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A word about Suzo-Happ.

Damn, i wish i would of known about this before I built my stick from scratch. I already bought my joystick and everything. I haven't had any problems or anything with it so far (going on two weeks since built) but I really thought I was building something to match the older arcade experience.


Damn, i wish i would of known about this before I built my stick from scratch. I already bought my joystick and everything. I haven't had any problems or anything with it so far (going on two weeks since built) but I really thought I was building something to match the older arcade experience.
So I take it your using Happ parts? The good news for you is, its never to late to change. I.L. sticks and buttons are phisically identical to Happ parts only with better components. Or if you like you could just by a bunch of cherry microswitches and your 95% there anyway.
Yeah, everything was done with quick disconnects. So its not a problem putting in or switching out stuff...I was just hoping my spending was over. I'm still not 100% sure if im ready to switch the stuff out yet though. I have times where it seems like the button or direction isn't responding (most times with Jax, ducking and going into a dash punch usually ends up being just a quick uppercut) but I feel like its the game and not the stick. In training every thing responds quickly and accurate I only have the problem online. I just posted pictures on the Arcade Stick thread as well.


What is all of this hate for HAPP? I personally had two happ stick. They both had happ P360 as the joystick because i prefer optical over micro switches. I can understand you guys hating and dissing the pdp stick, but you know what...most "store bought" arcade sticks have shitty parts in them anyways and you will end up replacing them. With this being said, if the stick had bad parts, just replace them. There's no need to undermine a company even if they make "lesser quality parts". Just don't buy them. All in all when it comes down to parts, it's all user preference. There is no right or wrong way. Other than that, great info/review on the pdp stick an tnx for the history lesson. No offence, but this is just my opinion on the matter. I apologize if i sound disrespectful. That was not my intention.


What is all of this hate for HAPP? I personally had two happ stick. They both had happ P360 as the joystick because i prefer optical over micro switches. I can understand you guys hating and dissing the pdp stick, but you know what...most "store bought" arcade sticks have shitty parts in them anyways and you will end up replacing them. With this being said, if the stick had bad parts, just replace them. There's no need to undermine a company even if they make "lesser quality parts". Just don't buy them. All in all when it comes down to parts, it's all user preference. There is no right or wrong way. Other than that, great info/review on the pdp stick an tnx for the history lesson. No offence, but this is just my opinion on the matter. I apologize if i sound disrespectful. That was not my intention.
When a company currently makes an inferior product under the guise of being their formerly premium product, they're lying to their customers. This thread isn't undermining HAPP, it's clarifying disinformation.


does anyone know what stick the stick for mk:ak is going to haave
I already started paying for it


Nightwolf wannabe
a while back i bought a TE stick for 360 which i put IL eurostick and IL comp convex buttons with all cherry switches in, it had some cheap ass white switches in it. I just recently got a Klassic Fight Stick for PS3 but when I opened it up I saw cherry on the switches. I looked up and found an ad for the Klassic Fight Stick saying "upgraded with Suzo-Happ cherry switches" are these the same thing, suzo happ doesn't actually make these right? Just a flawed advertisement?


Nightwolf wannabe
For those of you getting all excited that the new MK tournament edition stick will be "genuine Happ" parts, I just want to let you know about something you may not be aware of.
The Happ Joystick of today is not what you remember from 15-20 years ago in your local arcade's Mortal Kombat machines. Back in those days Happ Joysticks were made by a European company called Industrias Lorenzo.(Hereafter Il refer to them as I.L.)
At that time the Happ competition Joystick was basically the same exact thing as the I.L. Eurojoystick. There were a few cosmetic differences but thats about it. These were solid joysticks that have become the favorites of MK players over the years.
The I.L. is still a solid joystick, The Happ, ehhh not so much.

A few years ago Happ merged with Suzo group and became Suzo-Happ. At the same time Happ broke away from I.L. and built they're own manufacturing plant in China and began building they're own joystick parts.
Though they still look the same, the quality of Happ Joysticks since breaking from I.L. has noticably diminished.

The first problem encountered with the newer sticks was with the actuator. The actuator is a square plastic piece that is mounted on the bottom of the shaft and when the joystick is moved the piece engages the corresponding microswitch. In I.L. sticks the actuator spins freely on the shaft so that there is no resistance on it whenever you move the stick in different directions.
On the Chinese made Happs, they were tight, really tight. This would cause them to get stuck in a certain position and would occasionally cause them to miss a direction due to being stuck.

Another issue(and one Ive encountered myself) is with the microswitches themselves. The I.L. Eurostick(and earlier Happ's) used cherry microswitches, a proven microswitch with years of performance under its belt.
When Happ moved to China they began using something called E-switches.(I dont know if this is a seperate company or just a generic name Happ gave to its own switches) At any rate, they flat out suck. They dont last, and alot of them fail from the get go. I bought an MAS stick from arcadeshock.com that had a Chinese Happ in it and right out of the box I had alot of trouble getting the Joystick to register left,down left, and up left. Clearly a problem with the left microswitch. I sold it to Shock who I think has since replaced the stick.

Now Im not trying to worry you guys, just dispensing some info here. Im not saying every Chinese Happ is garbage, Im not saying every I.L. is godlike. Manufacturing flaws creep up in every mass produced product.(Ive seen some shitty Sanwa JLF's to for the record)
But the Chinese Happ has a much higher fail rate than I.L.'s and Happ's that were made by I.L. do.

So if you buy one of these sticks and the joystick isnt quite up to par, consider throwing in an I.L. Eurostick. They look and feel exactly the same but are of higher quality. They mount just the same as the Happ and are interchangable.

One way you can tell the difference is Happ's always have a black dust washer

While I.L.'s dust washer matches the color of the stick.

This has been a public service announcement.
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I just got a Klassic Fight Stick and opened it up the microswitches said cherry so I don't have to upgrade these like I had to with those cheap white ones that were on my TE stick?


I just got a Klassic Fight Stick and opened it up the microswitches said cherry so I don't have to upgrade these like I had to with those cheap white ones that were on my TE stick?
Correct. The Klassic stick comes stock with Cherry switches. Between this article and 9.95 and Tim Statics hounding of Candice on twitter we were at least able to get PDP to switch to Cherry's. I would still swap out the black Happ actuator for the white I.L. one though. It is a little bigger and more durable. It contacts the corners better.


Nightwolf wannabe
Correct. The Klassic stick comes stock with Cherry switches. Between this article and 9.95 and Tim Statics hounding of Candice on twitter we were at least able to get PDP to switch to Cherry's. I would still swap out the black Happ actuator for the white I.L. one though. It is a little bigger and more durable. It contacts the corners better.
appreciate it, definitely plan on gettin some new buttons and stick for the Klassic stick anyway, but I was learning new things about microswitches. I guess from what i been reading online the best are cherry, then zippy, then the shitty e switches? cuz i just found out my original te stick had zippys in it instead of e switches, but if cherrys are better than zippys i don't mind that i spent extra money on them.


appreciate it, definitely plan on gettin some new buttons and stick for the Klassic stick anyway, but I was learning new things about microswitches. I guess from what i been reading online the best are cherry, then zippy, then the shitty e switches? cuz i just found out my original te stick had zippys in it instead of e switches, but if cherrys are better than zippys i don't mind that i spent extra money on them.
Zippys aren't horrible. They are certainly better than E switches, but nowhere near Cherry's. Cherry is hands down the best.


I just got a Kombat Stick (not the Klassic version) and the Block button doesn't always engage. It's got white switches, which are apparently not worth anything, so am I wrong in assuming that's the problem?


I know tons about AIAB. Ed only uses the best parts. Though he calls them Happ competitions they are really I.L. with Cherry switches. You don't need to change anything.
Thanks, good to know! Its a shame he's not making sticks anymore. :(


Thanks, good to know! Its a shame he's not making sticks anymore. :(
Yes, its a damn shame. I don't know the details but im sure the mass flooding of the market by Madcatz had alot to do with it. And nothing against Madcatz because Markman has always been awesome to the MK community, but I will miss AIAB. All his stuff was handmade not mass produced and he didn't just make sticks, he made works of art.


Wow he stopped making sticks? And here I was about to go and see if he would make me something smaller compared to my Mas Stick but with japanese button layout for the Happ buttons. Oh well, the search goes on.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Wow he stopped making sticks? And here I was about to go and see if he would make me something smaller compared to my Mas Stick but with japanese button layout for the Happ buttons. Oh well, the search goes on.
Yea it sucks. I was gonna buy another AIAB with my tax refund too :(


Yes, its a damn shame. I don't know the details but im sure the mass flooding of the market by Madcatz had alot to do with it. And nothing against Madcatz because Markman has always been awesome to the MK community, but I will miss AIAB. All his stuff was handmade not mass produced and he didn't just make sticks, he made works of art.
Agreed. The AIAB stick is the first (and only) I've owned, its is well built and they're just something awesome about it. Its weird b/c when I ordered he had a backlog.


Man that sucks. I was hoping to get an AIAB in May when i'm out of school. In the sea of japanese style arcade sticks there was always a few sellers to go to for an american style and now there is one less.