24 Low Hat!
Petty much? How's my dick taste? LMAO. That's another theory you just proved about common sense not being very common. If you were as smart as you make yourself appear to be, COMMON SENSE would have had you read between the lines.
Stupid people acting smart in action.
Common sense would dictate that you look back at your posts and see the amount of times you contradicted yourself
Common sense would also dictate that the angrier you get, the stupider you come off as. Hard to accomplish, i know, but you somehow manage with surprising ease. Im perfectly calm. In fact, im enjoying this. How are you? You seem tense.
No, FUCK you.
Petty much? How's my dick taste? LMAO.
Get real, Dude. Chimpanzees are smarter than some of the fucking morons on these websites....
Quite the temper you have! This is just evidence that it isnt logic that is behind your arguments...its emotion. Just blind, ignorant, angry emotion.WHAT did I JUST say about people quoting my posts and not addressing the things you are commenting on? Try again and do it RIGHT this time.