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MK: Komplete Edition Trailer (Euro version)

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
So here is the trailer for Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition, which hits US stores this Tuesday, and the world on March 3, 2012. Check out the trailer right here:

(PS- this is the Euro edition. We'll add the US version when it becomes available)

Thanks to TRMK for the RT.



Somewhat their objective was to "compact all the downloadable content into the game" and leave the rest as is. Fuck. I'm mad. This version better have some gameplay changes or I'm not buying it.


wasn't the 1995 movie and a soundtrack supposed to be included as well?
not that it would add something to the gameplay, but still


Get tough, or die
$60 is not worth it, id buy this for $40. What pisses me off is all the trailers so far for this release has been awful and shows nothing worth buying the game. I get that the key objective was to have all dlc content on the disk, but fuck man...

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
With all due respect to Brian, this package isnt for people who already have everything on the disc. This is more of the people who havent taken the MK9 dive, and is a great package to get them in the pool.

Yes, the pricing is bit high, but it will drop very soon.

Always does with these "GOTY" type packages.

GOL Eklectic

Surrender, it's over.
I'm happy with nrs right now for doing what they're doing for ketchup and mustard for the uk. But I'm really pissed at them for having the nerve to call this komplete edition without giving us the umk3 ninja skins. How slick to put the umk3 skins on the vita but not the console. This alone is the reason I'm not buying either. If they do put the umk3 skins on console, I'll be happy to buy a vita, mk9 for vita, and the komplete edition. Until then I'm not buying shit. I've been die hard since 93 so I think I have the right to be pissed.


Hopefully this'll mean there actually be people online these days. PSN EU MK9 is a graveyard compared to what it was a couple of months ago


Mid Tier
Anyword if the last "patch" is going to be on this disc. It would only make sense, if it's not, I can't justify the cost just for a sweet case, I allready have 3 PDP sticks and the BookEnds. Plus I "gotta" buy a Vita just for MK. WB has raped my wallet enough.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Anyword if the last "patch" is going to be on this disc. It would only make sense, if it's not, I can't justify the cost just for a sweet case, I allready have 3 PDP sticks and the BookEnds. Plus I "gotta" buy a Vita just for MK. WB has raped my wallet enough.
I dont think we will get anymore patches, but a hotflix fixes some of the resets, etc. Really doubt those would be included on this disc as they discs have already been pressed and shipped over a week ago.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Is it known yet if the DLC characters are on the disc as regular characters or a download code?


Hopefully we can get alts for all of the DLC characters in this edition( like on the vita).

Unmasked Rain and Skarlet with her cool omitted outfit please:D.

And also, if people downloaded the DLC charaters, the costumes should come to them after this hot fix.

And is it confirmed UMK3 costumes and Mileena's MK2 + the unknownones are NOT being released to the consoles? If so that is completely lame.


Just some bees, please.
I still really don't get what people are upset about? Why would this be anything other than the game with all the DLC so far? You know games with lots of DLC usually do a "GOTY" type thing nowadays. They're not for people who have bought it all already.

I might sell my copy and pick this up when it's cheaper (still haven't got Freddy or all the preorder costumes). This is a good thing for offline tournaments (provided Quan Chi and CSZ are unlocked from the get go and that it has the latest patch on the disk... but then again, this is NRS lol, they don't do logical things so I'm not hopeful).


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
This is really the definition of a ho-hum release... At least give us some freaking alternate costumes...or something we don't already have yet...

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Is it known yet if the DLC characters are on the disc as regular characters or a download code?
I would say the PS3 version is definite on-disc DLC, 360 versions sometimes do the same, sometimes not.

Still, i just went ahead and DL'd the full game on PSN, and shared it between my ps3's for tourney play. $50 as opposed to $120 plus tax? Shhhiiiit.

Also, again, this package is not directed to us. I really hope NRS gives us a nice 2012 Xmas present in the form of UMK9, with 2-4 more characters, more arenas, even more costumes, etc etc.

Also, gamer pics & themes for PSN & XBL would be amazing too.



Weren't they gonna make like UMK3 Classic Sub-Zero, UMK3 Rain costume and an MK2 Mileena costume?

I remember hearing something about that.