Okay guys, so I was trying to come up with a new way of leveling up without having to put money down to take matches a bit more serious. I also wanted to come up with a good system where people cant hog the stations. I want to have a RanBat system with points accumulated from FT10 matches between everybody throughout the day.
There will be 3 to 4 stations. All stations are "VS" stations, and one station is left on "Practice" and will be left on there for the rest of the day.(NO EXCEPTIONS!) Anybody can hop on that station and test stuff while they wait for a turn. When its your turn to play on the "VS" station, you go and play asap, this way we can alternate between people easily, and everybody gets to do both, play and use the "Practice" station to figure new tech out.
The level of the player you are playing against, determines the points you get. The higher you get, means you must be winning an overall amount of FT10 matches against said person. The levels will be decided after our first meeting. The purpose of this is to get a good feeling about how good you really are among your scene, and get an idea of how much you are improving as a player as well.
The higher you are on the RanBat list, the more points you are worth.
If you guys have any input on this, please let me know.
I want people to level up faster!
XBlades Wonder_Chef TenZeRo7 EGP_TYRANT Red Reaper Shoryuken Demented SHARKY Brownie Mosp