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Trollin' with JC


I usually nutpunch at the end of the round, but the biggest trollin with JC online I've seen is the guy beats than does Johnny's most useful 132 string when it says Finish Him.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
If you end the match with a nut punch you can do a full string when they are in the "ouch my balls" state.

132 is so sexy.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
The oscar followed by the c'mon into nut punch are the two best. Also, the "Don't hate!" babality line is pretty epic lol. Guess you could do the c'mon into babality or oscar, that'd piss people off lol.

I personally like to troll with a nut punch train, I start at a little outside of sweep range and finish it with EX nut punch. "Money shot!" "HAHAHA!"

I think Quan's the best, though. You can beat them to death with their own leg or B1 bitch slap 'em then chill in your pimp throne.


24 Low Hat!
I love to troll at the end of the round with Sub Zero's f4 1+2 string. Whiff the f4 and hit the 1+2, people rage cause its the least useful string in the game but it looks friggin cool

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Now I just need to learn the ways of JC. (Dizzy has me wanting to play him! haha)

Whenever I do get lucky and win with him, I always do enhanced nutpunch. I wonder... am I the only one that likes his win pose with the broken glasses and putting on new ones better than his fatalities? lol

Miss Kanzuki

I think Cage's babality is my fav/funniest:
"Don't hate!" lol i love it!
I first time I saw it (yea I admit it..) I wanted to temp. pick up Cage just to baby somebody with it!


When I play JC (which is rarely) I will either finish it with the award fatality, or if they don't deserve a fatality...
whiff flip kick into nutpunch right as you land. It looks like you're signing with a large loop and an accent at the end.


I love to troll at the end of the round with Sub Zero's f4 1+2 string. Whiff the f4 and hit the 1+2, people rage cause its the least useful string in the game but it looks friggin cool
i thought i was the only one who did this lol. the pose that the defeated body is left in is pretty entertaining its like face down but rotated 90 degrees