What up site. Sorry I aint more active and post more in this tight community.
Anyways, just to keep it real,
WTF I never see people playing like it used to be on XBL (or at least during my main times: 2am-8am est) I kno those are bugged hrs anyway, but it USED to be thrieving (w/ the best comp no less) at those times. I play everyday just about... and it 'could' be any times. VS challenger. I kno ppl play, but it is definately less active overal.
Its hard to find matches lately! The servers are back good now for MK. So I kno its people that can STILL play those hrs, but just DONT. Dont be off your game! I need to play! This is RAW MK ENERGY (im corny), AND I CHALLENGE ANYONE/EVRYONE on this site and XBL. I will fuck you up! There! You think Im playin? Good. Come see. I own UMK3 XBLA right now. Record the damn matches and make videos, I dont give a shit. Just find me! Sometimes I have mic, sometimes i dont.
Im 28 yrs old, so dont think im some bullshit kid. (no offense "bullshit kids"). I also dont have to say my skill level in MK. You can see that for yourself. I was driving cars to arcades every day since MK1 beta cabinet dropped, and I never stopped since. Consistantly up 2 date. Even after arcades died. I jammed on all home versions of everything. My man had a cab. If u on my list, start playing me more again. If u not on my list, come beef. I will crush you. If u beat me, good. I just wanna fuckin play goddamnit!
I also have a DS and I got UMK the day it came out, but aint set up friend code yet or nothin. Been busy. I'll get that goin too soon, so I can blast fools while im shittin too! lol
I prowl the boards. I kno most of the names of people here, so I'll kno who u are... Maybe u heard of me. I played most of u, so most of the REALest and BESTest people (XBL) kno me. I call YOU- who played with me- out. I want the people from this site who I havent played, to send me inv/FR's. I call ya'll out too. Maybe I'll "T. Friendship" u... and add u to the list. Where's all the fuckin best at? Fuckin bring it!! I want the best! Think you can beat me? Try it! I'll play noobs too. Anybody. I have good connection, but I'll even fuckin blast u slo-mo if there's LAG (LOL)
The best I met are CD and DC. Much props. But what? Ya'll bring it more too! I want some! Want some? (*I still see DC time 2 time, but CD, where u at? Bring it son!!)
U be cool wit me, then Im the coolest dude u ever met. But I wanna fight! Play MK! This message stands, but matter of fact, at the time of its posting, I'll be on RIGHT NOW for a cpl hrs. So wassup? I wanna play right now! WAAAAA AHHHHH (lolol)
SEE U IN THE "ARCADE" unless u a bitch
I wanna rumble with the beasts and monsters. I love high-level play
-This site
-REAL MK PEOPLE (u kno who u r) *MK mastery is fucking art. Respect it.
-The best people on here (u kno who u r)
-People who try... and keep trying
-ANYONE who loves MK
-Female MK'ers..... I want to SEX them down good (for REAL) because they are so good at MK, and MK is like SEX :wink: :twisted: (holla ladies- I'll hit u OFF! And play MK with ya'll 8))
-to anyone I've ever played on XBL or in real life
-all the NOOBS who dont give up, and stay in the room no matter what or how bad they get destroyed. Im talkin bout the ones who hang for 100-200 matches, and i can get 40, 50, 60, etc win streaks @ a time... (u kno who u r)
-peace to the cats I still play on XBL reg/semi-reg (u kno who u r)
-peace to ANYONE who still cracks out on UMK3...
Lets do this. And dont be a little 10 yr old shit talker always talkin bout BALLS or some [ban incoming] shit. "oh, u have no life, blah blah." I have grown man life for real sons. Be an adult. Dont "act" like a virgin (even if u is). If u young, u can still challenge me, i'll play, but act like an adult around me... and dont be corny. Or u get the boot like italy (and im 100% Italian!) I hate to boot people tho... so dont make me. I just dont tolerate inmaturity and stupidity in my online rooms. And if u can beat me, I dont boot u or do wack shit like drop. U get props in my head. And I dont forget who beats me...
(*yeah, Im promoting myself here. plus trying to stir up UMK3 XBL again...)
If u flame me here, good. Entertainment for me. Talk is cheap anyway. I'll flame u in the fuckin game. Come say it to my face ("virtual" face in the rooms) We'll see the weight behind words... :evil:
PS- "GGs"...............
how bout a new one: "GFGs" (good. fuckin. games.)
Anyways, just to keep it real,
WTF I never see people playing like it used to be on XBL (or at least during my main times: 2am-8am est) I kno those are bugged hrs anyway, but it USED to be thrieving (w/ the best comp no less) at those times. I play everyday just about... and it 'could' be any times. VS challenger. I kno ppl play, but it is definately less active overal.
Its hard to find matches lately! The servers are back good now for MK. So I kno its people that can STILL play those hrs, but just DONT. Dont be off your game! I need to play! This is RAW MK ENERGY (im corny), AND I CHALLENGE ANYONE/EVRYONE on this site and XBL. I will fuck you up! There! You think Im playin? Good. Come see. I own UMK3 XBLA right now. Record the damn matches and make videos, I dont give a shit. Just find me! Sometimes I have mic, sometimes i dont.
Im 28 yrs old, so dont think im some bullshit kid. (no offense "bullshit kids"). I also dont have to say my skill level in MK. You can see that for yourself. I was driving cars to arcades every day since MK1 beta cabinet dropped, and I never stopped since. Consistantly up 2 date. Even after arcades died. I jammed on all home versions of everything. My man had a cab. If u on my list, start playing me more again. If u not on my list, come beef. I will crush you. If u beat me, good. I just wanna fuckin play goddamnit!

I prowl the boards. I kno most of the names of people here, so I'll kno who u are... Maybe u heard of me. I played most of u, so most of the REALest and BESTest people (XBL) kno me. I call YOU- who played with me- out. I want the people from this site who I havent played, to send me inv/FR's. I call ya'll out too. Maybe I'll "T. Friendship" u... and add u to the list. Where's all the fuckin best at? Fuckin bring it!! I want the best! Think you can beat me? Try it! I'll play noobs too. Anybody. I have good connection, but I'll even fuckin blast u slo-mo if there's LAG (LOL)
The best I met are CD and DC. Much props. But what? Ya'll bring it more too! I want some! Want some? (*I still see DC time 2 time, but CD, where u at? Bring it son!!)
U be cool wit me, then Im the coolest dude u ever met. But I wanna fight! Play MK! This message stands, but matter of fact, at the time of its posting, I'll be on RIGHT NOW for a cpl hrs. So wassup? I wanna play right now! WAAAAA AHHHHH (lolol)
SEE U IN THE "ARCADE" unless u a bitch

I wanna rumble with the beasts and monsters. I love high-level play
-This site
-REAL MK PEOPLE (u kno who u r) *MK mastery is fucking art. Respect it.
-The best people on here (u kno who u r)
-People who try... and keep trying
-ANYONE who loves MK
-Female MK'ers..... I want to SEX them down good (for REAL) because they are so good at MK, and MK is like SEX :wink: :twisted: (holla ladies- I'll hit u OFF! And play MK with ya'll 8))
-to anyone I've ever played on XBL or in real life
-all the NOOBS who dont give up, and stay in the room no matter what or how bad they get destroyed. Im talkin bout the ones who hang for 100-200 matches, and i can get 40, 50, 60, etc win streaks @ a time... (u kno who u r)
-peace to the cats I still play on XBL reg/semi-reg (u kno who u r)
-peace to ANYONE who still cracks out on UMK3...
Lets do this. And dont be a little 10 yr old shit talker always talkin bout BALLS or some [ban incoming] shit. "oh, u have no life, blah blah." I have grown man life for real sons. Be an adult. Dont "act" like a virgin (even if u is). If u young, u can still challenge me, i'll play, but act like an adult around me... and dont be corny. Or u get the boot like italy (and im 100% Italian!) I hate to boot people tho... so dont make me. I just dont tolerate inmaturity and stupidity in my online rooms. And if u can beat me, I dont boot u or do wack shit like drop. U get props in my head. And I dont forget who beats me...
(*yeah, Im promoting myself here. plus trying to stir up UMK3 XBL again...)
If u flame me here, good. Entertainment for me. Talk is cheap anyway. I'll flame u in the fuckin game. Come say it to my face ("virtual" face in the rooms) We'll see the weight behind words... :evil:
PS- "GGs"...............
how bout a new one: "GFGs" (good. fuckin. games.)