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Strategy against high level kabal?


missiles are coming
The large hitbox vs Kabal is a hard thing to overcome. After being spoiled by mainly playing Sektor against AC1984, switching to characters like Raiden or Kenshi feels ridiculous.

Concerning the teleport on reaction to iagb, you have to get lucky that he fires more than one or two at a time. Even then sometimes it reverses his inputs into a punch that hits you as soon as you teleport. The best way in on Kabal is with no tricks or shit. Just duck block your way in and take your time. He builds little meter spamming projectiles so don't feel rushed. Your strings are incredibly slow outside f2, so that is going to be what you have to use to approach him.

Start working with armoring out of his dash cancels as well with shocker (not superman - in order to get a combo). Also you need to know when and when not to breaker against Kabal. Unless I'm going to die, I don't breaker any combo outside the corner that starts with a dash. If he gets hits before the dash, you're looking at around 40%. If the dash starts or it's off an AA - the damage is much less and not worth breaking if you have armor for meter.

Never d1 out of pressure since on block it is punishable. After you block a d3 or d1 against Kabal this is your turn pressure or get out. Jumping over Kabal is retarded since EX-Dash is like a better version of spin. And Simon does this 100% of the time you cross him up.

IMO the best things against Kabal are: small hit box, armor, advancing strings, speed. Raiden only has one of these.


missiles are coming
So he's a trash bitch like I suspected. At least Im not crazy!
Raiden isn't crap lol. I just think a few people really overplayed him a month ago. When players like PL and Brady state that X character is the best in the game; a lot of people take their word for it. Turns out Raiden is still good, but most likely not the OP character they may have made him out to be.


So he's a trash bitch like I suspected. At least Im not crazy!
Just because the matchup is even or non favorable in some peoples eyes for raiden, doesn't mean the character is trash or the match is unwinnable. We've seen countless of instances where players have overcome matchups that are deemed to be unfavorable for their character and if they can, even a bird brain like you can too:pThe player is a bigger factor that determines the outcome of the match imo even at times when many believe this is a heavily match up based game.

G4S Claude VonStroke

@MK_ClaudeVS on twitter
I meant he's trash in this matchup which I fully believe. I will put 100 dollars saying that no raiden player on the panet will beAt reo or ac1984 in a first to five. Now thinking this matchup is 7 - 3.


I meant he's trash in this matchup which I fully believe. I will put 100 dollars saying that no raiden player on the panet will beAt reo or ac1984 in a first to five. Now thinking this matchup is 7 - 3.
I really hate to say this in case i'm incorrect but hasn't Brady said he's beaten REO's kabal in casual sets before and gone toe to toe? We've yet to see a raiden player at the highest level really go against a kabal player at the highest level really (apart from B W1zZ vs REO which was a close set that REO ultimately won at DEV).

Where there's a will, there's a way though. I really think this match needs to be played more at the highest level to gain a better understanding of the match. As we've been seeing recently new discoveries are made regularly that change matchups significantly (i.e jax vs kabal, cage vs jax) since people were set on the belief that specific matchups were set in stone and will never change but as time went on people found a way around these.


Albo, I mean 2 ndc on block. If he decides to interrupt with d1 or d3 ill do d3 and resume pressure.Troy , don't get discouraged...u need experience. That's all. 5 months ago I believed that kabal selfless is piece of cake...now I barely win againts him....that doesn't mean that kabal is trash.


Tourney id: Gfc_alekS
Albo, I mean 2 ndc on block. If he decides to interrupt with d1 or d3 ill do d3 and resume pressure.
And after d.3 Kabal gets the whole load of ... f.4 (knee) NDC . Only (save gimmicks). Which is -5.

So if Kabal would down poke you: his pressure is about to end. Just block and escape/poke.


Because of well known abnormalities with big hurt box characters (like Raiden), Kabal can do 2 NDC instead of f.4 (both 9 frames). Thus if you see that Kabal do know this and pressure you with 2 NDC you really want to poke out with down pokes. But it doesn't change the fact that it provides Kabal with additional 50/50: either f.4 NDC which beats down pokes or 2 NDS which continues the pressure.

Thus if you're a big hurt box char and you got under Kabal's pressure: consider it the same as Cage's pressure, i.e. only successful read or opp mistake will get you out of it (and breaker of course).