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UMK3 in the World Cyber Games

So what do yal think of this? Do you think it would be possible to get UMK3 to be on th WCG tournies?If it could be done how would we start? I wouldnt have the slightlest clue how to get it in there hence why i am askin yal bout it. Obviously if ANY mk game would be able to get into the WCG it would have to be UMK3.

But look the xbox 360 did alot for this game, it got new ppl into it and it brought alot of the old school playas like myself and most of u back into "kompetition" mk style.

Dis would be a great opportunity to get more people into this great but mostly "dead" game (sorry its true). It could become popular once again to gamers around the globe meaning: More competition, more players to figure out new crazy shit (ASIANS!), could basicaly make everyone that much better, and even a lil more respect too as far as the gamers community goes.

Opinions? Advice? Sarcastic comments? Fiction or reality? I need some imput

sorry btw if this has alread been covered like years ago i tried to search and couldnt find. Also my bad in advance if the title was leading some ppl to think that UMK3 was put into the WCG.
Dis would be a great opportunity to get more people into this great but mostly "dead" game (sorry its true). It could become popular once again to gamers around the globe meaning: More competition, more players to figure out new crazy shit (ASIANS!), could basicaly make everyone that much better, and even a lil more respect too as far as the gamers community goes.
if asians played umk3 we would be toast for sure:)


I think that getting UMK3 into major events is the first step. NEC is good, and possibly back at EVO if they'll have it. It's going to take work though.
I think that getting UMK3 into major events is the first step. NEC is good, and possibly back at EVO if they'll have it. It's going to take work though.
tru dat. but if enough ppl want it i think we could do it. If the vast majority of this site were willing to talk to some of the WCG peeps and players like shock and ded for instance would show them some of the complexities that make the game competitive, PLUS getting friends and such like that, that still play PLUS other friendly sites that agree on the idea we should have what we need.

and yes EYEPLAY4fun, if asians (mostly koreans haha) would get more involved with this game we would all be destroyed as a unit lmao. but it would be good for the game nontheless


tru dat. but if enough ppl want it i think we could do it. If the vast majority of this site were willing to talk to some of the WCG peeps and players like shock and ded for instance would show them some of the complexities that make the game competitive, PLUS getting friends and such like that, that still play PLUS other friendly sites that agree on the idea we should have what we need.
The problem is that this site is divided into 2 groups.

1. Those who will travel to play offline
2. Those who prefer the convenience of online play

Offline play defines tournaments, and much of this community, as much as I hate to say it, doesn't have the desire to travel when the convenience of netplay exists.

Note - Do not start this debate again. Infractions will be handed out generously if the offline vs. online debate starts again.
ok enough bout them god damn asians! (im asian btw aint that a bitch?) the question isnt whether it could or couldnt be done cuz it could always be done. THE question is HOOOOOWW in the hell would we go about it? 9.95 u seem to hav a good vibe towords this, would you know of what to do? I mean i assumed that some people would have to all write a letter or some shit asking for permission and then go to like an interview like a job but then i dont fuckin know. Im gonna go do some research on this.


ok enough bout them god damn asians! (im asian btw aint that a bitch?) the question isnt whether it could or couldnt be done cuz it could always be done. THE question is HOOOOOWW in the hell would we go about it? 9.95 u seem to hav a good vibe towords this, would you know of what to do? I mean i assumed that some people would have to all write a letter or some shit asking for permission and then go to like an interview like a job but then i dont fuckin know. Im gonna go do some research on this.
WCG is prob. not the place for it. I think everyone would agree that the best place to get UMK3 any real recognition would be at EVO. There was a recommendation on SRK a few months ago about having a side UMK3 tourney at EVO, but it never happened. The more people that ask about it from the SRK/SF community the better, because that will have some level of merit and give it the best chance of us seeing it at EVO.


Premium Supporter
There needs to be more tournaments across the country to spring the type of interest required to get UMK3 at something like Evo as a serious game, but as a side game there's no problem. I ran it as a side game at Evo East in 2007. Right now a big tournament would depend on basically the players from the Northeast and that's not enough to depend on. Theoretically there could be 32 or more players at any give tournament in Philly, NJ or NYC, based on the player population around here, but you never see a situation where everyone can make it. But say, there were 16-32 players a piece in 3 or 4 other densely populated regions of the country, like Florida/Georgia, Texas, Cali, and Chi. That'd be a good chunk of players to work with for something big.

I've really tried to push guys to start running them in other big tournaments as side games. It's not hard to contact tournament coordinators on SRK and say "I want to run UMK3, I got 4-8 guys who want to come out." in say Florida, or Texas, or even midsouth. There are tournaments all the time and I take the time to post them on here on the calendar. Anytime a tournament comes up in your area, someone should make a post saying "Hey guys big tournament coming up in GA, I know we got at least 10 players who could make for a fun in person tournament, who's in?" and if no one wants to go fine, but you have to make the effort. I've run over a dozen tournaments myself in the last 5 years and participated in about 2 dozen, PA, NJ, NYC and CT.

Edit: I was just informed there is a UMK3 tournament being run in CA by FFA. I'll post about it.


It's not hard to contact tournament coordinators on SRK and say "I want to run UMK3, I got 4-8 guys who want to come out." in say Florida, or Texas, or even midsouth.

That's exactly how UMK3 got into the Castle Golf tourneys. CG6 was posted on SRK and I think someone posted it here too(Styroteqe I think). I contacted John, the coordinator and asked about having UMK3 there and he said it was cool. It was supposed to be a side game and we got a decent 8 player turnout. After 3s, UMK3 was the highlight of the night. We had a blast watching Frankie and Joe go at it in the finals with the UMK guys rooting Frankie on and the 3s guys rooting Joe on. People were surprised to see UMK3 being played but it picked up attention. We've had as many as 15 or 16 players there. It goes to show you that when people see UMK3 played at a level they never knew existed it makes people watch and get interested.

Side tourneys start small, but if you can keep the attention and interest, some of the higher profile and better players show up. When that happens, more of the higher profile players show up too. That's how tournaments get big.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
I have the best idea of all...

Make MK9 a 2-D fighter based off the MK3/UMK3 engine.

Bam. HUGE following.


GameOver, first, it's funny, I was in the Bronx today to pick up a new softball bat...LOL.

Second, your post has no business in this thread. We were asked how to get UMK3 into the WCG, and more than just Shock and myself have responded to this. Nobody bashed online play in these posts, just stated that WCG isn't the right place, but EVO probably is. However, it's not going to be online play that gets this game at EVO, it's going to be offline tournaments in front of crowds of people attending other major tournaments. All that was said was that he pushed people to try to get it at other tournaments, how was that bashing online players? If anything, it's encouraging them to continue to play and attempt to play offline at tournaments if someone has the ability to organize one at a local tournament. I fail to see where your post had any relavence in this thread.


Premium Supporter
Keep the bullshit out of this thread.

That is all.
It goes to show you that when people see UMK3 played at a level they never knew existed it makes people watch and get interested.

Side tourneys start small, but if you can keep the attention and interest, some of the higher profile and better players show up. When that happens, more of the higher profile players show up too. That's how tournaments get big.
yea dats wut i was thinking too. If people could see exactly how much skill and strategy is involved in this simple game, more people would like it and more ppl would get pissed off when they loose haha (making it more kompetitive)

neways i did some research on WCG last night and i found out that the 2008 games have been decided already. THere is a couple xbox games like halo 3, and there is also OLD games like starcraft in there. Also in 2008 this is their first year with a fighter game in it (virtua fighter 5 i think). So at least i know that they are interested in fighters. Though i hear wut yall say and if u think EVO would be better than thats cool i just think that it would be good to get it into some big tourny, even if its a side tourny.

Wut is EVO though? i have never heard of it. I would be willin to go wit some of yall to a side tourny if need be. Or to some kindof...whatever, but i b here. ONE PROBLEM is i'm on probation till like November....so I prob couldnt do anything till past then.