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WW2 Essay help...


Hey guys, I have a report to do for my AP English Class, the topic is: "What WW2 Invention or Innovation has had the biggest impact on your life". Any ideas as to any inventions during WW2 that I could possibly use?


Shazzy's Senpai
Well, the Atomic Bomb has influenced everyone's life in the sense of global security.
Everyone has them so everyone's afraid to use them, it's like a universal safety buffer.
I'd say the jet engine if you didn't want to write about nukes. The Nazis were first to invent it and it changed travel and a whole lot of things we do today.


These are all good ideas, but I need something that has impacted my life DIRECTLY. That is the tricky part of the assignment, it is not what has impacted American life, but my life.


Go to hell.
These are all good ideas, but I need something that has impacted my life DIRECTLY. That is the tricky part of the assignment, it is not what has impacted American life, but my life.
I think national security threatens you. If we get nuked, that directly effects you.


Joker waiting room
Write about call of duty,it affects many people's everyday life.

Also,the first missiles were manufactured during the WW2


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
You're probably looking for Silly Putty then. Pretty sure that was invented in '42 or '43.
Yeah, there's actually a putty now that's better then Silly Putty but that was the original. It's called Crazy Arron's Putty. There's various types from original plain color to glow in the dark. I'd say silly putty or the A bomb(nearly everyone in the world has it)


Dojo Trainee
Who and what year exactly was the radio invented/invented by?
Not invented but innovated. How the radio was used in WW2 innovated the usage of radio in many ways. Its not my paper, its yours. You simply asked for help on a possible innovation/invention and I gave you one that is very well documented.

No offense and not trying to be a dick.