Registrations will start soon, however, UMK3 is NOT the only game that will be involved.
I will be making a few polls very soon, however, just a sneak peak at the games we're going to have:
SF3 3rd Strike
SSF2T HD Remix(If it's voted on).
MK vs. DC(if it's voted on).
As we saw last season, this is a lot of work for one person, and Dubson and I have talked about it, as well as some other things, and he and I will both be taking a much larger, active role in the Leagues and the season as far as regulating it and running it.
The format will also be changing. Specifics of that will be coming shortly as we're still deciding on the exact layout of signups and divisions.
We recognize that the first season was too long, and definitely didn't keep people interested in continuing playing. We're changing that, and going to keep the seasons at 4-6 weeks maxium with playoffs after the season ending.
Playoff format may change, we may go to top 2, but we're not sure yet, as signups haven't completely been discussed yet.
Lastly, platforms have yet to be finalized, but I think it stands to reason that MK2 will be on PSN and UMK3 will most likely be on Kaillera via p2p.
There's a poll attached to this thread... the top 3(maybe 4) games(not one game on multiple systems) will be in the League. If you have a game for multiple systems and you want to vote for that game, choose only one system.
I will be making a few polls very soon, however, just a sneak peak at the games we're going to have:
SF3 3rd Strike
SSF2T HD Remix(If it's voted on).
MK vs. DC(if it's voted on).
As we saw last season, this is a lot of work for one person, and Dubson and I have talked about it, as well as some other things, and he and I will both be taking a much larger, active role in the Leagues and the season as far as regulating it and running it.
The format will also be changing. Specifics of that will be coming shortly as we're still deciding on the exact layout of signups and divisions.
We recognize that the first season was too long, and definitely didn't keep people interested in continuing playing. We're changing that, and going to keep the seasons at 4-6 weeks maxium with playoffs after the season ending.
Playoff format may change, we may go to top 2, but we're not sure yet, as signups haven't completely been discussed yet.
Lastly, platforms have yet to be finalized, but I think it stands to reason that MK2 will be on PSN and UMK3 will most likely be on Kaillera via p2p.
There's a poll attached to this thread... the top 3(maybe 4) games(not one game on multiple systems) will be in the League. If you have a game for multiple systems and you want to vote for that game, choose only one system.