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Can Someone interpret this dream

Mr. Mileena

Okay so last night, I woke up 5 times, each having 5 dreams.

The first 4 were just some of the worst nightmares ever, while the 2nd one being completley same as the first.

But the fifth one, was just a MIND FUCK
if any of you have ever heard of astral projection, keep this in mind.

5th dream-
THe most i remember was going with a friend driving, shopping around for food etc, then we head off to Best Buy ( a very weird one), and we look at phones, then I go off to loook at games and movies. at the very back, I see Dink playing online mk9 on the 360 lol. Then i go back to the movie section/ps1 section, and see a friend of mine I havent seen in a while, and exchange words. Then, this manager gets mad at some kids for not wanting to take turns on one of the platforms (I think the ps3), so me and that friend i just reunited with go off and sit in the back.
There is this weird, kinda drunk man, trying to like touch another mans daughter, poking her and stuff, he then punches another girl (Rachel Crow, from the X factor) I quickly grab her and hold her to protect her, but then there is like an evacuation call for the city. Everyone is running out, and im holding to her, i decide to run the opposite direction to my car, but see helicopters, so i thought maybe I would get sniped so decide to run back. everyone seems so far now

This is where i got so mindfucked
There was a bridge to cross (just like the one at my campus to cross over a big pond to the other side of the school)

and there were only 3 people left, Myself, My cousin, and another friend who just got introduced in the dream, Krista.
I don't know how i let go of rachel, she just wasnt there anymore.

I asked Krista what happened, and she said, the government cut us off. Look at the atmosphere (It looked so 2-D, like we were in a small circle/globe, and the sky looked like a cut out) Krista said they cut us out from the world, to finish us off piece by piece. "Look there is a small peninsula over there" (random I know) , Krista said.

I almost preceded to walk on the bridge (which now had almost frozen, white, powdery plants on each side running through. But she stopped me, she said "Throw your watter bottle cap at it" I did

The water cap SHATTERED. It would NOT let it go through

So I said, "All those people, they ran to it...But how did you see them, what happened"

Krista said, "They all ran to it like a mob, and they all shattered.
I was so scared.

But then out of nowhere, Krista jumped through and got through, as did my cousin, i hesitated WITH SO MUCH FEAR, and i jumped.

I went through, but mind you, THIS FELT SO REAL, I literally felt me crossing into a different dimension as I crossed through that Time gap, portal or whatever it was. If any of you have ever played Mario 64, where he jumps through those pictures, kind of like that lol

But anywho, I was alone, infront of me a HUUUGGGEEEE NEVER ENDING FIELD of tropical trees, to each side of me, a never ending road.

"But what was able to make us jump time gaps, was the fact that a man was masturbating, and therefore opening the time gap", Krista Stated *Note, this wasnt shown, it was just something Krista stated* lol (it seems as if we were trapped on a piece of paper, and his stroking allowed us to jump time gaps due to the fact there was something that opened it? im still mindfucked)

And then I woke up....
But what was able to make us jump time gaps, was the fact that a man was masturbating, and therefore opening the time gap, (it seems as if we were trapped on a piece of paper, and his stroking allowed us to jump time gaps due to the fact there was something that opened it? im still mindfucked)
there's your answer. you were masturbating in your sleep to dink vs rachel crow, and you were rooting for rachel to win.

your dream sounds exactly like astral projection (at least the 'everything felt real' part). AP only happens when you're stuck between being wide awake and REM (rapid eye movement, aka sleep). though with practice you can do it intentionally ;). the thing about astral projection is that you literally fabricate your own dream, and you're totally conscious during it. like you'll realize you're in a dream, and that you can just have a ball in pseudo-reality. you can even get that guy you thought was cute at FR yesterday in your dream. when things in an AP shock you (like looking at yourself in a mirror.. tripped the fuck out) you wake up, which might explain the other 5 times you woke up lol.

stop dropping acid.

but in all seriousness it seems like there's some kind of barrier in your life, brobeans.

Mr. Mileena

there's your answer. you were masturbating in your sleep to dink vs rachel crow, and you were rooting for rachel to win.

your dream sounds exactly like astral projection (at least the 'everything felt real' part). AP only happens when you're stuck between being wide awake and REM (rapid eye movement, aka sleep). though with practice you can do it intentionally ;). the thing about astral projection is that you literally fabricate your own dream, and you're totally conscious during it. like you'll realize you're in a dream, and that you can just have a ball in pseudo-reality. you can even get that guy you thought was cute at FR yesterday in your dream. when things in an AP shock you (like looking at yourself in a mirror.. tripped the fuck out) you wake up, which might explain the other 5 times you woke up lol.

stop dropping acid.

Bahaha, but there was no actual masturbation, or scenes of it, it was just a reference Krista Said.

I woke up feeling confused, not aroused.

Thanks for the input. lol
Mr. Mileena said:
I woke up feeling confused, not aroused.
that would be pretty weird if you woke up feeling aroused lmfao. when you have weird dreams like that it's good to write them down immediately when you wake up. dream journals also help you make AP happen more "manually", per se.


Online Punching Bag
When you become a young adult, you may start to have funny feelings about girls and hair starts growing in places it didn't before.


Come On Die Young
Dreams are a narrative weaved together by the brain by taking pieces of the day's events. Long-term memory is solidified in the brain during deep sleep, therefore parts of those memories are included in dreams. This is why, for example, it starts with Dink playing mk9. Everything else is the brain, in the nonsensical sleep state, randomly creating new events based off of past information.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

@Mr. Mileena - Yay, something useful for me to assist with :).

As bloodsport said, it sounds like you definitely managed to project yourself, or at least reach a higher-than-average state of unconscious vividity.
As far as the dream goes, it may not be so much that there was meaning to the dream so much as your subconscious was pieceing thoughts together, and because of the state you were in, everything you were dreaming became that much more vivid and real than it would otherwise be. Not that there aren't reasons for certain parts of it - seeing Dink may be a subconscious desire for surprise, as though part of your brain would be psyched to simply be out and about one day and happen upon someone from MK you wouldnt otherwise ever expect to see.
The shattering cap had to happen in order to explain everyone disappearing...your sudden realization that the size of your party had changed meant your subconscious had to conjure something up in order to justify it and maintain the dream, hence why she told you everyone ran for the bridge and shattered like the cap. Doesnt exactly explain the shattering, but at least preserves the dream.
The drunk, masturbating man represents genuine evil.
You saving Rachel represents your unconscious desire for good/the vanquishing of evil.
The scene that unfolded out of the store represents chaos in general, the havoc that can come forth out of evil, which is why everything went to pieces the moment you confronted him.
The forest represents you and your peoples escaping evil and winning the day.
And Krista's statement brings everything full circle by explaining the evil gent's jerking is what allowed you to escape - from the source of the dream's evil also came (no pun intended) the salvation of its heroes, balancing the entire episode and waking you up, as your mind had done its work and there was nothing left for the dream to build on.
just look up a dream dictionary online. the peice the shit together your self. but what ever you do you cant believe all off it! promise?

its probably a clash of diffrent types of stress colideing together durring your REM sleep to make images that sybolicaly repersent your hidden desires.. of coming out of the closet

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
anythin important comin up job interview , college finals etc i put crazy shit like dat down to stress
i smoke weed so i tend not to dream at all / or at least not remember my dreams after i wake lol
dreams r crazy though so dont take them too literally it just your brain processin info

Mr. Mileena

@Mr. Mileena - Yay, something useful for me to assist with :).

As bloodsport said, it sounds like you definitely managed to project yourself, or at least reach a higher-than-average state of unconscious vividity.
As far as the dream goes, it may not be so much that there was meaning to the dream so much as your subconscious was pieceing thoughts together, and because of the state you were in, everything you were dreaming became that much more vivid and real than it would otherwise be. Not that there aren't reasons for certain parts of it - seeing Dink may be a subconscious desire for surprise, as though part of your brain would be psyched to simply be out and about one day and happen upon someone from MK you wouldnt otherwise ever expect to see.
The shattering cap had to happen in order to explain everyone disappearing...your sudden realization that the size of your party had changed meant your subconscious had to conjure something up in order to justify it and maintain the dream, hence why she told you everyone ran for the bridge and shattered like the cap. Doesnt exactly explain the shattering, but at least preserves the dream.
The drunk, masturbating man represents genuine evil.
You saving Rachel represents your unconscious desire for good/the vanquishing of evil.
The scene that unfolded out of the store represents chaos in general, the havoc that can come forth out of evil, which is why everything went to pieces the moment you confronted him.
The forest represents you and your peoples escaping evil and winning the day.
And Krista's statement brings everything full circle by explaining the evil gent's jerking is what allowed you to escape - from the source of the dream's evil also came (no pun intended) the salvation of its heroes, balancing the entire episode and waking you up, as your mind had done its work and there was nothing left for the dream to build on.

hmm interesting.

thank you very much.

Im scared of the whole astral projection thing too, can your body do it even if you dont want to?

And wow, very great explanation, this helped a lot :)

Mr. Mileena

anythin important comin up job interview , college finals etc i put crazy shit like dat down to stress
i smoke weed so i tend not to dream at all / or at least not remember my dreams after i wake lol
dreams r crazy though so dont take them too literally it just your brain processin info
actually yeah, midterms
Im scared of the whole astral projection thing too, can your body do it even if you dont want to?
yes, but astral projection usually takes years of practice to do intentionally, other than that you'll have a conscious dream every now and then, but nothing like AP (which is you controlling every aspect of the dream, consciously, and being fully aware you're in a dream). it's nothing scary either, it's just trippy as fuck.