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I’m drunk right now.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I am a perpetual lightweight. I'm 200 lbs at 5'11" and I don't have any better tolerance than when I was 160 lbs 5 years ago. Plus alcoholism in my family, can't do it haha

Art Lean

@-Sub-Zero- I've been to hell and back, and then back to hell again because I think I left my shoes in the hotel room. Honestly been to both sides of the spectrum with alcohol and healthy-living to try cope with it all, if you ever need someone to chat to, give me a PM. I was once 4 years teetotal, and two decades later, 4 years alcoholic and unable to sleep without multiple liters in me. I shocked myself in how much I'd changed. Nowadays I hopefully try to reach a balance.

All's good fun in moderation, but don't let it be a coping mechanism, and I very much know what it's like for it to become one. Here if you need someone to chat to, sounds like you have a lot going on man, and that's cool, it's you, just know you're in control of your temptations and there's people to chat to here if you need to. You're not wrong for needing a drink when life gets hard, many of us need an escape, just don't let the alcohol escape be the only answer, because it never is.

But enjoy your drinks if they make you happy. No judgment here, but if you ever need to talk, hit me up :)
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