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Worst thing to ever happen to you


Holy shit, where do i start.
When i was 11, my mam was having a birthday party for my younger brother ( who was 10)
Anyways, whilst cooking the food, my little sister ( who was 8) insisted on helping, obviously told no by my mam.
When my mam was getting stuff out the the freezer, my little sister decided to ignore my mam and get food out of the
deep fat frier, which happened to topple and spill hot fat all over her. I will never, ever forgot the day that i was woke up a month later at 3 in the morning, to be told mt little sister had died of blood poisoning due to proceedures the surgeons had preformed, which wernt supposed to be done untill they'd tried other things first.

Four years later, my nan who was quite young, still in her 50's, got lung cancer. The worst part was that she had been going to the doctors for MONTHS with chest problems, only to be told that she had a chest infection. When she went to another doctor, she was told straight away somthing wasnt right and sent to hospital, where she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. They said that if it had been caught sooner, there was a chance that could of just removed the lump. Come Xmas time, while this was going on, i had serious throat problems, which i was told that i just had tonillitus. Turns out, i had a huge abcess in the bak of my throat, that was enlarging and slowly suppocating me to death. After being forced to go to hospital by my dad, i was told that i was damn lucky that i came in when i did, becuas if i had left it, my parents of of found me dead boxing day, after suffocating to death. I missed the last xmas i would have with my nan, who i was very close to, as i spent all of my time there. i was lucky enough to spend my 16th with my nan before she died, which i'll remember allways :)

Mix in the fact that im only 17 and i've had to deal with this kind of shit allready, makes me a very tough person.


My blades will find your heart
You too dude? Thats crazy.

representing SVK
No, I mean I am sorry for your loss.

The worst thing that has ever happened to me was probably being bullied throughout elementary school for being fat. It really messed me up and I became depressed. Eventually I snapped out of it and started playing basketball, now everytime I get a blood test I get an abnormality merely because my blood is so much healthier than the average lol. My worst expereicne does not compare to any of these because it opened the door to me being a healthier person and losing all that weight(although looking back I was pudgy at best, I really wasn't even fat). Plus basketball is like my life now and I get to travel all over for tournaments, and that would have never happened had I not been a tiny bit overweight.

Your story on the other hand sounds terrible, I cant think what I would do if that ever happened to me.


was friends with a girl for 5 years. i really liked her so i asked her out. she said yes then she bailed on me. 5 years of friendship down the drain and my heart broken. we no longer "hang"
Same deal with me, though that wasn't the worst thing thats happened to me because I have decided she is worthless and will probably end up being a professional hotel room cleaner or a prostitute. /anger


Purple balls covering the screen
No, I mean I am sorry for your loss.

The worst thing that has ever happened to me was probably being bullied throughout elementary school for being fat. It really messed me up and I became depressed. Eventually I snapped out of it and started playing basketball, now everytime I get a blood test I get an abnormality merely because my blood is so much healthier than the average lol. My worst expereicne does not compare to any of these because it opened the door to me being a healthier person and losing all that weight(although looking back I was pudgy at best, I really wasn't even fat). Plus basketball is like my life now and I get to travel all over for tournaments, and that would have never happened had I not been a tiny bit overweight.

Your story on the other hand sounds terrible, I cant think what I would do if that ever happened to me.
My bad for some reason i read condolences as coincidence. Yeah it was like the awesomest moment of my life (i love mk!) Followed immediately by the worst moment of my life.

representing SVK


Cold day in hell...
I have nothing really of note to add here. Basic things really. I've been cheated on and my heart broken (it sucked, a couple times actually), remember days people I've cared about died (including one really close friend that came as a shock since I had just talked to him earlier.), Was bullied for pretty much 10 solid years, and had one of the drug freakouts described by Lt. Box (it was definitely synthetic shit) and GNG Iniquity that resulted in my losing consciousness 3 times in a space of about 5 minutes and hitting my head pretty hard. Normal stuff really, the kind of shit that only bothers you if you dwell on it.


Head Cage
Well besides someone close in my life not being with me anymore id say THE WORST thing to happen to me was eating expired peanut butter.
One time my friend and I were taking turns smashing shit against tree trunks. My friend found a branch that fell from the tree and decided to smash it against the trunk. I thought it would be a good idea to stand next to him. After he swung at the tree and hit, the back end of the branch flew backwards and came right at my face and knocked me out. Age 16 was awesome lol

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
One time my friend and I were taking turns smashing shit against tree trunks. My friend found a branch that fell from the tree and decided to smash it against the trunk. I thought it would be a good idea to stand next to him. After he swung at the tree and hit, the back end of the branch flew backwards and came right at my face and knocked me out. Age 16 was awesome lol
Didn't you just describe an episode of Beavis and Butthead?! :cool:

Butthead: "Watch this, Beavis! Uh huh huh!"
Beavis: "Heh heh heh, okay!"
Butthead: "Whoa, Beavis. That was like the coolest thing you've ever done...uh huh huh."
Beavis: "Heh heh heh...ow. Yeah, that was pretty cool."
Didn't you just describe an episode of Beavis and Butthead?! :cool:

Butthead: "Watch this, Beavis! Uh huh huh!"
Beavis: "Heh heh heh, okay!"
Butthead: "Whoa, Beavis. That was like the coolest thing you've ever done...uh huh huh."
Beavis: "Heh heh heh...ow. Yeah, that was pretty cool."
LOL we have been compared to beavis and butthead before hahahaha

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
omg I know! I couldn't believe my ears when I heard it was coming back to MTV. Greatest decision they've made in the last....8 years lol
Beavis and Butthead being canceled was one of the bleakest moments of my life, King of the Hill doesn't even remotely compare to B&B's greatness. B&B is Mike Judge's contribution to humanity. People need stupid comical distractions to make them laugh and that's what he truly excels at; Office Space is great as well. That's gotta be one of my top 5 favorite movies.


We are Many but we didnt make MK11 not one
When I was about 6 or 7 I got a life threatening disease called meningitis that attacks the brain and spinal cord.All I remember was I was sick for like a week before my mom decided to bring me to the hospital.This was probably the most pain ive ever been in.I had to get some long ass needles injected into my spinal cord I guess to extract fluid.But yea I could of died was in the hospital for like 3 days.Ever since then I've been terrified of hospitals.​


24 Low Hat!
When I was about 6 or 7 I got a life threatening disease called meningitis that attacks the brain and spinal cord.All I remember was I was sick for like a week before my mom decided to bring me to the hospital.This was probably the most pain ive ever been in.I had to get some long ass needles injected into my spinal cord I guess to extract fluid.But yea I could of died was in the hospital for like 3 days.Ever since then I've been terrified of hospitals.​
My god you got a spinal tap? Those are supposedly the most painful things to experience....ever.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
-Nearly dislocated my left shoulder in high school weight lifting

-Having bad anxiety attacks


-Having a dry socket due to dental work...arguably one of the most painful things I've had to endure.

-When MK nearly died at a few points in time...
Beavis and Butthead being canceled was one of the bleakest moments of my life, King of the Hill doesn't even remotely compare to B&B's greatness. B&B is Mike Judge's contribution to humanity. People need stupid comical distractions to make them laugh and that's what he truly excels at; Office Space is great as well. That's gotta be one of my top 5 favorite movies.
Office Space top 5? I loved it, but I think there are quite a few better movies. I think Mike Judge should stay with shows because he obviously excels at that. Although King of the Hill doesn't quite compare to B&B, I still think it's a ton better than some of the other shit that is getting aired nowadays.


Blue Blurs for Life!
I think I'm only going to share one chapter from my past here.

When I was thirteen years old, I began suffering from severe emotional depression, brought about by the stressful feuding between my divorced parents and the very heavy school life I led. They prescribed the incorrect meds for my situation, and the side-effects it has caused...practically turned me into a different person, treating me to a glimpse inside my darker emotions that I had never known existed. I would occasionally have fits like a wild animal that led to me being held down to the floor lest I attack anyone due to lack of control. The doctors kept increasing the doses of those medications, and it only served to contribute to the problem, bad enough that my own father pretty much threw me - as in, I was picked up by the armpits and thrown - up against furniture in my bedroom. Finally, someone with common sense discovered that the meds were only agitating the illness, so when I was taken off of them...the storm calmed and things began to regain a sense of normalcy.

But this incident had completely shattered all traces of whatever self-respect I had, and destroyed my mental shield against reality. I saw confidence as an element too dangerous for me to have. I began to feel like a curse to everybody, and felt that perhaps whatever abuse I got was what I deserved. You can imagine how this led to me being an introvert throughout my childhood years, and how heavily I indulged in video games.


Dojo Trainee
Some things are just better left unsaid.
i agree...but i guess i will share...
even though i knew i was gay from a young age i till screwed around with every girl i could, desperate to "fix" the problem. at 15 i got one of them pregnant. then my daughter was stillborn. nothing ever before or since hurt like that. been 14 years since, but it's still raw.


Go to hell.
i agree...but i guess i will share...
even though i knew i was gay from a young age i till screwed around with every girl i could, desperate to "fix" the problem. at 15 i got one of them pregnant. then my daughter was stillborn. nothing ever before or since hurt like that. been 14 years since, but it's still raw.
My biggest fear is getting a girl pregnant. Real talk, that's horrible bro. I hope you are at least comfortable with your self now... Your story really touches me. Pokes at my biggest fear and then having to deal with the death of my child...
