It's a super long story, but basically, back in the MK9 era, the seeding for tournaments used to be done by individual people who often just picked whoever they felt was better and gave them seeds. There was a ranking site called "NFG", and it was really bad, and didn't understand our scene, so it would sometimes rank a local and a major equally, etc.
So I decided to
build a better system, so that we could have some kind of results-based rankings, rather than it just being arbitrary. And after I built it, we talked about running a version of it here on TYM that everyone could use.
Then a number of people decided to put their personal egos above doing what was best with the scene, and the whole thing turned into infighting and flaming between various parties. Back then we had a Skype group with a lot of top players in it, so I held 2 conference calls with a bunch of the top players to work through it, and the players spent the entire time just yelling at each other.
And certain people then decided to trust Jaxel for the system here, which completely fell apart and then Jaxel publicly imploded. So months and months of work basically went down the drain. But it was fun for a while