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So I finally signed up after all


Maining the Roster
hi there everyone. i've been a fan of the franchise since its inception and got mk9 the day it came out. my older cousin showed me the game when i weas a kid, i guess i performed my first fatality at about eight-ish and i still own mk2 on snes. i also played a couple of street fighters and doa 3. only tekken i never got into. i guess i am just not really sold on 3d fighters, though i also got mkda and mkd on ps2, so mk9 in 2d was like a dream come true. unfortunately, i live in germany where mk9 is banned in the sense that owning it isn't illegal but it may be sold neither in stores nor on websites like for example the german amazon, so i had to get an import which pretty much fucks up everything psn-wise. so yeah, i play on ps3 but somehow my online pass got trashed and i haven't been able to get a new one. well, connections were shitty whenever i tried it anyway :) still, i'm gonna look into that...

i've been following tym since mk9 came out but never had anything to say since i can't compete, but i figured what the hell. i have a couple of friends who sometimes play but none of them are willing to take it seriously and put in an effort, which sucks i guess. also i recently checked out some german websites on mk9 but they pretty much suck in the sense that there was some activity until maybe september'11 and then that was is. so, aside from socialising with all you guys in general and keeping leveling up (at least in theory fighting), i hope to find some poor germans like myself so that in a glorious future we might play some offline sessions.

i don't really have a main but rather play the whole cast except 2 or 3 characters. of course, some are better than others, for example i don't play my friends with cage anymore cause they put the controller down after one match.

wow, so much rambling. so i guess if anyone ever takes the time to read all this: cheers!


Maining the Roster
wow, that was fast. thanks for the warm welcome. still, it is one in the morning here and i have some early rising to do on mondays so i'll be hitting the sack ;) cheers, i really had to resist the urge to like all your posts on basic principle. Tim Static, great stuff with the coat of arms.

Beast3 woher bist du denn? ich wohne in gießen, hessen


Welcome, nice to see more international fans joing the site:). I hope you enjoy your stay and find plenty of EU and German players for online and offline games..


Maining the Roster
well, i'll eventually get something else, just didn't feel like looking for an avatar. oh, and believe me or not, although being german and all, i'm actually not that much into rammstein :D.