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Question for you shavers out there

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Proud. It's the only thing I contribute to these forums!
I agree, amigo. This goes in the book as a win.

My $.02: Once you cut down the forest, you'll never wanna grow a fucking tree again.

(See what I did there? Because it's like a forest, based around the area in which fucking takes place. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It's funny, dammit...)


Master of Quanculations
I use cheap shaving cream and triple blade razors. I shave once every 5 days because a girl I like online likes me to be scruffy.


Gillette Fusion Pro Glide or Schick Hydro 5? Or do you have some other name brand you use and recommend over these two?
I use the Pro Glide, and I like it. It works for me, anyway.

Granted, I rarely "shave" at all, I usually just take a beard trimmer on the shortest setting and trim it down to perfect five o'clock shadow. Takes nowhere near as much time or effort, looks better, feels better. I do buzz out the unwanted excess, though. Soul patches suck. Do not want.

I guess that's a matter of preference, though. Some dudes want a face that's as smooth as a baby's ass. I don't see the appeal, but hey, that's just me. Honestly, I doubt it really matters which razor you buy, as long as it's not too hard on your skin (I don't have sensitive skin, so it's all the same to me I guess). I'm sure any half-decent razor will get you a close shave as long as you're doing it right. I think the mistake most guys make is going either with or against the grain, when you're supposed to go with THEN against the grain. It also helps if you splash your face with cold water first, too.

This has been an educational post about shaving.

On a fucking Mortal Kombat forum.



Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I tend to use Barbasol with Gillette Fusion, I agree it's the smoothest and lasts a long time before replacement blades. Great for guys like me with thick beards.
back to shaving!

I get ingrown hairs out the yang so I went to proper wet shaving. I have a straight razor, though I don't advise people buy one a good one is north of 500 bucks (though you never have to replace it EVER). But get your ass a safety razor (I use merkur) proper blades (I use feather) gillet and those other fucks use trashed metal alloys and it's no good, and a proper soap (I use colonel conks for the cheap, edwin jager for the good) and a proper cream (proaso), then get a quality boars hair brush. The initial set back (bowl, razor holder, brush) is fucking steep, 100-500 depending on what you get, but............... you save shit tons of cash fast. The blades are super cheap, and the soaps seem steep at 10-100 till you realize the suckers last 6 months or so. You'll make it back fast.

Best of all, it's good quality metal, all natural soaps, and it does WONDERS for your skin and face.


Try it, you won't go back.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I envy you guys who actually grow enough facial hair where shaving is an actual concern. Me? It can grow for two weeks and I just buzz off the excess facial pubic hair and shave the rest with ease. 25 and can't grow a beard, feels bad man. I know 17 year old kids who can grow a beard. I want a beard. Where's my god damn beard?

Fuck you, genetics.


RIP Ex Smash
I envy you guys who actually grow enough facial hair where shaving is an actual concern. Me? It can grow for two weeks and I just buzz off the excess facial pubic hair and shave the rest with ease. 25 and can't grow a beard, feels bad man. I know 17 year old kids who can grow a beard. I want a beard. Where's my god damn beard?

Fuck you, genetics.
I had a beard when I was 12.



Go to hell.
It is PL lol.

And your family is big fat hairball. Stay free
Hey dude, my family did die in a tragic hair incident. They all choked to death and die on my uncle Edgar's chest hair when he took a growth hormone.

And I am very expensive, ask your girlfriend.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I've also found using a trimmer first then shaving with a blade is less work overall. At least for me.