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Late Night Playa's

sorry i dont mean to post something so stupid but maybe it's not so stupid.

I stay up pretty late, like 3 to 5:00 in the morning n' I get tired of jackin' around with scrubby players or playing arcade mode that late of night, I wanna have fun with REAL players.

Are there any strong players that say up that late that are up for games at that time of morning?

Dont get me wrong i'm not like an elite player atm, this joystick still seems to hold me back I think there's alot of things i can't do with the joystick. But i enjoy staying even wtih players that dominate me, i'd prefer players that dominate, gives me the chance to try to adapt, but anyways, the titles says it all...
I stay up late on friday nights.
Aawww man i was goin' crazy, i hit refresh n' my thread was gone, i was like wtf!!! lol aight well hit me up, i'll add ya

EDIT: BTW i hear you have one of the worst Kung Laos around lol =P
and you needa removed someone before i can add you =(
Aawww man i was goin' crazy, i hit refresh n' my thread was gone, i was like wtf!!! lol aight well hit me up, i'll add ya

EDIT: BTW i hear you have one of the worst Kung Laos around lol =P
and you needa removed someone before i can add you =(

Ehhhh so so i can be nice with him sometimes.

Ill remove someone today so holla back.
I'm usually on every night late late LATE. I dedicate about an hour and a half of constant UMK3 on XBL every night. I usually play Shang, though. Dunno if that seems scrubby to you or not. :p

Real T

I dont get out of work till 3-4am (eastern) every nite... so i play late. I hop on at usually 4-5am and play till like 7 at least. almost daily. I'll jam w/ u kid.


Space Jockey
I'm on late sometimes during the week, and often on the weekends. Been out of the mix for a while, but trying to get back into the groove.


I'm usually on late most nights, but I don't stay on for long...depends on what time I got in and what time I have to work the next day.
I enjoy long sessions of video games between the late night hours of 10pm and 3am. I am always down for a game and a friendly chat.

Do you like Pina Coladas?

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Only 2 things go with late nights, thats MK and Taco Bell for you.
yuck. The only thing I ever get from Toxic Hell are the hard tacos, because not even Taco Bell has found a way to ruin 'em.

but I'd give up my left testicle for a 24-hour Chipotle in C-bus.:D