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Favorite Punisher

Whats your Favorite Punisher to pull off?

to start mine is the simple CSub-Zero- aaHP, freeze, hp, glitch cancel, ground freeze, jk start popup combo, jk, slide. if in the corner then aaHP, freeze, hp, glitch cancel, ground freeze, jk start popup combo, jk, hk, slide. simple but still fun for me.

if not that then USub-Zero- aahp, freeze, hp, glitch cancel, freeze, hp, hp, jk, slide (if i know the slide will land). if in the corner then aahp, freeze, hp, glitch cancel, freeze, hp, hp, jk, hk, slide.


I love the u-sub glitch cancel punisher, but I always seem to whiff the glitch cancel and freeze myself. Does anyone have any tips on how to do it without freezing myself?
practice it on cpu or a dummy second player and when you get online pray that theres no lag. i dont do the glitch cancel online alot because of the fact that i can freeze myself with the smallest hint of lag.


Yeah that used to happend to me as well.
Now I just take my time and make sure the aaHP connects.

My favorite punisher is gotta be; aaHPHP, JK, teleport punch, harpoon, HP, HP, HK, B+HK.
With Scorpion.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Robo homos aaP, TU, aaHP, aaHP, spear, autocombo.


Sindels aaP, scream, aaLP, aaHP, scream, pop up, dash+lp+lp, jk, air fireball


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Kung Lao's autocombo - it just looks so cool.

EDIT: ok I'm an idiot...favorite punisher is Liu Kang aaHPHP, JK, Flying Kick...but the aforementioned combo is my favorite.


Some of my favorite unorthodox punishers are:

aaHPHP, JK, Arrow with Nightwolf
aaJK, Dash Kick with Jade
aaJK, spin, aaHPHP, JK, AFB with Kabal.
aaHP, JK, Leg Grab with Sonya


Kung Lao infinite.

aaHPHP aaHP aaLP, Spear, 3 hit Pop-up, aaLPLP, JK, Air-Throw

aaHP, TKS, SUJK, teleport, aaHP, TKS, OTG, Deep JK, HK


Anything involving a Rh, leg grab is fine by me.

jp, hp,hp,lp,hp, deep jk, gimme yo mun-e nyucka, run-in lk
Mileena's combo that I can only do on Robo Smoke/ Sektor in corner.

aaRH, aaRH, roll, aaLP, JK, Sai Throw.

The Leg Grab with Sonya works for me too.


Ermac :

aaHp, TKS, aaHp, Hp, JK, Tele-Punch, Lp, GreenFireball. (it's fast and crazy looking)
It's also a giant waste of a punisher.

Try aaHP, TKS, aaHP, JK, Teleport, TKS, aaHPHP, aaHP, JK

I'd go for an OTG Pop-up deep JK, HK but if you can't get three punches just do aaHPHP, JK.


I know other punishers, I just think the one I mentioned is just cool looking. I know it's not efficient to do though. :)