up, my house isn't big, but I'll cram as many people as possible in here and hook up some games for us.
SweetJohnnyCage - Didn't get to chat w/ you much excpet for a little while in the "UMK3" hotel room, but you are a very cool dude and you seem rather joyful and cheerful in general. perhaps next time we can get some games in (unless we already did and I was too drunk to remember), and you can roll w/ Shock, Simon and the crew up my way next time.
Summoning - VGGS man and a pleasure meeting you. Without a doubt, you have one of the nastiest Cyrax I have ever played...such patience and methodical strategy as well as a ridiculously good anti-air game (I vote Phil, Simon and yourself the best 3 aa'ers I ever played). You are a a really cool person and I hope to hang/play more in the future and learn from you as well. Also thank you for hosting the event and the work you have done for the community.
NoDoubt - You are every bit like I expected, but more a matter of fact as much as I appreciate the advice you were giving me, I only heard about half of it cuz you talk so low...LOL. You are a MUCH better player offline than I percieved you as online....I always thought you were good, but I had NO IDEA you were a total monster. You really beat my ass, and your true skill was reflected by placing high in the tourney. Congratulations, Arion.
Red Saleen - How the HELL did I miss you? Apparently you were standing next to me most of the evening and I didn't even know who you were!!! I really wanted to meet you, as I respect your opinion as a fellow "MK-Hater", and I was hoping you'd show me that sick-ass Mustang as well.
Last but DEFINITELY not least.....
Shock - a million thanks for hosting and all your dedication to this community. As we have already met and hung out and played, you already know we'd like to "adopt" you...LMAO!! Your dedication is legendary and you are a huge predominant reason that there IS and existing MK Community. I know we didn't really get to play cuz you were always running around setting up and being a Staff , but we can actually play offline nearly anytime, as you already know. Thanks for everything, including having me there, my friend.
AC1984/Simon - My new mentor and new friend. it's always a pleasure to chill and play UMK3 with you, so I was already expecting the ass-whoopins you gave me. Hopefully when school's over, you can train me some more and I can really get good. Thank both of you for bringing me into the Offline scene and welcoming me so warmly, I'll be calling you to try and set up some more matches very soon, as NEC just caused me to have a total relapse and I got the MK-virus again.
I'm pretty sure I missed some people for 1 reason or another, but this has already taken me nearly 2 hours to type up and I need to give my hands a For those of you whom I didn 't mention for local casuals over here at my place and the Arcade, you are ALL invited and I hope to see each and everyone of you at latest by Spring, so maybe I can get this Games, drinking and BBQ i been trying to organize for a while. Basically, I'm gonna host matches, have a ridiculous amount of beer and food, and cook a massive feast on the grill after getting everyone drunk and playing Fighting Games, so PM me or call if you are interested. In the meantime, I'm always down for Offline casuals local, just give me a day of 2 in advance. Peace Gentlemen, and thank you all for making the Community what it is today.