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London UK casuals every week at Gamerbase

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
I R SILLY AMERICAN.... what is the time difference for this type of event? Just compare the venue you are going to be at with the Eastern Time Zone. plzkthx? :)


Get staffed bro
I R SILLY AMERICAN.... what is the time difference for this type of event? Just compare the venue you are going to be at with the Eastern Time Zone. plzkthx? :)
There's no stream anyway. Some of the matches will probably be recorded however. Tune in later to watch me body all comers.

*above statement may not be true*


"Strength isn't everything"
I hate everyone who can go to this simply because I can't.

*the above statement is 100% certified*
*UsedForGlue is also not an equal opportunities employer*


Ancestors give me Strength!!
im jealous i cant make it tonight...i have a day off tomorrow too but im gigging in london on saturday and have to practice tonight! BALLS!!

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
Find out if they ask about age or not. If they dont I'll come down the next time everyone else is going. :3

Also have fun tonight everyone who is going, cant wait to see some match videos. Make sure f0xy doesn't baby anyone. :)


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Wow, I'll be at Troca next week for sure. (I'm MEGA rusty though, so I'm liable to stick with Sektor and Sub, with outdated punishers at that >_<)
Two questions for any regulars:
1) Can I buy a converter on the same night? (I have a DualShock 2 ready)
2) Any chance of getting them to host MK2/UMK3 too via MK:AK? :p


Wow, awesome turn out! Sorry I was one of the last to arrive and one of the first to leave, that's my fault as I only looked at train times very last minute today. Had a good ol' chinwag with Mustard and wow, his Cyrax is something else. Im so used to playing these Cyrax players fishing for the reset trap, but this guy uses Cyrax to his max! He even started owning me with one of my own mains, Baraka :s but that just shows that I need to use footsies way more.

Also played against a pretty good Smoke! Not sure who he was, but we had some pretty good back and forth matches, Smoke vs Kano.

Sorry I didn't really get a chance to play/speak to anyone else, i'll get up earlier next time. Also saw Foxxy's Sonya and Cage in action, and all I can say again is WOW. Though there was a good SZ giving him troubles!


KomegaK, you should come down to the next one. It's not like there was anyone checking ID at the door. Im pretty sure you'd get away with it.

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
I'll try and get down for the 16th, thats probably the earliest one I can go to. Doubt many will be there that week because of WGC though


It cost me 23 quid to get there return, which isn't too bad, and about 90 minutes travelling but I probably cant do this every week. If I can, i'll try and do once a fortnight or once every 3 weeks at the very least.

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
Yeah same situation with me, it's on college days too which is my main problem, thers a lot of open days and shit coming up though so I'll try to book around them. Hopefully I'll be able to go down on days where lots of others are too.

Anyone know if they'll be there for definite on the 16th?


"More stealthful than the night"
Premium Supporter
Aboslutely brilliant session tonight guys, really impressed with the turnout, there must have been over 15 of us and for a casual session thats ace :)

had some good games and i have high hopes for the future of mk in the UK. :D

in two weeks most of us are flying off to france for WGC, but after that hopefully these will become a solid regular thing, no matches were recorded tonight unfortunately, but that wasnt really our main focus, mk is very much still alive in the UK, and dont worry read, you were too busy winning the marvel tournament ;)


Aboslutely brilliant session tonight guys, really impressed with the turnout, there must have been over 15 of us and for a casual session thats ace :)

had some good games and i have high hopes for the future of mk in the UK. :D

in two weeks most of us are flying off to france for WGC, but after that hopefully these will become a solid regular thing, no matches were recorded tonight unfortunately, but that wasnt really our main focus, mk is very much still alive in the UK, and dont worry read, you were too busy winning the marvel tournament ;)
record any matches? :(


we didnt, today was more about seeing the kind of turnout we might have, dont fret though, we'll get some footage next time :)
London MK9 Casual or even tournament footage = guaranteed FRONT ____ exposure. Fill in the blank. ;)


Great games to all I played last night. This game is so much better offline, where you can actually react instead of predict!

Last hour took its toll, brain and eyes had all they could take by then!

Everyone was laid back and helpful too, very welcoming. Would urge everyone and anyone to at least try it if you're mming n ahing.

Also no-one checked ID or anything of the sort, so Omega get your ass down here!


GGs to everybody, I had a fucking great night. Watching Ketchup and picking up tips makes me feel like I levelled up overnight.

The transition to offline from online is insane, took me a couple of hours to adjust and overcome nerves but I'm so glad I went. You'll be seeing me there pretty much weekly.

Like Mustard said, this gives me alot of hope for the future of the game and the scene. The people I met last night completely nullified all those teabagging tier-whore scrubs I bump into in ranked all the time. Nice to see the room was a Kabal-free zone too :)

Add me on XBL - Temjiin