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Has NRS silenced the Mortal Kombat 1 critics?

Has NRS silenced the Mortal Kombat 1 critics?

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Zoning Master
The facts:
  • A second Pro Tour, which consists of ten qualifying tournaments, has been announced.
  • Mortal Kombat 1 has also been confirmed for this year's EVO.
  • According to Ed Boon's most recent tweet, Mortal Kombat 1 has sold five million copies and further downloadable content will be available in the future.
  • Patches are typically well-received because of the addition of new moves as buffs for characters.
  • In terms of casual player participation, the game has ranked among PS5's "top 15 most played games" list. In terms of competitive gameplay and participation, the game has retained a stable online scene.
Continuous criticism:
  • The game's release was objectively bad in terms of single-player content, online gameplay, and balance.
  • Many players dislike the kameo system and its implementation.
  • Offline tournament participation is generally lower than what one would reasonably expect from a franchise as prominent as Mortal Kombat.
  • Khaos Reigns has been poorly received because of its initial cost, inadequate content, and awful story expansion.
  • Players are generally dissatisfied with the superhero guest characters such as Homelander, Omni-Man, and Peacemaker.
Community Division and Drama:

What do you guys think? Do you now consider Mortal Kombat 1 a (very) good product? How does the community move forward with Mortal Kombat 1?


"Is Mortal Kombat 1 a good product?" and "has MK1 done enough to silence its critics?" are completely different questions.

Personally, I think MK1 is currently a good product, though it didn't massively change from the initial launch state - we are still missing core online elements (lobbies, matchmaking while practicing) that are standard across titles from previous generations; the single player content is still massively underwhelming, though the grinding was reduced; and, finally, we are still some way behind the presentation from MK11, with costumes, gear pieces and other customizations, while still here, are not as diverse.

As for the second question: no. MK1 will never silence the critics because most of the criticism for this game are just personal opinions masquerading as some objective truth. People who did not like the kameo system will continue to dislike it, no matter how many interesting or balanced kameos get added to the roster. The same is true for people who dislike the long combo system, as opposed to MK11's, even though this is probably THE most balanced NRS title so far. Furthermore, people who claim this game has no incentive for people to play and has a dead online scene will still probably hold the same opinion, despite we having multiple online tournaments every single week since this game launched - and now we have a 200000+ prize pool tournament announced.

Tldr: people will still shit on this game regardless of how much they polish or improve it, as they made their minds at launch. It does have some lacking features still, even though it has improved from launch, but so did every NRS game before it.


In Zoning We Trust
I think both your facts and criticism sections are correct, would have added still no rooms, training while matchmaking, type of stuff as "online environment" criticism, that's been a consistent one that isn't in line with with expectations.

With that said, we are in January 2025, and no one can say the game is the same it was a year ago. I was on record saying this game was bad previously, stopped playing for months because I just couldn't do it anymore. I started playing again after the Sektor launch and will be ramping up with tourneys carrying it now, and it is a MUCH BETTER GAME now. In any measure, objectively, it is significantly improved. At this point if you're still talking like it's 2023 then you just never were going to like it.

Here is what I think the biggest problem is with people who still want it to be something else.

Most of GAMEPLAY concerns, that WERE valid, have been ADDRESSED. For example, say there were 10 concerns. At this point 7-8 have been addressed to the point of being fixed or actually a positive. 2 may still remain. Instead of saying "wow this game is starting to get really good, I'm glad they are doing the things I wanted", it's "man these two things I talked about a year ago are still terrible, I really hate this game, trash". There's no actual reflection or awareness on the improvements because some people just don't like it or won't allow themselves to. Which again, is fine, but there are other pretty awesome FGs to play and spend energy on if that's the case. It's weird to focus so much on something you don't like.

Lastly, in the video you attached, where part of Tom's argument is "positive videos are getting much more views than negative ones because people are buying the hype etc", then that simply means "much more people" like the game than dislike it. I find this a highlight of the lack of reflection, that there's no awareness when saying "they say I'm farming dislikes but it's not true because the likes are vastly superior". Oh, are they? Well if the likes are much higher than dislikes, one might say, that people, actually, wait for it, like the game now? Lol


no. MK1 will never silence the critics because most of the criticism for this game are just personal opinions masquerading as some objective truth.
people will still shit on this game regardless of how much they polish or improve it,
The above is why I voted "no." Doesn't matter what happens, people will always shit on it and over exaggerate, just like they always do.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
The facts:
  • A second Pro Tour, which consists of ten qualifying tournaments, has been announced.
  • Mortal Kombat 1 has also been confirmed for this year's EVO.
  • According to Ed Boon's most recent tweet, Mortal Kombat 1 has sold five million copies and further downloadable content will be available in the future.
  • Patches are typically well-received because of the addition of new moves as buffs for characters.
  • In terms of casual player participation, the game has ranked among PS5's "top 15 most played games" list. In terms of competitive gameplay and participation, the game has retained a stable online scene.
Continuous criticism:
  • The game's release was objectively bad in terms of single-player content, online gameplay, and balance.
  • Many players dislike the kameo system and its implementation.
  • Offline tournament participation is generally lower than what one would reasonably expect from a franchise as prominent as Mortal Kombat.
  • Khaos Reigns has been poorly received because of its initial cost, inadequate content, and awful story expansion.
  • Players are generally dissatisfied with the superhero guest characters such as Homelander, Omni-Man, and Peacemaker.
Community Division and Drama:

What do you guys think? Do you now consider Mortal Kombat 1 a (very) good product? How does the community move forward with Mortal Kombat 1?
I will answer this to a consumer standpoint
Has NRS patches and characters having new moves one at the time a good thing?
Yes, but the part that each character has to wait their turn for that it's kinda where is poorly executed

Has the game became better in terms of gameplay?
Yes, specially the DLCs

Has NRS solved any of the issues you had against the game since the beginning?
No, zero
While the characters have indeed evolved, and the meta has positive changes, the problems i have since launch are the same exact problems that still persist today and keep me for enjoying the game, these being:
No online improvement in africa and we have to play underwater
Terrible match making that we can't match against fellow africans even under the same city, house, etc
no lobbies
The input feel hasn't changed since launch so i'm pretty much stuck with where it started, some moves still having insane blockstun to actually do a command normal punish, yes it wasn't refined.

These issues have been there since launch and none of these has been fixed, if i have a criticism to NRS are these, these weren't adressed at any point in the game, even when chaos realm dropped, and on the current patch, which leads me to believe that NRS thinks it's okay for a game to be as it is

I wasn't expecting a replay-takeover implementation which came out of nowhere, but that's a nice surprice, i was just expecting them to not sit just in this one and go through with the rest of the changes, had they addressed the rest of the issues i had since launch, pretty sure MK1 would have a much active scene in africa and offline by now.


  • The game's release was objectively bad in terms of single-player content, online gameplay, and balance.
    • Yep, but who cares now. SFV is one of my favorites and it's also in the dumpster tier launch.
  • Many players dislike the kameo system and its implementation.
    • is what it is. They aren't ripping it out and while I still hate that the one mechanic they tried to make interact with it more (MB d2) doesn't do jack in most cases, it's still better.
  • Offline tournament participation is generally lower than what one would reasonably expect from a franchise as prominent as Mortal Kombat.
    • Obviously this is an issue but it's also an issue for a very small subset of people.
  • Khaos Reigns has been poorly received because of its initial cost, inadequate content, and awful story expansion.
    • YEUP. My wife has enjoyed the MK lore since the beginning, so she'll usually watch me play through. I didn't get Khaos reigns(yet) so she was going to spoil it on youtube and just gave the fuck up it was so bad.
  • Players are generally dissatisfied with the superhero guest characters such as Homelander, Omni-Man, and Peacemaker.
    • "Players" always whine about guest characters because it's the people who probably are huge fans. THose same players want fucking Kobra back, so congrats, you kinda sorta got him, he's ghostface. There's no world where they aren't adding guest characters of hugely popular series, AND of all the superhero guest characters those 3 are up there with Spawn as far as fit for the media.
Hell my only major issues with the game at this point is I can't fucking find the time to wipe the dust off and play and the lack of lobbies.

I do still wish they'd flesh out D2 MB as I really think that's a mechanic that solves sooo many little problems, and whatever Juggs thinks the combo flow for some characters is just fucking boring, but those are minor blemishes, not the major issue of shit like cyrax/lao hat at the start.


The only real remaining question is if the leak is true and the game's development is getting dropped. Even with all this good news, that doesn't mean it wasn't some decision much higher up the chain. Guess we'll see shortly. If this winds up as the final product it's "fine" but it's frustrating that they took so long to get here when so much of it was obvious issues from the start.
Hello there,

I would like to add just one thing. As someone that played MK1 since launch, and as someone that played fighting games and Mortal Kombat games for e very long time, I can add the single player content in MK1 was actually amazing. It was not objectively bad at all. The story mode is incredible, both in the base game and Khaos Reigns, Invasions is an awesome it combines Mortal Kombat with Pokemon (another favorite IP of mine) and it gives you of course Arcade, Survival, Versus and combo trials, and of course we got Towers of Time back. And since Invasions updates every season with Mesas that take a while to explore and finish, it gives MK1 a very strong single player replay value.

Compare that to SF6, only long-replay value mode is World Tour, and it sucks. No voice acting for huge chunk of the cinematics, only 2 big maps to explore, also using some Pokemon elements like Invasions but are done poorly, and many more issues, along with just horrible story that actually makes the SFV story look decent, and that says a lot. Extreme Battle and Team Battle have little to no replay value, and even Arcade mode, while it does have a few good endings, still leaves a lot to be desired.

And as for Tekken 8, that's even worse, as there's no really long-replay value single player mode unless you wanna count the Super Ghost mode which is just regular fights with no special conditions and just a different AI, and Tekken Ball of course has no long term value. And of course the story, both main story and Arcade quest, are just terrible as well. And once again, this is coming from someone who has played lots of fighting games over the years.

So regarding the question of this thread: With this and how all the updates for MK1 have gotten, MK1 have silenced the critics a long time ago, it's just that the critics are in denial and can't accept the reality in front of them.

That's all I have to say here, I will leave it at that.
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In Zoning We Trust
We expect better cause they've produced better in the past. Can't fault us for having criticism when we've seen them set the bar and fell behind that bar for years now.
Sure, but think about your complaints a year ago. Would it be fair to say many changes have happened since then? What is wrong with the current version of the game that makes it bad?

Don't say "kameos suck" or "buff/nerf X". What aspect of the current gameplay makes it inferior to other FGs or previous NRS games? Give specifics.


Administrator and Community Engineer
The game has majorly improved since it was launched.

I think we have to end this idea that a fighting game (and especially a Mortal Kombat game) can make everyone happy. They will not. Some of us will like some games and not others, and that's been true through this entire era.

There are still some things I'd love to see happen (practice while queuing would be nice, etc.). But it's wild to see people telling me that the Kameo system should never be in a game because they personally don't like the idea. It's important to know when a game is just not your thing, and to let other people enjoy it anyway.

When nonstop hate comes from a Youtuber who was never part of our community to begin with, and has never contributed positively to any of our events, it rings hollow. There will always be people farming outrage for views or dollars, and we shouldn't think that they speak for everybody.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
The game has majorly improved since it was launched.

One think I'd like to see though, is an end to this idea that a fighting game (and especially a Mortal Kombat game) can make everyone happy. They will not. Some of us will like some games and not others, and that's been true through this entire era.

There are still some things I'd love to see happen (practice while queuing would be nice, etc.). But I don't appreciate people telling me that the Kameo system should never be in a game because they personally don't like the idea. It's important to know when a game is just not your thing, and to let other people enjoy it anyway.

And espcially when it's coming from a Youtuber who was never part of our community to begin with, and has never contributed positively to anything, it rings hollow. There are always going to people farming outrage for views or dollars, and we shouldn't think that they speak for everybody.
Next MK game will be a switchable tag
The Kameo system being a huge testground can't be rulled out, just imagine, Mortal Kombat Tag


Personally, every single one of my day 1 issues with this game are still present. Gameplay was never really one of them. I'd have been ok with the Cyrax and Lao Kameo eras continuing for months to come and I was annoyed that counter play was available but none of it got used before patches deleted those Kamoe's from seeing play.

I'd like to think this is reality for most people that dumped MK1 early and never took a second look. People are just SO awful at rationalizing how they feel and constructing solid opinions. People like Aris took one attempt at matchmaking, realized he had to stare at an empty screen and get forced to play against Wi-Fi then left, and never looked back. Problems like that are what actually plague this game and why the greater FGC (rightfully) sees this game as a joke.


I like Tekken 8
Play the game if you think its fun and don't get your mustache in a twist over it.
I’m on this side now. Just play the damn game, or don’t. A lot of the time the FGC spends talking should be spent playing or doing something else.

That being said I do enjoy the New Era Podcast. I think the game is alright now but it deserved most of the hate it got. It was unfinished garbage. There’s nothing NRS can do to rewrite history. But it’s time to move forward.

Again play it, or don’t. I’ll be playing it.

Also I don’t care how good or bad the game is, there should always be praise and criticism because there is always room for improvement. Criticism keeps us all honest.
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In Zoning We Trust
The game has majorly improved since it was launched.

I think we have to end to this idea that a fighting game (and especially a Mortal Kombat game) can make everyone happy. They will not. Some of us will like some games and not others, and that's been true through this entire era.

There are still some things I'd love to see happen (practice while queuing would be nice, etc.). But it's wild to see people telling me that the Kameo system should never be in a game because they personally don't like the idea. It's important to know when a game is just not your thing, and to let other people enjoy it anyway.

When nonstop hate comes from a Youtuber who was never part of our community to begin with, and has never contributed positively to any of our events, it rings hollow. There will always be people farming outrage for views or dollars, and we shouldn't think that they speak for everybody.
Youtuber who was never part of our community to begin with, and has never contributed positively to any of our events, it rings hollow


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
You can't silence critics.. particularly a social media has monetised negative feedback..... but there is no doubt that MK1 is in a really good place right now and any objective look at the game would agree with that. I mean it is still MK1, so if you hate MK1 you will not suddenly like it, but the game, for people that do like it (like me), currently have a very healthy game to play.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
  • A second Pro Tour, which consists of ten qualifying tournaments, has been announced.
  • Mortal Kombat 1 has also been confirmed for this year's EVO.
  • According to Ed Boon's most recent tweet, Mortal Kombat 1 has sold five million copies and further downloadable content will be available in the future.
  • Patches are typically well-received because of the addition of new moves as buffs for characters.
  • In terms of casual player participation, the game has ranked among PS5's "top 15 most played games" list. In terms of competitive gameplay and participation, the game has retained a stable online scene.
Pretty much this... MK1 has performed so well, has a huge player base. There are so many large online communities running what is the modern equivalent to a local with 100s of live viewers and 100s of entrants as well.


MK1 is the best MK period.
Sure, but think about your complaints a year ago. Would it be fair to say many changes have happened since then? What is wrong with the current version of the game that makes it bad?

Don't say "kameos suck" or "buff/nerf X". What aspect of the current gameplay makes it inferior to other FGs or previous NRS games? Give specifics.
My complaints were never about buff or nerfs or begging for such things. Sure I was against the changes for cyrax which caused everyone to go to the next best kameo. I'm not going to dwell on that but I'll tell you why I dislike MK1.

People will tell you MK1 is all about gore, all about fatalities. Fast forward to the modern era with guest characters being what MK is all about. Collectively the is what MK is about as a whole.

But one thing is missing here that people fail to realize people fell in love with the characters. I mean isn't that what a fighting game consists of? People gravitate towards characters on how they are portrayed either in lore and gameplay. But when you molest this very fabric of a fighting game, you twist and contour and alter what made people love the franchise. It boils down to lore and how the character functions on the fight line. This is why MK1 gets criticism from me at least.


MK1 is the best MK period.
Cryax is still a super strong kameo.. just saying.
That's not why I don't like MK1 and I still used him after the nerfs with pre khaos reigns havik.

Did you not read what I posted? That's not why I dislike MK1.... Just saying.


MK1 is the best MK period.
This the type of shit that pisses me off. MFs want to input on something and don't know the context.

Don't try to check me on something I posted. Especially if it's not directed towards you and if so at least read the full discussion before trying to pull that low IQ bullshit on someone. I'm not the one.

Just saying..
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some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
Anyone that knows you knows that M2Dave is no NRS shill! lol... that is a total load of BS. You can be one of their harshest critics, and have been now and then when needed.


In Zoning We Trust
My complaints were never about buff or nerfs or begging for such things. Sure I was against the changes for cyrax which caused everyone to go to the next best kameo. I'm not going to dwell on that but I'll tell you why I dislike MK1.

People will tell you MK1 is all about gore, all about fatalities. Fast forward to the modern era with guest characters being what MK is all about. Collectively the is what MK is about as a whole.

But one thing is missing here that people fail to realize people fell in love with the characters. I mean isn't that what a fighting game consists of? People gravitate towards characters on how they are portrayed either in lore and gameplay. But when you molest this very fabric of a fighting game, you twist and contour and alter what made people love the franchise. It boils down to lore and how the character functions on the fight line. This is why MK1 gets criticism from me at least.
If that's your main issues then yes I can understand that, makes more sense since so much has changed in the story and the characters this game. Soul Calibur V tried a new story where they brought in like half the cast being new and a bunch of changes, and it was so ill received that the game literally never recovered lol, so I'm sure for someone who is big on those aspects it's going to damper their experience.