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wb hold euro tournament in belgum & europe / win custom shadaloo stick plus more


i dont undestand how this tourny happen before game is released?
this is the regional tourny in belgum then the winner goes to europe grand final.
so wb is organising grand mk tourny in europe before game is released?

original story here - http://www.9lives.be/static/mortalkombat
credit -MtG- mko

google translate below

Warner Bros. to seek the best Mortal Kombat fighter in Belgium!

The return of the most violent fighting game in the genre to celebrate, Warner Bros. is organizing the official Mortal Kombat Tournament, where you can show you the best Mortal Kombat fighter from Belgium!

To play in final tournament, you have to qualify through a qualifying round. In these rounds do you compete with gamers from around the country for a spot in the grand finale. And a chance to go to the European Final, where you can be the best in Europe!

Enroll now because places are limited in the preliminary round.

The preliminary rounds will be held on two dates:

12 march 2011
15.00 – 19.00
The Bulldogs Antwerpen
Bredabaan 210
2170 Merksem

19 march 2011
14.00 – 18.00
Queensbury Gym
Rue Stephenson 78a
1000 Bruxelles

The final event will be on April 7th place in the evening.
Hold for more information the Facebook page in mind: www.facebook.com/mktournament

Tournament regels (PDF) / Terms & Conditions (DOC) Tournament Rules (PDF) / Terms and Conditions (DOC)
You can subscribe by sending an email to [email protected] .

Do not forget the following information:

◦Naam Name
◦Adres Address
◦Woonplaats Location
◦Telefoonnummer Phone
◦Geboortedatum (ivm min/ leeftijd 18 jaar) Date of birth (because of min / age 18 years)
◦Inschrijven voor voorronde Merksem / Brussel Subscribe to final Merksem / Brussels

The winners of the qualifiers earn a spot in the finals on April 7.
The winner of this final will go to the European final in Birmingham on April 17 where they will compete for the European title.

The winner will also receive a Custom Made Mortal Kombat Arcade Stick offered by Shadaloo .

There are also the participants for various other prizes, including Kollector's and Standard Editions.

http://gamesmirrors.telenet.be/games/mortalkombat/MK_Tournament_Terms and_Conditions_Benelux.doc

Terms of Use ( NL / FR ) Privacy Policy ( NL / FR ) Terms of Use ( NL / FR ) Privacy Policy ( NL / FR )

translation of some of the rules
credit -MtG- mko

The downside is that the game will be played on Playstation 3 with their controllers, this is a downside for me since I play on the 360.

No practice before.
No customization of characters during the tournament
Allowed to use different characters, just no switching while playing
90 sec timer for each round
Max 3 rounds(so win 2 rounds and you win)

Also released with these is some nice art of Raiden:
so play on ps3 with kratos?

here is pic of raiden

No customization of characters during the tournament

really need someone speak dutch or w/e to explain rules and terms etc


Just based on previous corporate-run tournament experience, I'm going to assume WB is not actually running this event. It's probably some third party company that's handling the event organization for WB. Therefore the mention of customization is probably because the company running the tournament is clueless about MK. WCG does the same thing in the US, mentioning customization for games that have no form of customization.

I get WB wants to hype up the release of the game, but I think there are better ways to do it than by holding a tournament before the game is even out. Maybe we'll see an official US national tournament though?


This can also be something like what capcom did for sf4. Held casuals and let players play the game before the game was released. But in this case, it's a tournament. Not really sure.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
I'm not saying this isn't legit but this seems too good to be true. After all the secrecy in three weeks they're hosting a series of public tournaments? so odd. Hopefully we're getting one in America and they give us enough notice to make plans.


I'm not saying this isn't legit but this seems too good to be true. After all the secrecy in three weeks they're hosting a series of public tournaments? so odd. Hopefully we're getting one in America and they give us enough notice to make plans.
If this is legit, I'd be shocked if the build of the game was final. I'd assume it will be the same build used at PAX (or something very similar). I'd be fairly surprised if the game is even gold by March 12. So it's not out of the question that this tournament is real.