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Seeing Avengers tonight!


Dojo Trainee
I'm a pretty big fan of marvel, now saying that I don't have high expectation for avenger. A lot of the shit they showed in trailer makes no sense. I really wished they followed the comic's major arcs.

I just think they will screw up the characters and all that just like X-Men First Class.

Please tell me its actually decent and makes sense. I was really hyping myself thinking the Avenger movies would lead to the skrull empire and lead to the Civil War.

Also Super Skrull+Nova BFFs


Big issue I had from the trailer is Iron Man/Cap standing toe to toe with Thor when in reality normal thor is the ONLY thing keeping hulk in line.


Cock Master!!
Oh man I'm so fucking jealous!!

Can't wait to see sexy captain America again :p

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Mad scientist
Ok i just got back from seeing it.

Unfortunately for me i had really bad seating and im talking right at the front on the right hand side, the place was packed and my mate got the last 4 tickets.

Overall, the avengers is pretty good! Has just the right amount of action mixed with humer and a half decent story to make things flow the way they should. There is also just the right amount of screen time for each character except for 1. I wont say who, but i thought they could have used him a bit more then what they did, because when this character is on screen the shit goes down hardcore!

I think guys who were into the comics will enjoy it, but might have a couple of gripes with it, but nothing major.
Everyone else will definetely enjoy it!

I Cant really go into more detail without giving away spoilers, so ill just end it here and say the movie is great!

Go and see it guys its definetely worth the money!

REY: There is something after the credits :)


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I'll see it perhaps this or next weekend coming up. I just saw Cabin in the Woods, enjoyed the movie but had the most retarded ending...


i saw it today online

it was a bootleg version but it was actually pretty good quality, all i'll say is that anyone who liked any of the recent avenger tie-ins will definitely enjoy this movie. Specially The Black widow <3

EDIT: Damn pic didn't work


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I think it'll be pretty good, not sure about best comic book movie though. I still don't think it'll break Dark Knight records, but we'll see. I do want to see it though. I'm still waiting for damn JL movie :( But first they should probably establish the individual characters, even though it's been a 10 year project now lol


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I think it'll be pretty good, not sure about best comic book movie though. I still don't think it'll break Dark Knight records, but we'll see. I do want to see it though. I'm still waiting for damn JL movie :( But first they should probably establish the individual characters, even though it's been a 10 year project now lol