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Look what I found!

Ok guys, I know I rarely post here but I HAVE to share this with you.

I got a new job and with it a new daily commute. On my way home I drove past a church with the funniest ad I've seen in a while.

I almost crashed laughing so hard.
It's only like 3 blocks from my home. I'll go again tomorrow to prove it. There's like 3 of them all around their field.

EDIT: Rogue Ninja'd me with other proof!


Smells the lawsuit now.
Thought the same thing, but I doubt they'd pursue it. It's not as if the church is gonna make a gigantic profit off of it and suing them would look pretty bad if the media made a big enough deal about it.

I like the irony of a church using a logo from one of the most notoriously violent games in history.


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From the looks of the condition of the frame holding the sign, I'd say that church's wealth was spent entirely on that sign.
Thought the same thing, but I doubt they'd pursue it. It's not as if the church is gonna make a gigantic profit off of it and suing them would look pretty bad if the media made a big enough deal about it.

I like the irony of a church using a logo from one of the most notoriously violent games in history.
Midway has been pretty chill about that kind of thing anyways.
Well Midway doesn't exist anymore. But yeah, there's no way WB is going to care about something as small as this.

I do love the humor of a church group using a logo from a game that is based around over the top violence and gore.
Developing and marketing a game while clearly posting that it's a trademark on the bottom of the official site will do that just fine.

They would have plenty of grounds to defend the image if they ever decided to go after somebody for using it.