According from a source of Betty's, Cyrax reset's are not gonna be gone but the damage will be nerfed. But i wonder how much. Reptiles bnb damage got nerfed but only by 5%. Subs 60% reset is gonna be gone completely. Correct me if I am wrong Betty or Brandon.
ya it was fun. alot of pee pee wins and stupid gimmicks that makes MK9 well MK9
I have a very reliable source that says Cyrax's resets are all gone. Either way, we are not going to find out for a while because the patch is probably coming next month. This is what I was told from that source:
-Kabal's nomad dash cancels are a lot easier to get out of
-Cyrax's resets, all of them, gone
-JC's F3, 2 to nutpunch, gone
-KL's spin has zero pushback now and more recovery frames on low hat
-Raiden's teleport is now 2 frames slower and his VC is zero on block, no more adv
Again, this is what I was told from reliable source, doesn't mean it's all 1000% true. Me, nor betty, nor brandon, know 100% exactly what's going to happen, considering NRS STILL has time to change things