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How to time sub zero to hit jump kickers?

How do you hit someone who is jump kicking you? I can do it with the triangle but always always seem to get hit first when trying to hit my friend using scorpion as he jump kicks me.


Uppercut as a counter or simply use his clone, db1. that help?


Actually I'm sub zero he is scorpion.
You can duck the spear. If you duck it, rather than block it Scorpion has alot more recovery on the spear and you get a free punisher of choice. Try and close to within half screen and bait out the spear, then duck it and you get a free jump in FP,B+FP,BP,freeze,NJ FP,B+FP,BP,BP,FP,BP,slide(or BP,FP,BK,xray if you have it.)


I'llo give that a shot. Thanks.

How do you deal with spear spamming scorpions as well? My friend only does that or jump kicks..
Duck the spear, you should be able to get a free ice-ball after that.*Depends on the characters special. Test the distance on Subs freeze, and figure out when the whiffed spear becomes a free ice-ball. I know that if its a mirror match, you get a free spear, after an opponents whiffed spear.

Also, AA's in this game are fairly easy. Try and hit *AA :l, :fp, :bp, :d :r :fk

Also, I assume this thread is for SubZero? If it is, I'll move it into the SubZero character forum. *Or anyone can move it.