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How do you guys do it?

Managing well, competitive MK or Gaming and going to College for a Career, not just going just to go.

I've long realized you need some sort of a education unless you're naturally good at something with experience or get lucky, you'll end up working minimum wage in retail or companies through staffing agencies as a job.

Been thinking, I might start to pursue a Major since I got my gen eds out of the way, either a BSN or something in technology, but been wondering, how do you guys manage to find time to Game?

Discuss, it'd be nice to include what you're studying/doing if ya want.
Haha well guess you are the few where things just work out. I want to know from the likes of others as well.

Such as IKizzLE or CD jr who are in the Engineering field, that's no joke or Maxter.

I'm already too late to go in on MK but I want to be good at Injustice but I'm looking at school as a extreme roadblock.


too late to get into MK? This game barely came out like a year ago. It hasn't even been explored to it's fullest, this game has a long, long time ahead.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
im only taking a few classes each semeseter so like that i have plenty of time for video games yea its gonna take longer for me to graduate but idc im only 20 years old as long as i finish before the age of 35 im good.
I love your outlook man.

Sent from Cyberdyne Systems


My blades will find your heart
im only taking a few classes each semeseter so like that i have plenty of time for video games yea its gonna take longer for me to graduate but idc im only 20 years old as long as i finish before the age of 35 im good.
And Then you will have so much tournament winnings you wont even need a career, lmao. Engineering field is legit though, nice.


Come On Die Young
I go to a pretty good college and play this game competitively. But I've pretty much realized I have to sacrifice being top tier at MK so I can maintain a good standing in school. I do go to tournaments to compete but mainly for fun, I don't expect to do well.
Yeah Engineering is legit, well, I'm 21, I been like Jr and got y pre-reqs out of the way/gen eds.

Now it's time to pick and go! I was thinking engineering but, that math is hella hard. It's still an option though. Also looking into BSN/Accounting.

Why is Engineering so hard?!

Revolver Ya I agree. I mean when I was in Community College doing my Gen Eds it wasn't that tough. I gamed a lot. But when you pick your field of study and are spending loads of money, you have to do well, plus your studies get tougher too. It's ok to goof a bit when you're spending $1200 in Community College but a different story when you take loans and actually take tougher courses for your Major.
I go to a pretty good college and play this game competitively. But I've pretty much realized I have to sacrifice being top tier at MK so I can maintain a good standing in school. I do go to tournaments to compete but mainly for fun, I don't expect to do well.
This. I study Nuclear Medicine and my next semester is 18 credit hours, followed by 25 ( :[[[[ ) after that. You won't be top tier at the game with a schedule like that unless you have no social life at school, but you'll be good enough to compete with most people and have a good time at tournaments when you find the time/money to go. It's very doable and fun, just don't be expecting to meet cdjr in grand finals anytime soon lol


Got my mechanical engineering degree at Northwestern University in four years. So that was 4-5 classes a quarter which is like 2/3rds a semester. Hours of hw,projects,etc a night. It was rough, but planning ahead is key. You should already have set what you are going to do the next day. Planning last minute will get you no time for MK and school/work.

I've been working 10 hrs a day since last summer and still have time to play this game and compete and travel to tournies. Would I be better at this game if I had more time in the day and no real life priorities?! Of course, but learning good time management early on will help you get enough hrs to continue your hobby if you really care about it.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
I'm gonna be a junior in college this fall but so far I haven't been swamped with too much schoolwork. I'm an Information Systems major which is kind of like Computer Science + Management/Business and my University has a strong program for it emphasizing more on Computer Science part compared to other schools. School hasn't really gotten in the way of me playing MK but when I had 2 part-time jobs that pretty much prevented me from playing much. Now I don't have those jobs and now it's money preventing me from going to tournies lol.