Pig of the Hut: Chris G losing seemed like a particularly sweet moment for him. But watching Pig savor it from the back of the room -- priceless. Watching Pig stare CG down while he packed his controller and took the walk of shame all the way up the aisle.. Priceless++.
Slips: This goes without saying, but Slips is a winner for sticking to his guns in the face of any and all adversity and opposition. And for playing the game, rather than the matchups.
Kevo: You represented, nuff said.
Divekick(?): I did not expect this, but the Divekick matches reached a surprising level of hype, which mounted to a fever pitch by the time top16 rolled around. By top8, people were using legitimate tactics and strategies, and the commentators were illuminating aspects of the game and analyzing every dive.
(Props to UltraDavid for keeping the intensity up through a loong series of matches).
I guess, by extension, this makes Keits a winner, along with whoever helped produce the game.
Chicago: It was great to see a crowd really get into the matches for every game (including TMNT: The Fighters, and Divekick), and they really gave a rousing show of support for their hometown crew. True fighting fans.
Kuh-ball(?): As much as I hate to admit it.. Bodycount +1
Spooky: Explained below
Leveluplive: This was one of the most problematic streams I've seen in recent tournaments. It was hard enough to figure out when you could actually SEE the events that were promised to air.. And then once you managed to catch it, the stream would drop in critical moments, like top4 and grand finals of major events. The ending of the Mystery Game Grand Final was completey destroyed by a blackout and a 2-minute series of commercials for Quiznos etc.
We all appreciated Spooky anyway, but this made it painfully clear why he should be included in whatever exclusive deals are made for streaming events. And chatters were calling his name out on a regular basis.
Steam Monsters: Good gracious. Where do I start. Anyone that doesn't know better would have reason to believe the FGC is a bunch of 11-year-old CoD players that drop in to play/chat in their spare time. The level of chat spam and general idiocy was off the wall, and a lot of serious tournament players had their comments completely flushed away by a torrent of utter nonsense.
Streams need moderators.. And if you aren't going to moderate your stream, you should let someone stream who'll actually take care of people wasting the experience for everyone else.
JetBlue: Yup. You know who you are.
Yet another exciting series of matches, and more reasons for people who haven't figured it out yet to take a serious look at MK. And there's more to come in the next few weeks.. Can't wait.
Pig of the Hut: Chris G losing seemed like a particularly sweet moment for him. But watching Pig savor it from the back of the room -- priceless. Watching Pig stare CG down while he packed his controller and took the walk of shame all the way up the aisle.. Priceless++.
Slips: This goes without saying, but Slips is a winner for sticking to his guns in the face of any and all adversity and opposition. And for playing the game, rather than the matchups.
Kevo: You represented, nuff said.
Divekick(?): I did not expect this, but the Divekick matches reached a surprising level of hype, which mounted to a fever pitch by the time top16 rolled around. By top8, people were using legitimate tactics and strategies, and the commentators were illuminating aspects of the game and analyzing every dive.
(Props to UltraDavid for keeping the intensity up through a loong series of matches).
I guess, by extension, this makes Keits a winner, along with whoever helped produce the game.
Chicago: It was great to see a crowd really get into the matches for every game (including TMNT: The Fighters, and Divekick), and they really gave a rousing show of support for their hometown crew. True fighting fans.
Kuh-ball(?): As much as I hate to admit it.. Bodycount +1
Spooky: Explained below
Leveluplive: This was one of the most problematic streams I've seen in recent tournaments. It was hard enough to figure out when you could actually SEE the events that were promised to air.. And then once you managed to catch it, the stream would drop in critical moments, like top4 and grand finals of major events. The ending of the Mystery Game Grand Final was completey destroyed by a blackout and a 2-minute series of commercials for Quiznos etc.
We all appreciated Spooky anyway, but this made it painfully clear why he should be included in whatever exclusive deals are made for streaming events. And chatters were calling his name out on a regular basis.
Steam Monsters: Good gracious. Where do I start. Anyone that doesn't know better would have reason to believe the FGC is a bunch of 11-year-old CoD players that drop in to play/chat in their spare time. The level of chat spam and general idiocy was off the wall, and a lot of serious tournament players had their comments completely flushed away by a torrent of utter nonsense.
Streams need moderators.. And if you aren't going to moderate your stream, you should let someone stream who'll actually take care of people wasting the experience for everyone else.
JetBlue: Yup. You know who you are.
Yet another exciting series of matches, and more reasons for people who haven't figured it out yet to take a serious look at MK. And there's more to come in the next few weeks.. Can't wait.