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New number 1 in Ranked Versus


Check it out, its a new guy in the top spot on the ranked versus in UMK3 on XBLA. Geez, i wonder who he could be? Damn i wish i was that good....:D


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xI Crossf1re Ix - Took him 1000 wins to get to a TS41 with only 2 losses, which means he was boosting off someone terrible. He has 108,425 gamerpoints lol. Someone else should boost up to number 1 just to piss him off.


WOW what losers. Do they really care that much? Half of the people who boost to the top never play the game or are good at it anyway.
ratings is what kinda ruined ds online play...everyone quits cause they want a good rating. what people don't realize is that nobody gives a fuck about your rating and they'll never meet you anyways, so who gives a shit.

people on here get more respect for being good cause people know they're good from match vids, etc, not some lame ass rating on Live


xI Crossf1re Ix - Took him 1000 wins to get to a TS41 with only 2 losses, which means he was boosting off someone terrible. He has 108,425 gamerpoints lol. Someone else should boost up to number 1 just to piss him off.
GO THE FUCK OUTSIDE! I know you didn't actually get those achievements yourself but still that's even more pathetic. Seriously go outside, the sun is wonderful.


Dont let the gamerscore be of any concern to you, i got 90 percent of it unlegitmately which means i spend more time outside than some of you do and i wouldnt get how it makes me much of a loser if people outside of me is more concerned about my gamerscore than i am. Yes i boosted off my other account (in the top 1000 legit) and it took me 2 days to do this. Yes i have 2 xboxs and 2 accounts, but i would have never been as good as i am without this website so i will put on my motto for everybody to see- www.ultimatemk.com, cool with u guys? At least its better than Mippy (former number 1) whos motto says "Do not read this!" I respect you guys enough to do this but its not the reason why i did it. I finished Nba Live 06 3rd overall legitmately and DC Hustle knows this. I wanted to be somebody important again. If somebody tries to boost and take my place, i wouldnt be too worried about it considering the fact i went from unranked to first place in 2 days.

I get my ass kicked by 95% of the people in here so this is no way of sayin im better than you guys, i just wanted to make a good name on my tag.


Dont let the gamerscore be of any concern to you, i got 90 percent of it unlegitmately which means i spend more time outside than some of you do and i wouldnt get how it makes me much of a loser if people outside of me is more concerned about my gamerscore than i am. Yes i boosted off my other account (in the top 1000 legit) and it took me 2 days to do this. Yes i have 2 xboxs and 2 accounts, but i would have never been as good as i am without this website so i will put on my motto for everybody to see- www.ultimatemk.com, cool with u guys? At least its better than Mippy (former number 1) whos motto says "Do not read this!" I respect you guys enough to do this but its not the reason why i did it. I finished Nba Live 06 3rd overall legitmately and DC Hustle knows this. I wanted to be somebody important again. If somebody tries to boost and take my place, i wouldnt be too worried about it considering the fact i went from unranked to first place in 2 days.

I get my ass kicked by 95% of the people in here so this is no way of sayin im better than you guys, i just wanted to make a good name on my tag.
So you think boosting your way to the number 1 spot is gonna give you a good name? You don't think people are gonna know that you boosted?


So you think boosting your way to the number 1 spot is gonna give you a good name? You don't think people are gonna know that you boosted?
Outside of you guys wont know the truth so it dont hurt that much. A random scrub comes in and be like who dat be?! and then they come here. I dont answer to any messages regarding me in first place or accept friend requests from random guys. I have gotten 6 messages askin what is hsmokes 3 hit upper and what is ermacs fatality and whatnot so now my motto will answer all their questions. Again i meant no disrespect to yall by doin this- its just something of mine i gotta have.


Outside of you guys wont know the truth so it dont hurt that much. A random scrub comes in and be like who dat be?! and then they come here. I dont answer to any messages regarding me in first place or accept friend requests from random guys. I have gotten 6 messages askin what is hsmokes 3 hit upper and what is ermacs fatality and whatnot so now my motto will answer all their questions. Again i meant no disrespect to yall by doin this- its just something of mine i gotta have.
"its just something of mine i gotta have"

Then why don't you earn it.


Being No.1 on the MK leaderboards means shit. Everyone knows how screwed up it is. Why don't you just play player matches and try to get better that way so people will recognize you. Boosting isn't going to get you any respect, recognition, or make you better at the game itself. Playing will.


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I don't think anyone played 1000 matches, they probably just connected and dropped repeatedly after a certain amount of matches, the guy might have tried at first but gave up trying after 2 losses.


Shock is right. I played at legit first but after realizin how much i suck and not able to beat the pros at this game i knew i would stand no chance of gettin in the top 100- which was the original plan. But after boostin off my secondary account in the top 1000 and a TS of 27 I got in the top 10 in no time and finished first after several hours. Currently i am waitin for the new spring dashboard update which will include promoting a childs account (i have my reasons for choosing this) and then i will be able to turn off my privacy settings so only people can see my motto/bio but not my games played or online status. My friends can confirm ive already changed my motto to umk.com but nobody outside my friends can see it yet.

I will make this promise- if anybody legit gets up to my rank i will let them take it over but seeing that Mippy was at first i saw no reason why i couldnt have it too. At least an active member of umk (me) stands for something now.


I thought of it a few weeks ago and had it done in a total of 2 days so i wouldnt exactly call it a lifes passion but if you still want my autograph u can have it.


I love how you shitface your self.

i spend more time outside than some of you do
Yes i boosted off my other account (in the top 1000 legit) and it took me 2
days to do this

Yes i have 2 xboxs and 2 accounts
I wanted to be somebody important again.
i just wanted to make a good name on my tag.
i wouldnt get how it makes me much of a loser


Im amazed you actually took the time to read every single word and twist them to prove what? Bottom line is i dont spend that much time on xbox live but when i do ima gonna look good. Its not like i took over somebody who got up here legit. Hell you could do the same over a weekend. As for gamescoring, i can get up 10k in a day and i only have 108k since xbox 360 launched 3 years ago so you do the math. Again what exactly are you tryin to say?
Ok, here' the thing...

I dont speak for the whole site. I'm not even a moderator. But, as someone who comes here, reads the threads, posts occasionally, and has benefitted from the info on this site, I have to say this; I don't want your fucking endorsement.

Yeah, it's nice advertising to have the #1 spot taken up by someone with the site's URL in their motto, but to have it be a booster? Fuck that noise, bring back Mippy. At least he didn't try to make himself feel better by telling anyone he was helping them out as an added bonus to his fuckery.

Y'know what would've been a better line of bullshit? "I just did it to demonstrate how busted the Ranking system is for UMK3." We still wouldn't have bought it, but at least you would've had a point we could all agree on.

You're a booster. In an enlightened future, that word is going to be in the thesaurus as being a synonym for, "Douchebag." Until then, might I suggest you put, "Douchebag," in your motto, rather than trying to legitimize yourself by trying to implicitly involve all of us here at the site. Speak for yourself, don't claim that we had anything to do with your decision.