I don't mind lengthy reads if the content is legit and this posts was absolutely brilliant, I felt lie I was reading a professor's lecture on a current day issue, but with a very empathetic twist to it.
I think everything you've conveyed in your post is spot on and I can only think of a few exceptions to your very well thought out and eloquent post.
The only time I've ever see a bisexual character portrayed in a positive way was on the show South of Nowhere, it was a girl named Ashley, she was loyal and kind but had a ton of faults like being a troublemaker at school and skipping. She felt human and authentic, while still being portrayed in a positive way.
Degrassi's Marco Del Rossi I though had a lot of good qualities as they didn't simply focus on his sexual orientation, he suffered from gambling addiction and other issues, as the first gay character on the series, they definitely portrayed a lot of the struggles of being gay as he was the target of a hate crime. Degrassi actually portrayed his relationship with a recurring character very well, the hand holding and intimacy you referenced in your post was there.
The movie Shelter was a great movie for the LGBT community because the emphasis was on family and love, it was a story that anybody could relate to and the two male characters weren't stereotypes, they were just regular guys that grew up together and ended up loving each other as adults, it was about college and not giving up on your dreams despite your responsibilities and social pressures, it's one of the only gay themed movies that I've ever seen that I felt anybody could immediately relate to whether they were gay, straight, bi etc.
Another really funny portrayal is th character Max on the show Happy Endings, I love this character because he's literally just a dude who loves video games, immaturity etc, he just happens to be gay and I like his portrayal because it puts emphasis on how gay guys are similar to straight guys instead of the differences, it's like the MK community here, we have gay, bi and straight guy, we all have a commonality, but diversity shouldn't be swept under the rug keep in mind, just saying that what we have in common can be a unifying force.
I think everything you've conveyed in your post is spot on and I can only think of a few exceptions to your very well thought out and eloquent post.
The only time I've ever see a bisexual character portrayed in a positive way was on the show South of Nowhere, it was a girl named Ashley, she was loyal and kind but had a ton of faults like being a troublemaker at school and skipping. She felt human and authentic, while still being portrayed in a positive way.
Degrassi's Marco Del Rossi I though had a lot of good qualities as they didn't simply focus on his sexual orientation, he suffered from gambling addiction and other issues, as the first gay character on the series, they definitely portrayed a lot of the struggles of being gay as he was the target of a hate crime. Degrassi actually portrayed his relationship with a recurring character very well, the hand holding and intimacy you referenced in your post was there.
The movie Shelter was a great movie for the LGBT community because the emphasis was on family and love, it was a story that anybody could relate to and the two male characters weren't stereotypes, they were just regular guys that grew up together and ended up loving each other as adults, it was about college and not giving up on your dreams despite your responsibilities and social pressures, it's one of the only gay themed movies that I've ever seen that I felt anybody could immediately relate to whether they were gay, straight, bi etc.
Another really funny portrayal is th character Max on the show Happy Endings, I love this character because he's literally just a dude who loves video games, immaturity etc, he just happens to be gay and I like his portrayal because it puts emphasis on how gay guys are similar to straight guys instead of the differences, it's like the MK community here, we have gay, bi and straight guy, we all have a commonality, but diversity shouldn't be swept under the rug keep in mind, just saying that what we have in common can be a unifying force.