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Help Selecting a serious main

Hi, I've been playing mortal kombat 9 since it came out, but at a very casual level. Unlike street fighter, I've never really gone to mk tournaments or taken it too seriously. I think part of the problem is that I've never really found a character I truly enjoy using. I like the game enough, and want to get more serious but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I've always really liked having a patient style, where the focus is less on rushing down and getting in your face so much as it is reacting or punishing (been a Zangief main since Street Fighter 2). Who would be my best choice for a character that would fit that style (if anyone). I don't particularly care where they are on the tier list, if I enjoy the playstyle I'll find a way to get decent enough with them. Would definitely appreciate some help. Thanks


Dojo Trainee
This may be my personal bias talking, but Sektor sounds a bit like what you would like. Good zoning and keep-away game, great anti-zoning tools for punishing and with debatable rush-down capabilities.

I would recommend playing though the Story Mode and Challenge tower before you commit to any one character first though, if you haven't already.
I have done story mode and about 1/3 of the challenge tower, but again, I did that as soon as I got the game back in what, April? Most of my wins there came from random 3 hit combos and throws. Either way, I may as well have a clean slate here.


Scrublord McGee
Smoke and Raiden sound right up your alley. You can't really play either of them proactively, but they do one heck of a job punishing mistakes due to teleports, superman, and smoke bomb.


Dojo Trainee
I have done story mode and about 1/3 of the challenge tower, but again, I did that as soon as I got the game back in what, April? Most of my wins there came from random 3 hit combos and throws. Either way, I may as well have a clean slate here.
It may be worth it to go back through at least story mode again then, if that's the case. That will reacquaint you with a large chunk of the cast. Everyone else (all the bad guys) you can hop into practice mode for.
Hmm that might not be a bad idea, I haven't really tried smoke, raiden, or sektor really outside of being forced to use them in story mode. I could definitely give them a try. Also, what about the dlc chars? I know very little about them. Do you think I would like any of them? Thanks again for the advice.


I don't want to create another CYM thread, so mind if I recycle this?

I'm having the same issue, I can't choose my main. I started the game with Reptile and Scorpion, but there was something that I didn't like (dunno what it is tho). I tried Kabal but my fingers are way too slow for constant dash cancels (blisters all over my thumbs, so kudos to Kabal mainers)

I prefer someone who's good at mind games or somehow un usual style. I don't know if anyone has played Yoshimitsu from Soul Calibur IV, but a character similar to him would be cool.

I don't like a pure turtle, more of a jack of all trades.

I've been trying Quan, but he seems to be kinda useless when he's out of meter. Sure he can deal roughly 40% with Rune trap, but once you get caught by let's say Cyrax you're pretty much done for.

STB Bodam

"Game... Blouses."
I think Ermac, Kenshi, Mileena, Raiden, Sektor or Sub Zero would be right up your alley.

Jack of all trades? Baraka, Cyber Sub Zero, Kano, Liu Kang, Nightwolf, Rain, Shang Tsung, Skarlet or Stryker


Maybe you should try out Shang Tsung. My method was (besides maining Jade from the first trailer of her gameplay): I picked a character based on my sympathy, exterior so to say, played a couple of ladder matches, taken to practice mode and just enjoyed playing him. If I feel I want to try another one, I do so without looking back on the last one (which were Jax, Ermac, Kitana, Kabal,Baraka, Sektor, Rain, Kenshi and maybe others), but if I still play the present one e becomes my other character I use (which are Cage, Noob, Shang atm). So it's actually a feeling you must have of some kind. But, if you want to compete at tournaments I think you should at least try the top tiers, maybe you'll find someone in there that fits you well.

STB Bodam

"Game... Blouses."
Thanks for the quick answer but the next question: which of those has the best mind game?
If it's mind games you want -- you're asking the right guy, homie. Rain is the way to go, if you don't like him I'd recommend Quan Chi or Sonya. But if you really wanna learn Rain, I could definitely show you just about everything he has to offer (even if I can't execute it as well as BookBurning or CD jr 's).

Who knows, man?

You could be better than me in just a few days. My game has a lot of flaws but I know what works and what doesn't. I've just developed some bad habits and was slow to really wrap my head around the offensive and defensive pokes. But believe me, I tend to base my whole game (when I'm truly playing my best) on mind games almost exclusively.


Go to hell.
Ermac thrives on space control, patience, huge punishment, and mind games. He also has decent rushdown.
I'd say Raiden is another good choice, then Smoke, but his projectile does no chip so eventually you will have to get in their face.
Kenshi can lame it out, decent combos, good rushdown, great zoning, tons of armor.

Based on your description, I'd go Ermac or Kenshi. If you want heavier zoning go Kenshi. If you want big combos and a punish style of play, go Ermac.