I do not understand your argument anymore on this at all.
You’re basically saying, “You didn’t like what you saw or heard I can’t believe you wouldn’t pay $70 for this fucking game!”.
Like what? No. I like Kuai Liang as Sub-Zero plain and simple. He’s always who I play. He is not there so I don’t care. Same with Jade. Actually the roster as a whole (hot take here) I’m just not huge on. I’ve explained that extensively though how the revamp of the 3D era characters kinda fell flat from what I’ve watched. Their gameplay may be cool, but I’m not a gameplay guy. I’m not going to tournaments so I don’t really care.
I comment about that because I think that topic is important. If this is just strictly a gameplay thread then it has lost the plot because literally everything is being discussed here.
It’s important they hear differing opinions. For instance I am not politically rightwing. You would think I am because I have to argue against some of the topics here but I’m not.
I for instance have had to tell family members that they most likely won’t be receiving $5000 checks in the mail and to stop reading that type of shit and buying into that hype unless it’s confirmed. I voted blue in 2016 and 2020 (for anyone wondering). I didn’t vote in the last election because I knew it was lost tbh.
The far left talk also has to be met with criticism though especially with what fans are tired of seeing in games. If there are no dissenting opinions how can any of us learn or try to see other sides?