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NEC9 Dec 6th and 7th in Philly, UMK3, possibly MKII Tournaments


I just went to go post to see who was coming and realized there wasn't even a thread for it. It's only a week away but I'm sure just about anyone who planned on going already knew about it. I need a head count. I am not completely sure I'm going to be there both Saturday and Sunday. If we do something on Saturday and it runs too late I might wind up staying but hopefully I'll decide soon. It may be a case of just going up and coming back home the same day. Looks like price for rooms and fees for tournaments have gone up.

We're looking to do UMK3 and MKII. UMK3 will most likely be on 360 but I'm trying to see what I can do about running it on MAME to support more controller options. UMK3 will most likely be run Saturday, and if the turnout isn't too good (less than 8) I can push it to Sunday if I'm staying, which has happened twice in the last 3 years.


LOCATION: Econo Inn .... 2015 Penrose Ave, Philadelphia, PA .... 215-336-4516.... located in the South Philadelphia area ... 2 miles from the airport

ROOM PRICES: $70.00 per nite plus tax. That rate is good for friday, sat, and sunday.
(When you call ask for Nec9 room discount).


**Special update: Perfect Sin and Team present SF4 at NEC9

DATES: December 6th and 7th

FEES: $20 registration fee per player ... $10 entry fee per person for non-players

Tournament will be double elim 2-out-3, semi--3-out of-5-winner/loser-semi 2-out of-3, winner finals-4-out of 7/ loser finals-3out of-5


I have change a lot of entry fee so players can have some kind of money left over to do other things with like eat and party or do what ever. I think this will help the numbers in some of the smaller games to.

All the rules will be the same as all the tournament I've thrown (this will be treated like an arcade version tournament). (CVS2 you can change your players order)

We will have anywhere between 2 MasSticks available for use. Other then that you can bring your own controllers. We will have between 30+ TVs available for the tournament and there will be 5 games TVs & games open for casual play.

You also can bring your own system and T.V. if you want something else to play thats not on the game list but let me know b4 hand.


SATURDAY 12/06/08 - Team Tournament
Entry Fee will be collected between 9AM and 1PM
Game Start Time: TBA

MVC2 Team – 3 on 3 -- $10.00 per player
CVS2 Team – 2 on 2 -- $5.00 per player
GGXX(AC) Team – 3 on 3 -- $10.00 per player-( before reg tournament)
SC4 Team – 3 on 3 -- $10.00 per player-(before reg tournament)
3S Team – 3 on 3 -- $10.00 per player
TK5DR team – 2 on 2 or 3 on 3 (I will leave it up to the players) -- $10.00 per player


SATURDAY 12/06/08 - Regular Tournament
Game Start Time: TBA

SC4 -- $10 entry fee -- start time: TBA-- PS3

Tournament will be run on the PlayStation3 Console
Double Elimination Tournament (DONT LEAVE EARLY)
Sets consist of 2/3 Matches in preliminary sets
Sets consist of 3/5 Matches in bracket-finals sets
Sets consist of 4/7 Matches in grand-finals sets
Matches consist of 3/5 Rounds in all sets
Rounds consist of 60 second time limit in all sets
Bracket will be randomized based on player regions
Winner Character Lock (cannot switch characters)
Double Blind Character Selection available by request
Random Stage Selection for first match of set
Loser's Choice for new RANDOM stage by request
All stages are currently legal for tournament play
All matches played at 100% health and soul gauge
BANNED CHARS: Bonus, Custom, Algol, Yoda, Vader
Players will NOT be given time to create custom outfits
Button Sequence Macroing is banned (Binding still legal)
All infinite damage combos are banned! No exceptions
Pausing may result in forfeiture of that specific round
Soft Reset will result in forfeiture of that specific match
TK5 DR -- $10 entry fee -- start time: TBA -- PS3
TTT -- $5 entry fee -- $100 bonus added if 20+ players sign up -- start time: TBA -- PS2
GGXX(AC) - $10 entry fee -- start time: TBA -- PS2
CVS2 -- $ 5 entry fee – start time: TBA -- PS2
3S -- $10 entry fee -- start time: TBA -- PS2
DOA4 – $15 entry fee -- start time: TBA -- XBOX360
VF5--?--start time: TBA--XBOX360
MVC2 Low Tier -- $5 entry fee -- - start time: 6pm -- DC

RULES for MVC2 Low Tier:


Banned Characters:

dr. doom

Ratio2 Characters( cannot combine a character in this list with another character in this list):

silver samurai
omega red
Ruby Heart

The rest of the characters are ratio 1


I'm pretty sure the only reason they banned tron was b/c of her assist. If the assist is not picked could she be a player character and if so let her be rated at a ratio 1.

SF4($3+entry fee)--casual play from 9am till 6pm.( Special thanks to Perfect sin) Tournament will start at 6:30 depending on the numbers tournament will run 2 days


SUNDAY 12/07/08 - Regular Tournament
Game Start Time: TBA

MVC2 -- $10 entry fee -- 2pm start time -- DC
ST -- $7 entry fee -- 3:30pm start time -- PS2
A2 -- $3 entry fee -- 6pm start time -- PS2
A3 -- $5 entry fee -- 3pm start time -- PS2
MBAC -- $5 entry fee -- (hal and dipstick will run this tournament info below)
UMK -- $5 entry fee -- 4pm start time -- (Shock will run this tournament)
KOF XI -- $5 entry fee -- 5pm start time -- PS2 -- (DG will run this tournament)
Arcana Heart -- $5 entry fee -- 3:00pm start time – PS2 – (Arturo will run this tournament)
KI -- $2 entry fee -- 5pm start time – Bonus: I will add $50.00 to the pot.
MG My choice--$200.00 Bonus


NEC9 SNK 2008-2009!

Philly, 12-6 to 12-7-09 SNK Season III Starts where it began!!
All right..time is approaching..my break is ending ..Time to start planning for NEC9!!!

Hope you all have enjoyed your post EVO World break..its time now for some more SNK Madness!

So now taking signups..start off the new SNK Year With a Clean Slate and a Bang!!


Sit-back Saturday-
1.King of Fighters NeoWave-$3
2.Waku Waku 7-$3
3.Neo Geo Battle Coliseum-$5
4.Kabuki Klash- $3

Yo players here is some updated info from DG:

Games that will be on the snk game list:

Sunday Dec. 7th

1st. KOF98UM entry fee--$5

2nd. Garou MOTW entry fee--$3

3rd. WHP- entry fee $3

4th. KOFXI entry fee $3

5th. RB2 entry fee $3

Wheel of Fun tournament: $1 entry fee-winner gets money plus brans new copy of Sunsoft Collection for ps2...

Budokai 3 tournament @ NEC


I've been looking for a place to run this at the request of many so nec couldnt be a better place soo...

Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3
- $3 entry fee or $5 depending on what ppl want
- 3 on 3 Team Battle Mode
- First game stage is set to random winner picks stage
- No Custom characters
- All characters if they have more than one form you must start with they're initial form. Pretty straight foward no picking Broly The Legendary Super Sayinjin off the back you have to do all level transformations ingame.
-Tournament stages banned (stages where you can lose by stepping or getting knocked off the platforms edges)
***special*** Gotens Gogeta and and any characters that require fusion cannot be picked as a single character. You must fuse in the game with both characters.
- all games will be 2/3 double elimination
- blind pick upon request (recommended)

This tournament has been long in the making and it will finally happen in philly. Believe it or not this game has alot of heat with alot of the players talking trash about how they're the best (myself included) lol so nec its finally going down. Bare witness to one of the best fighting games out to date and im not at all joking.

Edit: Also Im running EX 2+ sometime during the duration of the weekend as well.


Attn: All Those who will be attending NEC9:

I will add more games to this list in the next few weeks.

This is gonna be the UMK3 *Universal Championship* people, so start practicing so you can represent come Dec 6th.

MAPPING BUTTONS--shoulder mapping is allowed.

I want this to be the BEST NEC ever but i can only do it with the players help. There will be food and drinks available to purchase for cheap.

So that's it for now so for more info are to sign up just post or e-mail me [email protected] I need your first and last name, the state your from and game(s) you will be in.

This tournament is not to make a profit but to bring the street fighter community together. The money made will go toward NEC. So anybody that wants to help out with the tournament just pm or email me. We can always use extra help, TVs, and things.


TO all players, the hotel has a ok wifi signal

SC4 player list so far:

I will add More pre-reg lists later.

1. Dipstick
2. Brandon D.-philly
3. Dave--Philly
4. Manofgod--ma
5. Dream--philly
6. PJ--de
7. Dr Chaos--philly
8. Jamvexed--nj
9. Jaxel--nj
10. Tim--nj
11. I.C.E.--tx
12. FearDaDonkey--pa
13. Ramon--nyc
14. Lil Eric--philly
15. Mattho2k3--de
16. Xiaguitar
17. Allar--nc
18. Killtown--atl
19. 350z--philly
20. KDZ
21. TheSIN--al
22. J.money--de
23. Ray Aviles--de
24. Malapardis--nj
25. Kayin--ct
26. Deadman--ms
27. Dreamkiller-philly
*28. Dan Misato--va
29.Wang master Serge--nyc
*30. GOofus--ma
31. Jinmaster--va
32. Nas
33. Sean Cabinet Smasher-Kelly--nyc
34. HNH
35. Doomie--nj
36. Jeffrey Thompson--de
37. Tiamat--va
38. Hubbsdoctor--pa
39. JimmyGPa 10.00--philly
40. ClaTHeNinja--nj
41. NinjaCw
42. EscapingJail--de
43. Ortiz--philly
45. Brent Taylor--nc
46. Nate--de
47. Ryan--de
48. Brendon--de
49. Kevin--de
50. Bryheem--philly
51. Julian R.--philly
52. Duckie--nv
53. Gumbo
54. Button Masher
55. Matic D. Oof--cd
57. Lowsweep
58. Pat Bevenour--de
59. Jamie Ace Cottulas--de
60. Jay S.--ma
61. Phurious--ga
62. JTO--atl
63. Clint--atl
64. BigBoi--atl
65. WingZero--atl
66. Rigel--nj
67. Muc--philly
68. Al--philly
*69. Corey DSBlackfox--ct
*70. Grimace--ct
*71. essex--ct
*72. Kryonik--ct
73. The Realyst--ct
74. Justkill--nyc
75. Lowsweep-
76. Kasumi Chan--tx
77. Kinglowtier--co
78. Tony
79. BigE--philly
80. Papy D--nyc
81. Xiomar--nc
82. Mise
83. BlackMambaMoan--NM
84. Vandy
85. Berry--la
86. Cha-Cha--Pitt/Nyc
87. Jason Thorpe--fl
88. TYP
89. Tidus Crescent--de
90. Kenny Ironlung--fl
91. Insanekhont--nj
92. Maginicious--atl
93. Shibuya--ct
94. David Chen--md
95. Arkayne--oh
96. josh Ballard--oh
97. Blackula
98. candyman
99. K3vin_Sorbo
100. KittheUltramod
101. Malice
102. Neopopulous
103. Nuez
104. _Naomi--ca
*105. OFFbeatninja
*106. Something-unique
*107. TagyouRPregnant--TYP
*108. Chopperman
*109. F_twilight
*110. HolyForce
*111. Promiethius
SF4 list:

1.Big Eric ( i will lose to everyone)
2.Justin w
3.JP Perfect sin(thanks again)
4.Eric V
7.nestor( after he hurt my feeling) lol
8.ron m
9.som d
16.dr. chaos
17.David sp
18.bill g
20.keith s
22.mckendon lafleur
23.light nazgul
26.Bryan ford
27.lil eric
32.Master chibi
36.James S.
39.Diaper Bimb
43. Steve H.
44. Hold Dat
45. Tony B
46. Rob Steven
47. Arkayne
48. VDO
49. Shin-Requiem
50. Bryheem K
51. Bryan T.
52. LordNight
53. Robin--va
54. Caliagent
55. Freddy Loco--mtl
56. Henri Oung--mtl
57. Julien Landy--mtl
58. Jion-wansu--nc
59. Mark Jollies
60. Alex Roski
61. Josh Ballard--oh
62. Malice
63. Noel Brown--nyc
64. Paul Wall--ma

3S list:

1. Khang--md
2. Justin w
3. Manofgod--ma
4. Eric V
5. Tinshi--nyc
6. Ken Henaki--nyc
7. nestor( after he hurt my feeling) lol
8. Greek--nyc
9. Muc--philly
10. Sean Anderson--nyc
11. hal
12. klye
13. CB--cd
14. Brandino--nc
15. TankanX--mn
16. dr. chaos--philly
17. David sp--philly
18. bill g--philly
19. Frantastic23--nj
20. Dream--philly
21. plural--philly
22. Pat--md
23. Andy--philly
24. Peter--
25. Kinglowtier--co
26. Bryan ford
27. Allen Epidemic--nyc/atl
28. marn--tx
29. Al--philly
30. Derrick rice--philly
31. Josh S--nj
32. Master chibi
33. Sean kelly--
34. Deepthoughts--pa
36. Alphastorm--pa
37. JayJay--cali
38. Carmen--pa
39. Diaper Bomb--pa
40. DevilJin01--va
41. Jimbo--nc
42. Warren--philly
43. Steve H.--md
44. Hold Dat
45. Vic--philly
46. Rob Steven
47. Arkayne
48. VDO
49. Shin-Requiem
50. BBQ Sauce--
51. Bryan T.
52. Kirah
53. Robin--va
54. Bill Finlay--to
55. Freddy Loco--mtl
56. Henri Oung--mtl
57. Julien Landy--mtl
58. Jion-wansu--nc
59. Mark Jollies
60. Alex Roski
61. Shawn Flaherty--nyc
62. Kofriend--nyc
63. Shibuya--ct
64. Chicken fat--ky
65. Anthony H.--nyc
66. Aron--philly
67. cla The Ninja--nj
68. special guest from cali
69. Odas--ky
70. Antishoto--nyc
71. Wayne River--nj
72. Jollies--nj
*73. Eric Lee--md
*74. Arturo--nyc
75. Krost--md
76. Beatsofdevil--ill
77. Paul Wall--ma

GGXX-AC pre-reg list

*1. Peter--fl
2. Justin w
3. Xaqshinor--nyc
4. Chaz--nyc
5. Tinshi--nyc
6. Ken Henaki--nyc
7. Joey Crack--ri
8. Greek--nyc
9. Kayin--ct
10. NerdJosh--ct
11. Hal--philly
12. Damian--philly
13. Jamie--philly
14. Brandino--nc
*15. Liston P--nyc
16. Josh Ballard--oh
17. PhillyBlack--philly
18. Zaelar--nj
19. Frantastic23--nj
20. Dream--philly
21. plural--philly
22. Rodontel Davis--la
23. Andy--philly
24. Xie Xie--so cali
25. Kinglowtier--co
26. Bryan ford
27. Therapist--philly
28. marn--tx
29. Garri Anakron-T--nyc
30. Joe Biscuits Lopez--nyc
31. Nelson Reyes--nyc
32. Michael Reed--nyc
33. PJ--de
34. Gabriel Medina--philly
36. HNH--Md
37. Cabinet Smasher--nyc
38. Stickbug--nj
39. Doomscyther--la
40. Cadenza--
41. GreasyGyro718
42. Yggdrasill--nj
43. Steve H.--md
44. A3Religion--nyc
45. Raymond Lee--nj
46. Rob Steven
47. Arkayne
48. Andrew Edhelstone--
49. Moroha--md
50. Doomie--nj
51. GOS--nj
52. Kirah
53. Jeffery-T--de
54. Tiamat--va
55. Tony B.--ct
*56. Nestor--ma
57. Brent Taylor--nc
58. Mizuki--ca
59. Isaiah Knight--nyc
60. Alzarath--nyc
61. Nick Rode--nh
62. Rigel--nj
63. Shibuya--ct
64. Chicken fat--ky
65. Xiomar--nc
66. ChaCha--buf
67. cla The Ninja--nj
68. Roueyoshi--pa
69. ZeruGen--tn
70. Rome
71. MarliePie--nj
72. Tsak--md
73. Sam Mogaka--ia
*74. SuperFx--stl
75. Krost--md
76. Jason T--fl
77. Jason A--fl
78. Kenny L--fl
79. Schank--nj
80. KBNova--md
81. Ronald Torres--miami
82. J.C.--miami
83. Jorge Torres Miami

* Not confirmed*

Guys if you see names down 2X let me know. If you dont see your name on the list let me know.



I still have to update this page with more stuff so stay tune.




NEC9 will be helping out the local community by having a CAN DRIVE ... so bring canned food and non-perishable foods for donation ... let's show the rest of the community that we do more than play fighting games all day everyday!



Keep the negativity at home ... We are here to have fun ...


OK well I'm going to try and be at the place by 11:45ish, and set up. I'd like to start running a tournament by 6PM for UMK3, as I am not sure I'm going to be staying over and last year the tournament went so late a number of players had to leave. If we have 8 players we'll run Saturday, otherwise it'll be casuals. I'd like to film some sets with various players if that happens.

I'm just going to bring my 360 again this year, sticks, pads and TV. I don't have an extra computer handy to do it on MAME like I use to.


Theres no such thing as fun when money is on the line =) ill probably be there next year =), can anyone tell me how this thing turns out. i really want to attend this some time. but i might be doing MLG 09 pro circuit next year for CoD4. hopefully i get good enough for NEC 10


Yeah, it's next year for me too. I got stuck coming into work. 33 plaque emergency order. Lucky me!


Update from Shock:

16 player tourney

down to Shock, Joe, and Julian.

Bill placed 4th.


Thanks to all the players who showed up tonight, very nice turnout, and there were a LOT of players missing tonight and we still managed to get 16. We had 18 players in the house, unfortunately Dreemer and Phi had to leave early. I subbed for Phi since he was the 16th player. Congrats to Joe for winning another tournament.

NEC Results:

1. Joe iloveu (LI NY)
2. Shock (NJ)
3. Julian (Philly)
4. Bill/MKLegend/"Who's Tom Brady?" (VA)
5. Kyle (Philly)
5. RushedDown (RI)
7. SweetJohnnyCage (Long Island)
7. Syn (NYC)
9. HFBlade (CA?)
9. Jeron (Philly)
9. Amir (Bronx, NY)
9. JusDave (Philly)
13. Kayin (CT)
13. JonBadwolf (PA)
13. Seas of Cheese (PA)
13. Boleslaw (PA)

Big thanks to Eric, the tournament coordinator. He makes NEC possible every year. Tonight was my 7th NEC tournament and I think it's great that he treats UMK3 as "one" with the standard set of games every year.

Vids of the final 4 should be up soon, I have to talk to Joe.
Thanks to all the players who showed up tonight, very nice turnout, and there was a LOT of players missing tonight and we still managed to get 16. We had 18 players in the house, unfortunately Dreemer and Phi had to leave early. I subbed for Phi since he was the 16th player. Congrats to Joe for winning another tournament.

NEC Results:

1. Joe iloveu (LI NY)
2. Shock (NJ)
3. Julian (Philly)
4. Bill/MKLegend/"Who's Tom Brady?" (VA)
5. Kyle (Philly)
5. I dont give a fuck (RI)
7. SweetJohnnyCage (Long Island)
7. Syn (NYC)
9. HFBlade (CA?)
9. Jeron (Philly)
9. Amir (Bronx, NY)
9. JusDave (Philly)
13. Kayin (CT)
13. JonBadwolf (PA)
13. Seas of Cheese (PA)
13. Boatslaw (PA)

Big thanks to Eric, the tournament coordinator. He makes NEC possible every year. Tonight was my 7th NEC tournament and I think it's great that he treats UMK3 as "one" with the standard set of games every year.

Vids of the final 4 should be up soon, I have to talk to Joe.
fixed it for u


I texted him a couple weeks ago but he hasn't put anything up. I'll ask again tomorrow.