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Tom Brady: Past present future

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Does anyone else think the trolling on tom brady has gotten old and out of hand?

We all want him in our cities

We all want to hang out with him, most of us

We all hate him sometimes

We all love him in the end.

I have a huge rivalry with tom but for us its always fun but i think in a lot of ways people try to purposely hurt him and make an example out of him.

He's a great player, smart fundamentals and huge asset for our community and a face for our community thats more appealing (not looks but ENERGY he brings) than any scene out there

30 years from now when we're not playing this game anymore and your kids are playing games, or grand kids.....you'll think of tom then and realize his true worth as a face to our community.

We all know he's completely nuts sometimes (ie: videos walking around neighborhood yelling and screaming at CITCO gas stations pumping premium) but the fact of the matter is we love it and without him we're half the community.

Also he needs to be on NFG list, there i said it.

Pig out



I love going to the Blackula Cave and when Tom is there it makes it so much better. The advice he gave me helped out so much


Top 8 Injustice Frosty Faustings VII
MLG son! They new what they were doing...

I heard him doing speed commentary on some matches for one tournament and I was like "Damn, this dude is freaking unbelievable!"

His commentary is really professional sounding...

Also his Sub Zero is The Best...


It's funny cause you're preaching to the wrong crowd...
There are a lot more guests on here than registered users.

I can't say anything about Tom that hasn't already been said or will be said well enough so I'll just say Tom.


Tom has talked trash about me' I have talked trash about him. But of course Tom will be Tom and can't wait till denzell fights him at mlg in the sub mirror of epic proportions :). He is definitely the beat choice to commentate for mlg and I know when i play at mlg, he will have a lot to say about me lol.


Honestly i downloaded the living guide to get better, and thats how i came across tym. So if theres no tom, theres no comic relief by me! Lol to me he'll always be the face of mk.

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STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
People say sub-zero matches are boring, but IMO ... Tom is one of the hypest and most entertaining players to watch. His matches always have me on the edge of my seat.

Watching his sub is what makes me want to make my sub better.

Besides all that, the dude knows tons of shit about this game and from what I've heard and seen through his bradycasts and youtube videos, he loves to spread the knowledge and try to help people get better. Why oh WHY would anyone want to troll the man so much that he wants to stay away from the community?!? That makes no sense to me, he's a huge assest. The community isn't the same when he's not around, that's for sure.


I dont think its the trolling that gets to him as much as its the lack of respect. Like when he figures out new tech and someone else makes a video and claims it, or says he sucks for only getting top 8 consistantly. I dont blame the guy, one man can only take so much

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Master of Quanculations
I never would have joined TYM or MKU without Brady. His youtube videos with Silent1 were the only reason I found out about this community. I love the man to the end and cheer for him in every fight. In fact, he is the only player I would cheer for against a top Quan player.


Administrator and Community Engineer
If JOP comes back and dominates EVO, no one should be allowed to troll Tom Brady ever again ;)

In seriousness though -- Tom is the definition of undying dedication, both to community, and to character. People like this are rare and should be treated with all due respect.


the following is just my perception and may be wildly inaccurate, therefore i am not liable or responsible for any of it if its wrong. [deal with it]

what trolling? these days there are more people talking about this legendary trolling than trolling actually taking place. personally i hate trolling and i hate the term. whatever happened to 'joking'? i make jokes all the time, jokes are funny. 'trolling' is usually one of two things, saying something deliberately wrong or mean to provoke a negative reaction, OR saying something you genuinely believe then getting blown up for it when you're objectively wrong for talking out of your ass and falling back on your "LOL I WAS JUST TROLLING TROLLY TROLL TROLL MEMES OVER 9000 FOREVER ALONE LEL INTERNET HUMOUR", i really fucking hate the widespread use of this vapid parroted term, 'trolling' is straight up gay and 9/10 not funny.

having said that, what trolling has really been going on as of late? i personally have not seen so much since brady lowered his activity here. in fact ive personally only seen most of his posts being well received, people adopting his FISH! term [something i dont even understand the true meaning of, but i get the idea and sure its funny] and generally positive discussion in his recent threads. then theres the overwhelming reception of his professional performance hosting MLG for us. if these things dont say support, then what does?

OP may be referring in part to REOs thread and video, but real talk that shit was funny, and accurate. one of the comments "im sick of the 100 supporters and having that 1 hater, so im leaving forever!" hit the nail on the head. that was a funny, accurate and IMO acceptable pisstake of the over-dramatisation of tom bradys 'situation'. the fact is 90% of the community love brady, 9% poke fun at him and 1% are jealous of him. 'Tom Brady' by Bill's own admission, is simply a public persona and made up character, 'Tom Brady' is a slightly egotistic, very dramatic, very energetic and very fun 'public persona'. why is 'Tom Brady' upset then when he receives this supposed trolling? surely this kind of behaviour of the trolls is to be, in part, expected. to my knowledge, no one is bringing Bill Menoutis [spelling?] into question during this endeavour. no party is taking this for reals seriously.
Tom Brady got me into competitive MK and still to this day every tournament I see him on stream I'm always rooting for him. I can't help it. He's my favorite player and this trolling was getting fucking annoying a long time ago.

My favorite Tom Brady quote is "I'll put your trash ass in a fuckin' bag". That shit was so funny, great times. I'm sure he knows we all love him, but if he doesn't, he sure as hell will now. (Hopefully).


Cock Master!!
Does anyone else think the trolling on tom brady has gotten old and out of hand?

We all want him in our cities

We all want to hang out with him, most of us

We all hate him sometimes

We all love him in the end.

I have a huge rivalry with tom but for us its always fun but i think in a lot of ways people try to purposely hurt him and make an example out of him.

He's a great player, smart fundamentals and huge asset for our community and a face for our community thats more appealing (not looks but ENERGY he brings) than any scene out there

30 years from now when we're not playing this game anymore and your kids are playing games, or grand kids.....you'll think of tom then and realize his true worth as a face to our community.

We all know he's completely nuts sometimes (ie: videos walking around neighborhood yelling and screaming at CITCO gas stations pumping premium) but the fact of the matter is we love it and without him we're half the community.

Also he needs to be on NFG list, there i said it.

Pig out


Yea I agree he's a Kool chill dude to hang out with at these tourneys as well. My only and only issue with him is I wish he would chip in for hotel rooms sometimes. Same can be said of reo. Don't take it the wrong way guys but you guys do place in a lot of these tourneys.

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