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Kung Lao changes


Exactly. I wonder how they go about seeing a doctor in relation to health. Sounds like they take one opinion from one quack and run with it. Absolutely stupid if you're running around preaching false logic based on what? One player? LMAO

Same scenario. Going off one player using sektor with Lao isn't enough to sell me he's good or upper echelon of good characters in this game.
Oh lord. Dear God. He doesn't know what an "example" is.

Honestly, I just think the vast majority of Kung Lao players - including several in this thread - are ass. Which is probably why they think the character is bad.

Kung Lao players are COOKED.
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A well balanced char has strengths & weaknesses which Kung Lao does.
Now we all want our mains to be stronger but after playing a while I find Lao to be pretty good.

playing agains the top top is deff a struggle but doable imo.


A well balanced char has strengths & weaknesses which Kung Lao does.
Now we all want our mains to be stronger but after playing a while I find Lao to be pretty good.

playing agains the top top is deff a struggle but doable imo.
Listen to him. He mains Lao. Lol


Because I know how to look at a character's tools and see what is and is not good.
You come off a bit arrogant by saying this. I have won several tournaments back in the MK9 days. I was a starting player but ended up 1st twice in European regions.

My kung lao in MK1 is good and I know what I’m talking about. I actually main kung lao unlike you. There is a difference..

Btw, i have been talking to a wall for a while now, as nobody acknowledges the fact that Kung Lao has 3 projectiles that when EXed don’t add nothing at all, atleast not worthwhile.

MK2Dave agrees? I have been following his podcast with Tom Brady for a while now and he is always agreeing with Tom after Tom points out the obvious. I don’t know what to think of him and I take his opinion with a grain of salt tbh..
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This is my billionth life cycle.
Here's a fun one - not linking the post because the guy doesn't need to be blown up, and the whole community shared this sentiment:

"Ok Sindel fam, Sonic is at it again. MoFo out here calling every character broke only to drop them a week later.
He is currently stating Sindel is stupid broke and I think he is high. In fact she's like the only character that has to work for Lao hat setups compared to S Tiers with one button OS into HTB cuz they have overheads and toolkits to put out hat after strings.
She has to do B2 into float, into flight cancels into JIP that's UpBlockable."


You come off a bit arrogant by saying this. I have won several tournaments back in the MK9 days. I was a starting player but ended up 1st twice in European regions.

My kung lao in MK1 is good and I know what I’m talking about. I actually main kung lao unlike you. There is a difference..

Btw, i have been talking to a wall for a while now, as nobody acknowledges the fact that Kung Lao has 3 projectiles that when EXed don’t add nothing at all, atleast not worthwhile.

MK2Dave agrees? I have been following his podcast with Tom Brady for a while now and he is always agreeing with Tom after Tom points out the obvious. I don’t know what to think of him and I take his opinion with a grain of salt tbh..

MK9 was 14 years ago.

Nobody cares.


Here's a fun one - not linking the post because the guy doesn't need to be blown up, and the whole community shared this sentiment:

"Ok Sindel fam, Sonic is at it again. MoFo out here calling every character broke only to drop them a week later.
He is currently stating Sindel is stupid broke and I think he is high. In fact she's like the only character that has to work for Lao hat setups compared to S Tiers with one button OS into HTB cuz they have overheads and toolkits to put out hat after strings.
She has to do B2 into float, into flight cancels into JIP that's UpBlockable."
Dear God.


If you have a functioning brain and the ability to lab and know what is good in the game you're playing, you don't need to main the cast to talk about them.

Kung Lao has a good mid, he has plus frames, he's one of the most mobile characters in the cast, he's got solid damage, solid fireballs, a launching divekick, launching armor, he has everything you need to be a good character in this game.

While I'm not an MK9(a completely different game) master, I have eyes and can see when a character is good.

This idea of, "you don't play the character so you can't talk about it," is some appeal to authority bullshit.

I don't have to main Ghostface to look at him and say, "Yeah man, a character with a true vortex, command grabs, good mids, and is very safe is pretty good." The same is true for Kung Lao.

In fact, given half of you want him to have a teleport he doesn't need and want him to be a version of himself that existed 14 years ago, I don't think Kung Lao mains are to be trusted.

People that main whatever character is are the worst people to talk to because they ALL downplay, myself included.

Look no further than Reiko players pre-patch. Have a conversation with @Eldriken about Reiko pre-patch and you'd swear he was a bottom 5 character.

So no, Kung Lao players are on blast.

EX bf1 is safe at -7 and it jails from 212
I’ve been using it a lot lately to add to my stagger game.
21, 212, 21 d1, 21 back dash, 212, 212 Sektor flame thrower, 21 grab, 212exdb4 into a divekick for safety or air 2 for plus frames on block
in most cases they counter attack is mostly on Laos favor.

Sektor kameo gives him a safe 5050 into combos into another 5050.
Sektor gives a safe armored wake up attack which is plus on block if they don’t armor the gap.
Sektor gives grab combos etc etc

Lao has great buttons.
d4 is 10frames +15 on hit & -6 on block.
D3 is 9frames +10 on hit & -10 on block but has great range and it safe from full distance.
B24 is punishable yeah but since players expect you to end the string you can stagger it at -4 and go for grab, d1 , backwash, jump back divekick etc.
f2 is -19 but you can sometimes mix it with armor to catch them counter attacking and condition them.
Instant air bf1 hat is excellent for keep away combined with Sektor missiles.

I could go on but you get it.
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I could argue that MK1 Lao is better than MK9 Lao now that I think about it.
MK9 Lao didn’t have safe pressure, if you thought they were going to counter attack you spin lol that was hella risky.


Zoning Master
Can you post some footage of recent tournaments with Kung Lao? Any of them winning with Lao?

Do you think Kung Lao is only strong with Sektor or with many other kameos as well?
Sektor is Kung Lao's best kameo followed by Mavado and Sonya.

As I have already explained, Mavado provides launching armor (i.e., EX b,f+2 into up kameo), very good pressure as back kameo jails after 2,1,2 on block, solid meter-less conversions (i.e., d,b+4 into up kameo), and juggles after back throw (i.e., toss the mine and back dash, then do jumping kick, b+2,4, 1,2,1~b,f+2).

Sonya is a little awkward to use (at least for me). In order to launch after EX b,f+2, you have to call the square wave preemptively, but the damage is the highest at 31.5%. You can set up safe 50/50 mix ups using a charged energy ring, whose cool down will have entirely replenished by the time the combo is finished. Leg grab jails after 2,1,2 and square wave extends combos after up kick for some of the highest meter-less damage that Kung Lao can dish out.

By the way, I do not have a surreptitious anti-Kung Lao agenda. LOL. He is my main character and I believe that he is strong. I do not want buffs, which will ultimately lead to nerfs, or an overhaul, which may lead to a worse character. He is in a very good state right now.
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the fact that Kung Lao has 3 projectiles that when EXed don’t add nothing at all, atleast not worthwhile.

I don't really understand this. My experience is that for most NRS games, doing an EX to a projectile usually adds more damage, changes the properties from a high to mid, and sometimes adds an additional projectile. It might also change the properties of the projectile to be safer on block.

Is this not the case with Lao's projectiles?
I don't really understand this. My experience is that for most NRS games, doing an EX to a projectile usually adds more damage, changes the properties from a high to mid, and sometimes adds an additional projectile. It might also change the properties of the projectile to be safer on block.

Is this not the case with Lao's projectiles?
EX db1 is 16 frames down from 22 regular db1
Excellent for closing up rounds.
EX bf1 is safe at -7 on block down from -14 great for staggers pressure.


EX db1 is 16 frames down from 22 regular db1
Excellent for closing up rounds.
EX bf1 is safe at -7 on block down from -14 great for staggers pressure.
It's been awhile, isn't one of them even a mid that knocks down or even allows combos in the corner?

I guess to me his projectiles and EX projectiles seem pretty standard, even good, compared to most of the cast. Not sure what else someone would even want them to do.
It's been awhile, isn't one of them even a mid that knocks down or even allows combos in the corner?

I guess to me his projectiles and EX projectiles seem pretty standard, even good, compared to most of the cast. Not sure what else someone would even want them to do.
Buzzsaw bf1 knocks down and allows for combos in the corner.
Hat toss db1 is a mid.
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But Supernova - the best Kung Lao in EU 14 years ago - said his enhanced projectiles didn't do anything.
I was trying Mileena cause I remember you saying Lao players should play mileena instead lol and no instant air projectiles and full screen projectiles was painful. It made me appreciate Laos projectiles more haha


Buzzsaw bf1 knocks down and allows for combos in the corner.
Hat toss db1 is a mid.
Also regular hat toss allows you to combo in the corner. Not even sure if regular buzzsaw doesn't.. You think Spending meter for Knockdown is worth it?

EX db1 is 16 frames down from 22 regular db1
Excellent for closing up rounds.
EX bf1 is safe at -7 on block down from -14 great for staggers pressure.
These are very minimal enhancements. Compare it to Kitana's air fan for example, enhanced air fan allows you to combo after it mid screen. 80% of kung lao's special moves are projectles in MK1. I don't see why you would spend meter on any of his projectiles as of now...
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Zoning Master
@M2Dave could you upload your gameplay? I wanna watch and learn lol.

Do you know how plus are single and double missiles on hit and block?
The in-game frame data does not state the frame data, but double missiles are probably around +180-200 on hit while the single missile is probably around +40-50.

There are no videos of my Kung Lao at this time. Just search OnlineCale on YouTube.


Also regular hat toss allows you to combo in the corner. Not even sure if regular buzzsaw doesn't.. You think Spending meter for Knockdown is worth it?
Matchup specific and depends what the opponent is trying to do. Spending meter to get a knockdown and more damage can help win a projectile trade.

These are very minimal enhancements. Compare it to Kitana's air fan for example, enhanced air fan allows you to combo after it mid screen. 80% of kung lao's special moves are projectles in MK1. I don't see why you would spend meter on any of his projectiles as of now...
Most of Kitana's gameplay is built around her projectiles, hence they have better utility, especially when using EX. She's supposed to have really good projectiles, that's kind of the point.

Lao isn't meant to be a zoner. For the character he is I think his projectiles are good. I'm not sure why you keep calling his enhancements minimal when it's as good or better than most of the cast other than the zoner characters.