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Unpopular Opinion : This entire website needs to be taken down and rebuilt anew.


1. Has almost always worked fine for me.

2. You might want to install something like ublock origin and experiment with blocking certain site features on your end first to see if there's any difference. Web issues come from all sorts of different sources and "tear it down and start over" isn't just expensive as hell, but not super likely to fix anything unless you know the cause.

3. Whatever happens, I really hope we keep an ACTUAL forum like we have now. I can hope through the threads here and find pretty updated guides on just about anyone in any game. Navigating things like reddit/discord/twitter for older content or meaningful discussion is a mess, and it all evaporates the moment the game loses momentum. Discord and friends really aren't a good substitute.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Yeah, fuck this site. Burn it all dow-

Err...I mean. No. How could you suggest such a thing. You monster.


rather than shit being buried in a Discord
I've been saying this for years. For information retention and finding that info a forum is the best way to go.

How Discord or even Twitter turned into places where people discuss stuff is beyond me. It's like trying to have a conversation with 20 people and everyone is talking over each other. And then in 5mins the conversation is completely forgotten about.


FGC Cannon Fodder
We've got plans in the works for some upcoming improvements, but yeah, the cost for any kind of upgrades is pretty staggering.
I've been that cost. Next to never does anyone really know how much time and money it costs to make something. Then sets in the battle of being constantly asked to make quality compromises to hit a BS deadline nobody actually doing the work endorsed in the first, second, or third place.

You rally. You get something out. Then you put out a few fires and get asked to do it again because hey, it all worked out last time.

At that point you say "WE aren't going to do such and such next thing. I'm going to bounce, and spend a couple months rearranging furniture and playing SF6 and hope that gets me rested up enough to deal with some other place's unrealistic expectations". Or something like that - says a "friend"


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
@Jynks it sounds like there's an issue with your internet rather than the site. It seems to work consistently for everyone else, so it might be worth doing some diagnostics to see where your connection issues are coming from.
not sure how that can be, as it is literally just this site that has the issue...

example of the error I get 1/2 the time I access this account.



Come Thunder! Come Lightning!
Site is fine and it does sound like a you problem indeed. Try to download an app called "simple DNScrypt", it may help you fix your connection issues.

KiD INsAnitY

Z of The Leaf -Team R.A.N
It’s loads up 95% of the time for me. Phone and Pc..idk Sounds like a specific “you” problem .., rather keep the site intact before they really break it and we lose even more history here. Nahh


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Believe, this site is much better than Twitter and Discord, when treating MK subject related to games ..... at least this gather here more mature and true MK fans, instead of annoying fake generation z fanboys, lol ! :D


example of the error I get 1/2 the time I access this account.
I get this on occasion as well (def. not 1/2 the time), but i just leave it be and come back another time. There's nothing on this site that i need to have right now.

I'm in AU as well (shows sydney in the pic)...possibly some dodgy routing going on downunder?

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Lol sure thing. I assume I can send you the bill?
i don't think it needs a new site, just some features updates imo, like the emojis are probably the main thing, as there is still no compatibility with smartphones emojis, i think this is the biggest one.

All other are minor adjustments, but doesn't seem to warrant an overhaul.