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Tupac Creepy Holographic Performance


Where's detroitballin to go bonkers over this potential proof of tupac being alive.

Tapatalk, helping me procrastinate.


come at me
LMAO at the dude 2 posts above mine. 2pac was the greatest rapper that ever lived. IDGAF what anyone else says. Stay with your country bullshit.


Of course the west coast thinks he's the best rapper alive.

Either way, people need to accept that this man is dead. Seriously, he's making more money now than when he was alive.

Tim Static

Of course the west coast thinks he's the best rapper alive.

Either way, people need to accept that this man is dead. Seriously, he's making more money now than when he was alive.
and getting called things people didnt call him when he was alive.

like the greatest.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
So Tupac is like an artist in other words, he's making more money now then when he was alive? Interesting. I always did wonder what the big deal was with this guy. Tons of rappers are dead, got shot yet this guy is always spoken about in the rap community so I've noticed.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Won't load on iPhone Cause they have mobile oPtion turned off but I will say everyone can expect a lot more holographic stuff in the next year as the iPhone 5 will sport a hologram keyboard to free the screen of space and reduce carpel tunnel potential

Pig w the spoiler


It looked pretty fake, but lets face it 2pac is a legend anyway you slice it. Looks like they made his pants a little more "snug" to fit in more with this skinny jean craze of the last few years lol.

If anyones overrated its Snoop Dogg. But its all an opinion.