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Sub-Zero Kombos

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the best follow up with sonya after ExSlide?
Credit to @Dankster Morgan + every other Sub who was doing this before me . I just took it into the lab to give you a few other options that weren't listed

(Original Follow-up) B2, JI12, F12xxSlide nets you 249 in damage and no extra resources

B2, JI12xxSquare Wave Kameo, 4xxSlide Squeezes out a bit more damage at 258, if you have the Kameo meter to spend
B2, JI21xxSquare Wave Kameo, 4xxSlide will give you 276 for damage, but requires you to hit the B2 just right so you get enough juggle height out of the opponent for Sonya to hit. Bit tighter than the other routes. Obviously, this also requires the Kameo meter for the extra Square Wave.

If you're in the corner, you have similar options, as well as the option to add in a clone for a bit more juice

B2, JI12, F12xxClone, JIKxxSlide for 260
B2, JI21xxClone, JI21xxDive Kick for 267
B2, JI21xxSquare Wave Kameo, JI21xxClone, JI21xxDive Kick
for 297

Also, off of a jump kick, you can follow the very first route, just without the B2 for 260

The difference in damage numbers isn't crazy by any means..but with Sub, every little bit counts, right? LOL
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Some Sub High DMG 1-2BAR Cyrax Kombos I ran into on YouTube after patch:
Credit to CapDayne Levi on YouTube
First one is a midscreen 3Bar for 43% but you can do 2Bars to get 41%
• 51% 1Bar
• 54% 2Bar
• 57.8 3Bar + FB
• 58.7% 2Bar
• 59.1% 2BAR without Fatal Blow
• 62.6% 2Bar + FB
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Ninjas > Special Forces
Anyone have good Goro kombos? I'm trying to learn kameos other than Sareena again. With Goro, I get 30% meterless with 1 Goro bar, but can't get above that. Even adding a bar of meter only adds another couple percent


Anyone have good Goro kombos? I'm trying to learn kameos other than Sareena again. With Goro, I get 30% meterless with 1 Goro bar, but can't get above that. Even adding a bar of meter only adds another couple percent
Best i've seen is 400:

b2, b2, j21, goro up punch, j21 xx MB dive kick, j21 xx clone, j12 xx dive kick

Obviously the j21 xx clone portion only works in the corner, but this does carry them quite far. I haven't had time to lab what you do if you're landing something like this from the corner.

Further as with many optimal sub combos, you're probably not landing raw b2 vs anyone decent. Not sure how badly this scales from an EX vapor starter.


Ninjas > Special Forces
Best i've seen is 400:

b2, b2, j21, goro up punch, j21 xx MB dive kick, j21 xx clone, j12 xx dive kick

Obviously the j21 xx clone portion only works in the corner, but this does carry them quite far. I haven't had time to lab what you do if you're landing something like this from the corner.

Further as with many optimal sub combos, you're probably not landing raw b2 vs anyone decent. Not sure how badly this scales from an EX vapor starter.
Thx man. I'll give it a shot, but I'm not really feeling Goro, tbh. Got my mid screen kombo up to about 32% meterless, and corner 36% meterless, but I'm just not finding Goro that much fun to play, and his meter takes FOREVER to recharge. We'll see, maybe I'll stick it out a bit longer


Thx man. I'll give it a shot, but I'm not really feeling Goro, tbh. Got my mid screen kombo up to about 32% meterless, and corner 36% meterless, but I'm just not finding Goro that much fun to play, and his meter takes FOREVER to recharge. We'll see, maybe I'll stick it out a bit longer
For what it's worth I've been enjoying him. I posted this in match footage, but
is a pretty good example of how to use goro.

Most key, you don't always use his raise the roof, because yeah it takes forever. Punchwalk is questionable (good for getting space but I think you can only combo off sub's very slow mid), but the goro throw both gives sub another way to convert combos (that might scale less than vapors) and has some interesting mixup situations with his b3,4 string. Oh and you can also somehow combo off goro's stomp with sub, although i'm not quite sure how he did that.

I'm not sure he's sub's best kameo, but I think he'll be extremely good should sub get some love down the line.


Double posting just to put down some combo stuff. If i can actually get decent at this maybe i'll compile it all so we have a goro combo list.

Meter: M for Meter K for Kameo meter.
K for kameo in combos.

With Goro:

Low starer, 348, hit conformable, 1M1K
b34, dK, j21, landing clone, j21 xx M dive kick, 3 xx slide

Notes: Seems like a really good combo to setup/learn since you can mix it up with b3 xx bK to have a pseduo overhead/low mixup (since goro will grab them if they're crouching). I suspect better players will just stand block once they see goro, as even calling K/fK will leave them safe, but you can also wind up super plus (nooot that sub's got a ton to do with that right now).

Armored low starter, ??, 1M1K??:
M slide, K, j21, ???

Notes: MB slide into combo seems like a great idea in theory, but i'm having a hell of a time routing this. I'm sure doing j12 is probably easier to land and figure out, but I'd like to see what damage he can squeeze from this since he needs what he can get.

Mid starter, 185, 1K:
f12 xx fK

Worth noting just because it's the only way i've found for sub to combo into punch walk. You're probably going to be better off most matchups doing bK instead since it'll give more damage, but if you want to get them the fuck away from you to setup your anemic zoning game (vs cage/baraka) it's not a bad option, and goro's meter recharges faster this way.

Todo: route the M slide and the bK combos. See about stomp setups (i know clockwork has at least one. Looks like slide ending in corner with the stomp call while slide is still ending, then yolo overhead?).

Notes on the 37% 1 bar combo generic:

Example (not my twitter):

Overhead starter, 1M:
b2, b2, j21, landing clone, j21 xx M dive kick, dash, 3 xx slide.

So naturally not only is sub weak in other areas, but his "best" 1M bnb is a bitch of combo to get down with a bunch of room for fucking up. After spending some time on it, some things I wish I knew, broken into sections-

1. b2, b2:
You need to hesitate slightly between both of these, but if you're having trouble getting that timing, you CAN land the rest of the combo with only a single b2.

2. b2, j21:
Start holding up+forward to jump BEFORE the b2 animation finishes so you jump as early as possible. Further you'll want to try and hit the j21 quite early. I swear to god this eats my inputs all the time but that's another fiasco.

3. j21, landing clone:
Wait until you're clear of the j21 cancel window so you don't do it in the air, but you still want to enter the clone command BEFORE you hit the ground so, again, it comes out super early.

4. landing clone, j21 xx M dive kick:
The vid shows the ideal height for this to hit at, but you'd be surprised how much lower you can technically land the j21 xx M dive kick. That said, something to be said for not being greedy. If you think it's too low you can swap into j3 xx slide for less damage, but at least get something.

5. M dive kick, dash, 3 xx slide:
Just note the dash in there. You can buffer the dash while the dive kick animation is playing and push 3 basically as soon as possible and get it all, but if you just try to walk forward you're super likely to whiff the slide and eat shit for it.

6. Adding a more realistic starter (like 21 xx M vapors) makes it 2M1K for 330ish (i haven't tested in a bit).

So yeah...good luck.


Dojo Trainee
midscreen 1 bar 1 kameo with sareena for 401.09

f12xxb+kameo,dash b2,b2,jump2,(delay)1××db4EX,microdash in to forward jump air12,s3xxbf3

the micro dash cancle to forward jump is necessary for the s3xxbf3 to land,otherwise the bf3 whifs no matter which button you cancle it from.
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Dojo Trainee
Maximum swag no damage

j2xxairDb4,f12xxdf4Ex,jump over2xxairDb4,f12xxdf4Ex,jump over 2xxairDb4,f12xxdf4Ex,jump over 2xxairDb4,f12xxsareena b+kameo,instant airDb4,f12xxsareena b+kameo,dash b2,b2,air 21, clone on landing,jump air12,3xxbf3



I really just do not get how cyrax copter scales in combos. It's so damn weird. You could route the exact same thing using sub meter/different kameo in place of the copter/slide, and get literally half the damage. Not just because the copter is doing a ton of damage, but because the Fatal Blow would scale like shit.


I guess thinking about it more, this might be because copter can pick up slide, and the same reason reiko/darrius can get stupid damage. Might be the combo scaling gets tricked by the slide/command grab....or i'm bad at math. Both possible.
Well I think I have been able to find the highest damage midscreen combo you can get with no meter, and no Kameo. I know it isn’t super practical cause it has to come from raw b2, but if you us Sareena you can convert pretty easily for some respectable damage. Combo is a little tricky, but it is nice since it is a natural side switch.



Dojo Trainee
37 percent meterless with 1 Kameo (Sonya) and stupid easy.

B2 ~ J21 ~ 34 -> Kameo(SW) ~ F12 -> slide

This route seems to give the least amount of damage scaling

EDIT: found an optimal actually that is slightly different but harder for 39 percent.

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Can someone tell me how to get j21 into clone consistently please? I can only get it 50% of the time you lot make it look easy lol


Can someone tell me how to get j21 into clone consistently please? I can only get it 50% of the time you lot make it look easy lol
You have to delay before inputting the Klone. It should come out when you hit the ground, not in the air.


You have to delay before inputting the Klone. It should come out when you hit the ground, not in the air.
Yeah getting the clone out isn't the problem, they just seem to miss it 50% the time. Like, the fall too far away, but only ever so slightly


Yeah getting the clone out isn't the problem, they just seem to miss it 50% the time. Like, the fall too far away, but only ever so slightly
You need to hit second b2 as soon as possible so you get highest launch and then immidiatly jump in air and do 21. Thats it. You are either doing b2 late or jump 21 late and not in highest point and thats why it drops.
Well I think I have been able to find the highest damage midscreen combo you can get with no meter, and no Kameo. I know it isn’t super practical cause it has to come from raw b2, but if you us Sareena you can convert pretty easily for some respectable damage. Combo is a little tricky, but it is nice since it is a natural side switch.

Very late to this, but thanks for the combo! I think hitting another j21 off the Klone into s3~Slide does more damage, but that combo is super hard, and like you say, having the option to side switch is super practical. Kinda reminds me of Sub's combos from I2, lol.
Found this after a few months of playing Sub+Scorpion (don't know why I didn't think to try it before) and am now stupid hype to have what amounts to fan lift combos anytime I have kameo bar:

Does anyone know why Sub-Khamelon combos off of Jade's glaive does inconsistent damage, and how to consistently get the higher damage?
Does anyone know why Sub-Khamelon combos off of Jade's glaive does inconsistent damage, and how to consistently get the higher damage?
You have to hit at the exact same time as the returning glaive which (for whatever reason) makes that hit unscaled, upping the damage.