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Can Someone interpret this dream

Lt. Boxy Angelman

hmm interesting.

thank you very much.

Im scared of the whole astral projection thing too, can your body do it even if you dont want to?

And wow, very great explanation, this helped a lot :)
^_^ Anytime, my friend.
I'm not 100%, but I'm pretty sure you can do it unpurposely, or at least percieve unconsciously close enough to it, if your brain is active enough, but I'm relatively certain there's nothing to really afraid of...I'm more the psychological wizard than the spiritual one, lol.
I've been having near-realistic vivid dreams my entire life...I've derailed a New York subway because the hospital wouldnt give me iced oatmeal cookies, obtained magical flying sneakers by groping Janet Jackson, driven a school bus off of a ski ramp into the Hudson River, run over a Hong Kong street corner full of masturbating 80's haircut dancers with Sean Connery inside Yellow Jacket from Twisted Metal 1, turned Nitro at Six Flags into an underground drug den and made the park $3 million bucks as a result, and had my sippy cup stolen from me at the age of 4 by Michigan J. Frog (which I still maintain was not a goddamn dream, but no one believes me...)

...Yeah, I'm a strange fellow...

Mr. Mileena

yes, but astral projection usually takes years of practice to do intentionally, other than that you'll have a conscious dream every now and then, but nothing like AP (which is you controlling every aspect of the dream, consciously, and being fully aware you're in a dream). it's nothing scary either, it's just trippy as fuck.
Ive actually been trying for years, but about 6 months ago, stopped due to the dangers it can pose.
I never could do it anyway lol.

and also OneBoxyRobot

I feel like I have not slept, im really tired and lethargic, and i have class till 10pm

I just feel so zoned out today

Big Frog

Dojo Trainee
How do you remember all this, Mr Mil?? The most I remember from the few dreams I ever have is falling down some steps.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Ive actually been trying for years, but about 6 months ago, stopped due to the dangers it can pose.
I never could do it anyway lol.

and also OneBoxyRobot

I feel like I have not slept, im really tired and lethargic, and i have class till 10pm

I just feel so zoned out today
Same thing happens to me...all that activity, the energy burned while in the midst of dreams that deep can leave you more exhausted than you'd have any right to be when you wake up. You're asleep, you're immobile, but because your brain is so rooted in the dream and the blurred line between real and fake it can draw, it can easily exhaust you as though you were actually up and mobile...especially if its a particularly dark one and you end up coming to in fear and adrenaline, and by the time you get your bearings back, you're wiped out again.
Hence, why I'm helplessly addicted to caffiene -_-.

Mr. Mileena

Same thing happens to me...all that activity, the energy burned while in the midst of dreams that deep can leave you more exhausted than you'd have any right to be when you wake up. You're asleep, you're immobile, but because your brain is so rooted in the dream and the blurred line between real and fake it can draw, it can easily exhaust you as though you were actually up and mobile...especially if its a particularly dark one and you end up coming to in fear and adrenaline, and by the time you get your bearings back, you're wiped out again.
Hence, why I'm helplessly addicted to caffiene -_-.
gonna pm you


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
yes, but astral projection usually takes years of practice to do intentionally, other than that you'll have a conscious dream every now and then, but nothing like AP (which is you controlling every aspect of the dream, consciously, and being fully aware you're in a dream). it's nothing scary either, it's just trippy as fuck.
holy jesus thats what its called? i was asking my old high school counselor i really trust that same thing today....wierd, it seems like i have one off these dreams every night i stay at my mothers house which in brooklyn, since i moved out i no longer live with my mom i dont if that has anything to do with it, the longest sleep i have been able to get here has been 4 hours, last night i slept around 3ish 4ish woke at 8 and haven't slept since, wat woke me was a dream about me and my girlfriend driving, but she was behind the wheel and cops pulled us over, but then they started to rape my girlfriend right in front of me, i struggled and it felt so real, and then for some reason i realized i was in a dream and with my mind split the cop down the middle in half. now i know i have been trolling for the time i have been here in these forums but am not trolling about this. i even managed to make the two cops that were holding me disappear, and my girlfreinds face looked so detailed and real like i was looking at her right in front of me in real life. i asked my counselor but he didn't have a clue but the abreviation AP somethin were his words. were might i find more info on AP. btw am so fascinated by psycology and want that to be my major when i go to college next semester.
also i just googgled and i have been under heavy medication due to my body getting hives all over my body at random times, most nights i have been taking two benadryll, but i stopped when i got to my mothers house, maybe that has something to do with it?

Lt. Boxy Angelman

holy jesus thats what its called? i was asking my old high school counselor i really trust that same thing today....wierd, it seems like i have one off these dreams every night i stay at my mothers house which in brooklyn, since i moved out i no longer live with my mom i dont if that has anything to do with it, the longest sleep i have been able to get here has been 4 hours, last night i slept around 3ish 4ish woke at 8 and haven't slept since, wat woke me was a dream about me and my girlfriend driving, but she was behind the wheel and cops pulled us over, but then they started to rape my girlfriend right in front of me, i struggled and it felt so real, and then for some reason i realized i was in a dream and with my mind split the cop down the middle in half. now i know i have been trolling for the time i have been here in these forums but am not trolling about this. i even managed to make the two cops that were holding me disappear, and my girlfreinds face looked so detailed and real like i was looking at her right in front of me in real life. i asked my counselor but he didn't have a clue but the abreviation AP somethin were his words. were might i find more info on AP. btw am so fascinated by psycology and want that to be my major when i go to college next semester.
also i just googgled and i have been under heavy medication due to my body getting hives all over my body at random times, most nights i have been taking two benadryll, but i stopped when i got to my mothers house, maybe that has something to do with it?
That's not the same AP, but you're on the same track as Mileena.
I'm definitely doing more research when I go back to school this year - which, while we're on the subject, I still find it amazing that something as simple as competing in MK could motivate my anti-educational workman's ass to go back to college, thank god for matchups & frame data... - I cant remember the exact cause of what makes some dreams more vivid than others, or make some people dream this deeply while some cant remember their dreams at all, but sinking into a deep enough sleep can Matrix the fuck out of you, and make your dreams seem just as real as the world you were in before you slept, or conversely, daze you to the point you think youre still dreaming when you wake up.

I need assistance. Somebody with some spiritual/spooky wisdom to better explain projection.
That's a whole other fucked up ballpark in itself...learned my lesson with that.


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
LOL Dreams hardly ever make any sense Mr. Mileena. I don't know what to take from your dream. That shits crazy.

My favorite dreams are the ones where I can fly in them.

I've also had a dream in a dream... kinda like that movie. And I knew I was dreaming in my dream. lol I was like da fuck??!


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
That's not the same AP, but you're on the same track as Mileena.
I'm definitely doing more research when I go back to school this year - which, while we're on the subject, I still find it amazing that something as simple as competing in MK could motivate my anti-educational workman's ass to go back to college, thank god for matchups & frame data... - I cant remember the exact cause of what makes some dreams more vivid than others, or make some people dream this deeply while some cant remember their dreams at all, but sinking into a deep enough sleep can Matrix the fuck out of you, and make your dreams seem just as real as the world you were in before you slept, or conversely, daze you to the point you think youre still dreaming when you wake up.

I need assistance. Somebody with some spiritual/spooky wisdom to better explain projection.
That's a whole other fucked up ballpark in itself...learned my lesson with that.
hey you seem pretty knowledgeable about this stuff, i wanted to know when in a dream for the most part every dream i can remember i can never fully detail someones face ever, until last night when i had that dream and it was my girlfriend face it was right there like if i didn't know i was in a dream i would swear on my life she was real and right in front of me detailed, she even had her birthmark right above her lip that i notice every time she smiles........does it have anything to do with the fact i haven't seen her for over a week and i miss her very much?? thanks for answering these questions by the way, you should be TYM's dream masta!!! :D


I had a dream that Cyrax was gonna be broken in MK9.

No but really I had this creepy ass dream that went on a loop for two weeks in my brain every fucking night. I was sitting with a friend in the middle of a desert in a car with an open roof. We'd eat popcorn and watch sheep walk in a straight line and fall off this cliff. They'd break their necks and you'd see all the blood and shit. Yes, I am one sick puppy!


Bone and Metal
Today I dreamed that there was this really big beetle just chilling out in my apartment and crawling around harmlessly. I like bugs, so that's probably why it's there in the first place. >_>

Was like car tire sized too, wasn't a real species. MAYBE I'LL DISCOVER IT?!

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I'll definitely look more into all you guys' questions in a bit.
I am loving this thread. Mr. Mileena, thanks for giving me the means to feel awesome :D.

"The Dream Master"....mmmmm.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Maaan. At least your dreams don't consist of zombies dreams for the past 4 years.

EDIT: In fact: Before the zombie dreams I used to Lucid Dream(Astral Project) all the time.I just stopped because I kind of got bored of it and when I wanted to try it again I kept getting Sleep Paralysis and A woman in white or a Man in black(lol @ movie) would appear when I'm half-asleep half-awake and they were annoying and creepy.