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Viennality 2025 MK1, MK11, MKX, and MK9! DEMI-GOD Pro Komp event $10,000

Viennality is back! One of the longest running MK focused events in the world located in Vienna Austria. MK focused is the name of the game here as MK9-1 are all on the sign up sheet this year. The event and MK1 have been announced as a premiere or "Demi God" event on the 2025 Pro Kompetition!


Prize Pool: $10,000
1st $5,000
2nd $2,250
3rd $1,000
4th $650
5th $350
7th $200

OTTAKRINGER BRAUEREI (The venue is a brewery!)
Ottakringer Pl. 1, 1160 Wien, Austria
Airport: VIE Vienna International Airport

Any in the Ottakring or Westbahnhof areas then public transportation should only be a few stops away
There are a few apartment buildings that have nights for cheap that are super close by


Pro Kompetition Points

Viennality is a Demi God event on the tour with the following points up for grabs depending on placement in the tournament

1st - 400
2nd - 275
3rd - 230
4th - 200
5th - 140
7th - 70
9th - 40
13th - 20
17th - 10
25th - 5


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I would be surprised if MK9 can beat any of the others given history but I would love to see it. Currently working on going myself and could be streaming some of the titles for them. I need to relook into parsec servers to get some practice in, or bite the bullet and play through steam. @Mikemetroid get your passport
I would be surprised if MK9 can beat any of the others given history but I would love to see it. Currently working on going myself and could be streaming some of the titles for them. I need to relook into parsec servers to get some practice in, or bite the bullet and play through steam. @Mikemetroid get your passport
ill try to get the app in by the end of the month
Updated with news that it has been added to the MK1 Pro Kompetition for 2025 as one of the premiere 4 Demi God events! Love that they god something like this. Comes with a 10k pot, points, and over 100+ signed up already
Did a peak at current entrants! Players to watch

VGY, Kanimani, and Makoran (All Final Kombatants last year)
Yadriel el punk, Roethor, Kitana Kahn, Lawcorridor, and even Ketchup!

In MKX RZA, Starcharger, St9rm, Ketchup, possibly myself. Same goes for MK9 right now
sad not to have Nugi (Mileena/tremor/kham) go the distance, that match against NLS in pools was very fun to watch. Getting reverse 3-0'd by Waterdragonswater in Loser's thought felt super relatable to me, someone who throws games if I get a lead too early haha but also waterdragonswater really adapted to the Mileena shenanigans and ultimately Nugi lacked the stamina/imagination in the second half of their set. Once low sai fan lift, or tremor mixes got countered there wasn't anything left in the tank it seemed
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Man what an amazing event, I wish I could've been there. Being at Viennality 2019 was a blast. Watching all 4 games in one event was excellent.

Happy to see Ketchup winning MK9, one of the GOAT's, and of course all culminating with MK1. Again, excellent stuff.