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Worst thing to ever happen to you


Dojo Trainee
My biggest fear is getting a girl pregnant. Real talk, that's horrible bro. I hope you are at least comfortable with your self now... Your story really touches me. Pokes at my biggest fear and then having to deal with the death of my child...

yup, it was pretty rough stuff. thanks a lot bro, it does help to let it go sometimes :) i am cool with myself now (ever since then actually; it was the wake-up call from hell) but what a price to pay...
DEFINITELY pack protection every time, it will save a world of heartache. if sex is even a possibility, take a few with you, save yourself the experience.


Go to hell.
yup, rough stuff. thanks bro :) i am cool with myself now (ever since then actually; it was the wake-up call from hell) but what a price to pay...
DEFINITELY pack protection every time, it will save a world of heartache. if sex is even a possibility, take a few with you, save yourself the experience.
Ha, thanks. But don't worry man, I'm always prepared. Like I said, kids scare me.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Oh yeah and test for my heart when I was 13, where they knock you out and put a tube down your throat into your chest. My throat was sore for a day and felt so sleepy, well it was the same stuff they give you for surgury...

Oh for more recent, root canals and dry sockets...trust me it's worth it to get those cleanings lol.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I think I'm only going to share one chapter from my past here.

When I was thirteen years old, I began suffering from severe emotional depression, brought about by the stressful feuding between my divorced parents and the very heavy school life I led. They prescribed the incorrect meds for my situation, and the side-effects it has caused...practically turned me into a different person, treating me to a glimpse inside my darker emotions that I had never known existed. I would occasionally have fits like a wild animal that led to me being held down to the floor lest I attack anyone due to lack of control. The doctors kept increasing the doses of those medications, and it only served to contribute to the problem, bad enough that my own father pretty much threw me - as in, I was picked up by the armpits and thrown - up against furniture in my bedroom. Finally, someone with common sense discovered that the meds were only agitating the illness, so when I was taken off of them...the storm calmed and things began to regain a sense of normalcy.

But this incident had completely shattered all traces of whatever self-respect I had, and destroyed my mental shield against reality. I saw confidence as an element too dangerous for me to have. I began to feel like a curse to everybody, and felt that perhaps whatever abuse I got was what I deserved. You can imagine how this led to me being an introvert throughout my childhood years, and how heavily I indulged in video games.
:(. That's fucking rough, man...
I was never/have never been medicated, but when I was 11, also as a result of my feuding pair of then-divorced parents (especially my mother, who was coming mentally unraveled having just suffered the loss of her mother/my grandma a couple of years before), everything started tailspinning and I pretty much lost faith in life and the prospect of being happy, to the point that it became a permanent part of my personality, and even today I still have trouble keeping a positive attitude or doing anything but preparing for the worst...We moved to the Poconos in the summer of '98 to get away from the city (mostly for her to get away from him, even though my dad is easily THE most down-to-earth, caring, awesome human being I know, they just drove each other insane over the years), and while the summer itself wasn't so bad, starting middle school in a dominantly upper-middle-class white kid area in a middle school of 2,000 and being one of maybe 3 or 4 minority kids in the 6'th grade, completely fucked me up for life. The kids were to this day the most caustic, cold-hearted, insensitive little bastards I've ever seen in my life, and while I was never physically harmed, I was fucked with, picked on, and cast out from the beginning 'til the end of the year by just about every kid in my grade. The teachers didn't give a shit because none of them had done anything disciplinarily wrong, and most of them were good to great students whose statistics they wouldn't risk jeopardizing by reprimanding them over me. My grades (which had been STELLAR my last year at P.S. 94 in New York, I'd won more awards than I could count) completely imploded, which made my mom's growing hostility and borderline-rage-driven personality even worse in ways I'll be taking with me to the grave (nothing horrible or hellworthy, just that she's made enormous leaps and bounds of progress since and I can't hold it against her now knowing everything she went through first-hand) given she was already commuting back and forth to NY on a daily basis and had no one to raise me and my brother with (until she met my stepdad, who at the beginning was, for lack of better words, an utter fucking trainwreck), I had not a single friend to my credit except my next-door-neighbor, who even he was uneasy around me for years until we got older and more comfortable, I was complete mess personality-wise, weirder than any kid my age should be and had absolutely no idea how to go about fixing any of my problems, the commuting and mortgage had broken my mom's bank account to the point we were living paycheck to paycheck, so I had no technology or entertainment to escape into, save the occasional TV, I'd just hide upstairs in my room with the ol' toys and collectibles and daydream endlessly about getting the fuck out of there and going back to the time in my life before all that horrid shit happened.

i agree...but i guess i will share...
even though i knew i was gay from a young age i till screwed around with every girl i could, desperate to "fix" the problem. at 15 i got one of them pregnant. then my daughter was stillborn. nothing ever before or since hurt like that. been 14 years since, but it's still raw.
I feel you there, Peach, you have my utmost sympathies :(...*hugs*
My fiance and I have a 3-year-old daughter who, thankfully, has been happy and healthy all her life...but a little under 2 years ago, we were expecting a second - absolutely no idea how we were going to handle a second child, but we were still preparing and joyous accordingly - and at about 3 months and change, she miscarried :(...a lot of our respective family tried to comfort us with the "everything happens for a reason" shtick, and while we understood where they were coming from, it didn't do us any good feeling less terrible or lost about it. Easily one of the worst days there's ever been...she'd been hospitalized with pains and complications while I was at work an demanded I stay and rack up the hours and just rush over when my shift was over, even though I knew she hated hospitals and had no desire at all to leave her there alone, I was out in Jackson with no transportation until we closed...but by the time my ride came, I'd already gotten the call.


Dojo Trainee
:(. That's fucking rough, man...
I was never/have never been medicated, but when I was 11, also as a result of my feuding pair of then-divorced parents (especially my mother, who was coming mentally unraveled having just suffered the loss of her mother/my grandma a couple of years before), everything started tailspinning and I pretty much lost faith in life and the prospect of being happy, to the point that it became a permanent part of my personality, and even today I still have trouble keeping a positive attitude or doing anything but preparing for the worst...We moved to the Poconos in the summer of '98 to get away from the city (mostly for her to get away from him, even though my dad is easily THE most down-to-earth, caring, awesome human being I know, they just drove each other insane over the years), and while the summer itself wasn't so bad, starting middle school in a dominantly upper-middle-class white kid area in a middle school of 2,000 and being one of maybe 3 or 4 minority kids in the 6'th grade, completely fucked me up for life. The kids were to this day the most caustic, cold-hearted, insensitive little bastards I've ever seen in my life, and while I was never physically harmed, I was fucked with, picked on, and cast out from the beginning 'til the end of the year by just about every kid in my grade. The teachers didn't give a shit because none of them had done anything disciplinarily wrong, and most of them were good to great students whose statistics they wouldn't risk jeopardizing by reprimanding them over me. My grades (which had been STELLAR my last year at P.S. 94 in New York, I'd won more awards than I could count) completely imploded, which made my mom's growing hostility and borderline-rage-driven personality even worse in ways I'll be taking with me to the grave (nothing horrible or hellworthy, just that she's made enormous leaps and bounds of progress since and I can't hold it against her now knowing everything she went through first-hand) given she was already commuting back and forth to NY on a daily basis and had no one to raise me and my brother with (until she met my stepdad, who at the beginning was, for lack of better words, an utter fucking trainwreck), I had not a single friend to my credit except my next-door-neighbor, who even he was uneasy around me for years until we got older and more comfortable, I was complete mess personality-wise, weirder than any kid my age should be and had absolutely no idea how to go about fixing any of my problems, the commuting and mortgage had broken my mom's bank account to the point we were living paycheck to paycheck, so I had no technology or entertainment to escape into, save the occasional TV, I'd just hide upstairs in my room with the ol' toys and collectibles and daydream endlessly about getting the fuck out of there and going back to the time in my life before all that horrid shit happened.

I feel you there, Peach, you have my utmost sympathies :(...*hugs*
My fiance and I have a 3-year-old daughter who, thankfully, has been happy and healthy all her life...but a little under 2 years ago, we were expecting a second - absolutely no idea how we were going to handle a second child, but we were still preparing and joyous accordingly - and at about 3 months and change, she miscarried :(...a lot of our respective family tried to comfort us with the "everything happens for a reason" shtick, and while we understood where they were coming from, it didn't do us any good feeling less terrible or lost about it. Easily one of the worst days there's ever been...she'd been hospitalized with pains and complications while I was at work an demanded I stay and rack up the hours and just rush over when my shift was over, even though I knew she hated hospitals and had no desire at all to leave her there alone, I was out in Jackson with no transportation until we closed...but by the time my ride came, I'd already gotten the call.
you're awesome and kick-ass in ways i can't begin to describe :)...dare i even say "fabulous"!? ;) yeah the "everything happens for a reason" crap...damn did i get tired of hearing that. it is nice to hear all you bros' stories, the light-hearted and the hardcore ones...it makes you realize you're not alone and that there are other dudes who have lots of the same insecurities/pains/experiences in common Sonya Blake: that's a powerful, sobering story, and i hurt for that...please tell me things have gotten better!! feeling for you man :)
Having a fking drunk ass mother thats good for nothing...
life dealt you a shit sandwich with that one. try to forgive her in time...but first make life awesome for yourself!! don't let that anchor you down and hold you back...i know it's WAY easier said than done :/ but it gets better. don't let her weakness keep you from finding happiness, security, love, sex, companionship, fun, and success.


Second worst day of my life was probably when I was in high school. I really liked this girl. Like, she changed my outlook on a lot of things, and I really wanted to get somewhere with her. Twas my birthday. I went on Facebook, and like 5 minutes after saying happy b-day to me, she changes her relationship status. She got in a relationship with one of few people I strongly disliked for his cocky ass attitude. Wooo....that was a shot in the heart.

Oh, and the worst experience of my life was during this episode where I developed hypochondria. It's weird to explain, but basically, one day I woke up with a very bad stomach ache. I figured it was normal. But I remained sick for a week straight. I went to so many doctors, but none could find anything wrong with me. All just said I had IBS. I didn't know what that was, so I looked it up, and the first thing I read was that it's incurable. Reading that and stories of people who suffer from this really fucked up my mind. I assumed I was always going to spontaneously develop stomach issues. Everyday, I woke up with fear that I would be sick that day. I'm not lying where I contemplated suicide because it was unbearable--not the pain or symptoms, but that constant paranoia that was driving me insane. And let me tell you, I learned through this experience that when you truly believe you have something, especially stomach related, it becomes a reality because the more I became paranoid, the more likely I got physically ill. This went to the point where I alienated myself from friends and was scared to travel to the store or school. Later on, I realized that the source behind all these issues was that very paranoia, as mentioned, and the fact that I had grown lactose intolerant somehow. It was that simple. Many foods I consumed secretly had milk without my knowledge. Incidentally, it was actually video games that helped me realize this. During Christmas break, I spent most of my time indoors playing a shit ton of games I received as gifts from my friend. I was so calm during this time. Like, to the point where I realized that as long as I cleared my mind from any sort of paranoia, I wouldn't get sick. And since I didn't have to go outside for any reason, I ate whatever the hell I wanted with no worries. This helped me figure out what exactly caused any issues.

But the absolute worst day of my life........that Mew card. I'll never have it.
Hypochondria man that is rough I'm sorry to hear that.. if that's coupled with conversion disorder I can't think of anything that could be worse..

I was diagnosed with crohns disease at the age of 12 and I was within a year of being hospitalized near permanently. I come from a small town so nobody knew what was wrong with me. Finally I got cleared after id developed anemia and ibs, dropped my weight down to 80 lbs, and missed 2 years of my middleschool. Been about 9 years without a symptom though which is good but nothing breaks my moms heart more than when I told her I wasn't gonna make it.

Sent from my DROID2 using Tapatalk 2


Go to hell.
Let me extrapolate on why the baseball bat sucked so much:
Not only was my face crushed, but I was blind for three days. Slowly losing my vision until it turned to blackness was the scariest thing to ever happen to me. I was so helpless, I just stayed and bed and slept. That was the only way it felt normal. I woke up though, and I had spots where my vision was fine one morning. Gradually my sight returned.

I get phantom pains across my face and down my neck even today. I had a huge Sub Zero scar along my eye brow down my cheek, but with gels and cream it has calmed down substantially. My eye brow also grew back so I look a lot friendlier.

I got to see who my real friends were. They came, talked to me, hung out, and left when I needed them too. My "girlfriend" was not one of these people, so I kicked her ass to the curb as soon as I could bear to look at my phone. Who I thought was my best friend showed up everyday, and showed he truly was. To this day he is my best bro and I love him like a brother.

I permanently lost all sense of smell. I honestly don't miss it. I also kind wish I didn't medicate the scar, now it adds another eye brow length and curves down my face. Before, I was missing my eyebrow and went about half way down my face. Looked awesome. I also lost all the smaller scars scattered around it.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Also: While we're all venting, and Dink is here to remind me of my neighbors to the north...heartbreak sucks.

Allow me to impart upon you all the rest of the story...of the Canadian.

Get a snack, this is gonna be a really long one...I never get to wax romance and heartbreak anymore, so I feel compelled.

In 2002, via the old-schoolest of e-journals, DEADJOURNAL, I met a young lady whom I shall refer to by her hippie middle names as Dawn Love. We were friends for a good 2 years, constantly talked, kept each other happy, daydreamed of world domination, etc, we were as good of friends as two people a country apart could be. On one particularly shitty weekend in September of '04, when it was just myself, Momma Box and my 2 younger brothers as my stepdad had been incarcerated for a little while over some retarded mess, she and I struck a deal that she would, at long last, come to visit. There were no plans outside of that, just the two of us and a weekend of dysfunctional happy hoppy chaos. She ended up staying the week, by the end of which, we were already completely in over our heads for one another. Not in the goofy, doomed teenager way, I mean we had both been beaten up and down that road before, and we were completely hooked on one another. It would be a couple of months before we made it officially official as the whole vast distance thing made it a bit complicated, but neither of us had any doubt we bolonged to each other. She came for another week in November, and the back on the 19'th of December to spend the entirety of the holidays. On the 22'nd, at around 2:30 in the morning after a night of Tool and terrible, terrible things, I put a little christmas bow on my head and offered myself and my complete and utter allegiance to her, and she almost-tearfully accepted. It was a fucking holiday fit for a holiday movie. Trips to NYC to see the family, upstate to Uncle Noel's epic house in the mountains, Manhattan and the Rockefeller tree, and horrid, horrid sobbing upon her departure back home. I had a really, really bad feeling when she left, but I ignored it out of blissful loving ignorance. I wish I hadn't.

As time went on, everything she'd put off in the name of our time together came back to bite her, so she ended up having to pick up a job in the city, which more or less destroyed our ability to see one another, and my mother's blatant refusal to let me venture out there myself until the school year was over put the nail in the coffin. Things went from hopeful for a light at the end of the tunnel, to desperate for any good sign we could get, to me sinking into depression without her, and her sinking into resentment because I couldn't make it to her. It was over. 9 days later, she'd already found a new prospect of hope to fill her life with. I didn't blame her because I knew it was madness to attempt what we were attempting in the situations we were in to begin with, but it was easily one of the most crushing experiences I'll ever have in my life. I didn't let her go, as hard as I tried to get my life back together and get this moving right for college, adulthood, etc., she was still cemented into my mind and heart, and she knew it. On the rare occasions we'd talk and catch up, it would always come up at one point or another. Eventually, the talking ceased, and I assumed she'd filled her life. I was half-right.

October, 2007, 3 years to the date of our original meeting, OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE while I was fixing the wreckage that was my life after that psychotic whore I mentioned in the earlier posts and putting all my Boxy pieces back together, as if good had FINALLY gotten better, she pops in out of the blue, and we talk and talk and talk ourselves right down the rabbit hole. Turns out she'd disappeared because she'd hooked up with...well, after everything imploded again, I'd find out later he was a total, legit dangerous lunatic, but at the time, he was simply described as a really bad deal...and now that we'd both grown up and had our own lives and such, she was still very, very much interested in seeing me again and finally getting back to what we'd started. Ladies and gentlemen, with the exception of any happiness and/or joy brought about by my soon-to-be-wife and daughter, there has never been a point in my life that brought me more pure, unadulterated happiness in my life than the day she said she wanted to mend the bridge. Were it not for my family of today, that feeling would still haunt my fucking soul to this day. But anyhow, I got on a Greyhound, went to Toronto, killed time the night before our night by nyquil robotripping through the city and taking in a hockey game at the bar, and the next day, October 30'th, at the...I forget the name, some combo of Queens and Quay, it was a club out on a pier not far from the Skydome and Cradle Of Filth was there...for the first time since that night she left, there she was. We were both scared and uncertain as to where we were gonna take this, and we hadn't made up our minds whether or not to take it slow or just say fuck it, but at least we were together again. Went back to the bar (and did some shots while the house band provided us with the awkward moment of playing "Sexual Healing"), went back to the hostel...said fuck it...and the next day, I could tell she thought she'd made a mistake. She played along, kept smiling, tried to hide the worry on her mind, but I pride myself on knowing when someone's bothered, and she definitely was. She'd later tell me that it wasn't my fault, it wasn't that she didn't want me back in the picture, she was just terrified of what was going to happen if she was stuck between me and the psycho, but that was much later.

First, I went home, we kept talking, about all number of amazing things, but again, as time went on, she got more and more tense, though we'd already talked more than enough about our future to make me firmly believe it was really gonna happen this time And I had been planning the most epic rescue of all time, complete with an ultra-fucking-super redux of our christmas together, but in Toronto instead of New York, at that giant 40-story Holiday Inn next to the CN Tower instead of a teeny hostel, and with the intent of planning a relocation, with complete family support, and delivering the news that I was a mere month away from having the means to move to Toronto to be with her and get her out of that fucker's grasp.

I sent her the message with all the surprise details 3 days before christmas. The 22'nd. Another anniversary.

The next day, she emailed me back and told me, in no uncertain, very hostile terms, that she was pulling the plug.

I gave up after that. And it will always haunt me...the only reason I've told this giant story is because, even though I've got the life I want and need, and I'm long since moved on from all that transpired that winter...it still fuckin' hurts. Everytime my brain is foolish enough to think about it. Not once, but twice, I watched that dream die. And every winter since, without fail, I feel a little bit more weighed down than any other time of year. Every time that damn cold wind blows, part of me remembers what it felt like, the devotion, the lull of feverish hope, all the pretty, heartwrenching moments and profound promises...
And you know what the craziest thing of all is? I now live no less than 100 feet away from the gazebo in the middle of town where me and my mom picked her up in the middle of the night the first time she ever came to see me.

We don't talk anymore...she ended up with a really upstanding higher-up from the office she worked in and also became a parent, and thankfully, we slowly etched out of one another's worlds on good, friendly terms, but...I stopped looking for her, and she stopped looking for me, and I think if we ever did talk again, we'd both know it'd only be to the detriment of our respective lives. I can't talk to my woman about it because, well, that's just not something you talk to your woman about, and none of my friends back then were really all that understanding as they were all young-ish and had their own soap operas to deal with but now...now I can ramble and actually have ears that hear me and eyes that see where I'm coming from.
And it helps...a lot.

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
Nothing...i've probably had something as bad as some of you have but i don't give it enough importance for it to be remembered.

Maybe in 5 minutes i'll come up with something lol


Go to hell.
Oh Box, that's horrible. I'm sorry... But I'm glad your family makes the wound ache less. Baby box has quite the experienced dad.

It made me sad at how pain, stupid, and meaninglessly I lost my virginity though despite me even knowing if that was your virginity lost segment lol.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Oh Box, that's horrible. I'm sorry... But I'm glad your family makes the wound ache less. Baby box has quite the experienced dad.

It made me sad at how pain, stupid, and meaninglessly I lost my virginity though despite me even knowing if that was your virginity lost segment lol.
Oh nooooo no no no...lol...I'd managed to get a few good rounds in before she came into the picture.

She did, however, cause me turn into a complete and utter whore, until I met my woman and straightened up.

I figured, fuck it, love failed me, may as well get laid.
Some of it was worth celebration, but most of it was just pointless, reckless idiocy.
One of the many things that keeps me loyal and settled now is remembering how shallow and shitty filling the void with lust can become. Seems like the best idea in the world until you get so lost in your sordid affairs that you end up replacing one problematic wound with another.


Go to hell.
Flying to New York to propose to a girl, to be rejected.

That or entering massive credit card debt at the same time my parent`s company went bankrupt and my mom lost her house to the bank.
Both of those are fucked up. Woah.

If you proposed to me though I'd say yes, just to hear your angelic voice every morning.


Dojo Trainee
Oh nooooo no no no...lol...I'd managed to get a few good rounds in before she came into the picture.

She did, however, cause me turn into a complete and utter whore, until I met my woman and straightened up.

I figured, fuck it, love failed me, may as well get laid.
Some of it was worth celebration, but most of it was just pointless, reckless idiocy.
One of the many things that keeps me loyal and settled now is remembering how shallow and shitty filling the void with lust can become. Seems like the best idea in the world until you get so lost in your sordid affairs that you end up replacing one problematic wound with another.
never a truer word was spoken. in retrospect, i am embarrassed at my whore past as well, and would undo 90% of them if i could. sex can be a powerful drug, but it only satiates you for a moment, then u need more...and more...and eventually you realize you are spending every waking hour looking for a nameless meaningless piece of ass for a few minutes of fake comfort, a moment of false intimacy that leaves u feeling even emptier than before...then u go looking for it again.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

never a truer word was spoken. in retrospect, i am embarrassed at my whore past as well, and would undo 90% of them if i could. sex can be a powerful drug, but it only satiates you for a moment, then u need more...and more...and eventually you realize you are spending every waking hour looking for a nameless meaningless piece of ass for a few minutes of fake comfort, a moment of false intimacy that leaves u feeling even emptier than before...then u go looking for it again.
Fucking exactly, Peach. That's why me and my lady have lasted - she snapped me out of my bad habits and made me remember what it's like to actually devote myself entirely to someone rather than just feed on their lusts until the next wave came.


EX smash solves all
got my finger stuck in the crack of a windsurf board, then the board got dragged by a boat. ring finger thing (left hand) got crushed, have swelling and scar on it for the rest of my life


Dojo Trainee
Fucking exactly, Peach. That's why me and my lady have lasted - she snapped me out of my bad habits and made me remember what it's like to actually devote myself entirely to someone rather than just feed on their lusts until the next wave came.
haha excellent...stoked that you have a lovin' lady who fulfills you and had your baby :) after reading your tales, i don't think anybody f ucking deserves it more than you..as for me, i got lucky too...fell for a blonde surfer/skater who wouldn't put up with my sluttery and made me toe the line...best thing that's ever happened!! been puttin' up with me for 10 years. quite a feat, cuz i can be hard to handle ;)