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"You're Fired!" -- Joker General Discussion Thread


Character Biography --
Not much is known about his past, but his acts during the present are what define the Joker as one of the greatest threats to our heroes and the people they've sworn to protect. Read More >
This is a general discussion thread -- So please, discuss, theorize, hypothesize here!


He isn't confirmed to be in the game yet, just because they show him on a monitor screen in the Batcave doesn't mean that he's officially in.


You got proof?
Also not having The Joker on their but have Batman is like have having Scorpion in the next MK but not Sub-Zero.......it just can't happen imo


I wonder if he's like cyrax with the bombs and net traps and also would that mean we'll see reset??? Yea I'm definitely maining him if that's the case


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I wonder if he's like cyrax with the bombs and net traps and also would that mean we'll see reset??? Yea I'm definitely maining him if that's the case
That would be sick haha, but I don't think he is going to play that way, But idk you could honestly go quite a few different ways with the characters playstyle.


I mean just think bout it, Ed Boon said that it would be two different playing style: Powers and Gadgets. Joker pretty much fits the gadgets profile and with all his laughing gas,bombs and other stuff I can Ed Boon doing that to The joker


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I mean just think bout it, Ed Boon said that it would be two different playing style: Powers and Gadgets. Joker pretty much fits the gadgets profile and with all his laughing gas,bombs and other stuff I can Ed Boon doing that to The joker
I meant his playstyle as in his normals and specials along with their properties. You could go a lot of different routes and make him play a lot of different ways.


kool guy
my ass provided me with concrete and smelly evidence that joker's Cinematic Ultra Combo Thing will start with laughing gas from the rose in his tuxedo, then he shakes your hand with the joybuzzer, stabs you with a shiv/kriptonite shard in the ribs, finishes with a knee to the chin as you double over

this is 100% fact


Salt Proprietor of TYM
my ass provided me with concrete and smelly evidence that joker's Cinematic Ultra Combo Thing will start with laughing gas from the rose in his tuxedo, then he shakes your hand with the joybuzzer, stabs you with a shiv/kriptonite shard in the ribs, finishes with a knee to the chin as you double over

this is 100% fact


my ass provided me with concrete and smelly evidence that joker's Cinematic Ultra Combo Thing will start with laughing gas from the rose in his tuxedo, then he shakes your hand with the joybuzzer, stabs you with a shiv/kriptonite shard in the ribs, finishes with a knee to the chin as you double over

this is 100% fact
wait, are you at E3?


kool guy
"my ass provided me with concrete and smelly evidence" = "I am pulling this out of my ass"

It was a dumb joke; Merely a way to start some speculation on what his super will look like. Note also that the post was not capitalized nor punctuated.
I never expected anyone to take that seriously. I'm not at E3 and as far as I know, Joker isn't even at the E3 build.


I figured you was trolling, but would it sound like a kick-ass super though.....wouldn't you think???


I don't play Runescape
You know what would be cool? If he fought with razor sharp playing cards. Not throwing them (though that's a possibility) but like wielding two in his hands like unique little blades and his punches being slash attacks with his two cards, that he constantly slides from out of his sleeves.

Also a classic boxer stance, because that looks cool


I don't play Runescape
You guys have any costume concepts? I didn't mind he's purple one in MK vs. DC.

I'm hoping for his purple costume as usual and maybe a black suit color alt. also this

With a much darker purple color, because trenchcoats are badass, when fused with hats.

Some kind of straight jacket, but with his arms loose would be awesome as well.

And finally this and yes I know the story and ending and stuff, but I don't care that's one badass suit for the clown prince.

but considering the armored warzone style, I kinda doubt Joker will look something like this


You guys have any costume concepts? I didn't mind he's purple one in MK vs. DC.
From what I heard most(If not all) Costumes will be from the "52" DC comics

You know what would be cool? If he fought with razor sharp playing cards. Not throwing them (though that's a possibility) but like wielding two in his hands like unique little blades and his punches being slash attacks with his two cards, that he constantly slides from out of his sleeves.

Also a classic boxer stance, because that looks cool