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Hey guys how's it going? I'm new to this website, I just registered actually and I just wanted to introduce myself.

Well I'm 27, I'm Russian born currently living in Toronto. Came here from SRK, my username there is USf. Haven't really been a poster when it comes to forums but I do browse alot. I have been a fighting game nut since the beginning of time almost. I still remember playing SFII and Mortal Kombat religiously back in the early 90s. Ever since, I have played and owned every single game in both of those series, minus MK vs DC. The latter simply didn't interest me but I'm very glad to see MK going back to its roots. Extremely excited to get my hands on the game and looking forward to spending more time on these forums. The best way to describe how I feel about MK9 right now is the same as I was feeling waiting for Mortal Kombat II. Just soooooooo good.



Welcome, Kal. Enjoy the site and looking forward to seeing you around. :)


Thank you gentlemen, looking forward to discussing the game and what not in the future.


Cool, a new recruit, welcome to TYM! :D I see you have a nice taste in avatar :p, and you're Russian that's really cool. If you don't mind me asking, who're your mains gonna be?


Cool, a new recruit, welcome to TYM! :D I see you have a nice taste in avatar :p, and you're Russian that's really cool. If you don't mind me asking, who're your mains gonna be?
Oh that's a tough one, I have absolutely no idea. MK was always one of those games for me in which I never had a real main. I used to play a few characters quite well and never bothered picking 1 main one. This might change this time around but my eyes are set on either: Jade (always been my favorite MK female), Kung Lao (started loving him in the 3D MKs), Ermac, Cyrax, Sektor and Noob. My main is definitely gonna be one of these, with Jade in the lead for now, she's simply my goddess. In the last 3D MKs, I played her the most. I have ALWAYS enjoyed Scorpion and Sub Zero, love both of them, but ever since I started playing fighters I have tried picking fighters that not alot of people play. I see Scorpion and Sub being the next Ryu and Ken, especially this gen. So if one is popular, even if I'm good at that char, I drop them for someone else.

Thanks MKF30 and Sub.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Coincidentally enough, you and Krayzie Bone share the exact same avatar...looks like Jade's getting to be a common sight these days, LOL.

A-hem. I digress, welcome to the TYM website!


Coincidentally enough, you and Krayzie Bone share the exact same avatar...looks like Jade's getting to be a common sight these days, LOL.

A-hem. I digress, welcome to the TYM website!
Jade is just too awesome. :D

@ Tim Static: Pink Floyd is one of my favorite bands ever. Respect.

@ AC1984: Privet & spasibo.